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.She admired the place as she put more and more distance between her and Robert Dawson.Anything to keep her mind off what she’d just heard.Spotting a small seating area with a couple of chairs, she wandered over.She had just taken a seat when two men walked by and glanced over at her.The big one, who sported dark hair and a full beard, stopped, and smiled at her.Since he was staring at her, Aubrey gave him a small wave.He grinned wider and sauntered to her.“Jamie!” the other man with him called.The guy, Jamie, just waved over his shoulder for the other man to follow.“Hi,” Jamie said, standing in front of her.“Hello,” she greeted back cautiously.He seemed way too happy to be in her presence.He was bouncing on the toes of his feet while he tapped his index finger against his thigh.The other stranger joined them and offered her a shoulder shrug.“Sorry about this.”She frowned, not understanding.“So I’m Jamie and this is Zak.”“Um, Aubrey.”“I know!”She shifted in her seat, uncomfortable with the two men towering over her.Zak grabbed Jamie’s arm and pulled him back some.Jamie seemed to also realise that she wasn’t at ease and he sat right next to her.“So I heard you were thrown off a bridge today.”“Jamie!” Zak snapped.It was okay, though.The question surprised a laugh out of her.“Yeah, I guess I was.”“And then Cody came to your rescue.That is sooo romantic,” Jamie claimed with a roll of his eyes and a hand to his heart.This time Zak laughed with her.“Are you friends with Cody?”“What!” Jamie practically shrieked.“He didn’t tell you about his two best friends?”“Gee, I wonder why he wouldn’t have,” Zak mumbled and sat in the only remaining empty chair.“Now, Zak,” Jamie said with a pout.“If Cody’s embarrassed about us, we need to know.” Then he turned to Aubrey.“I don’t know about you, but I think you and I are going to be great friends.”Aubrey’s cheeks were hurting from smiling.She wouldn’t have thought that such a huge, scary-looking guy could be such a character.She patted his arm.“I think so too.”“Awesome!” Jamie looked pleased and stuck his tongue out at Zak.Zak shook his head, even as his lips twitched.“You’re explaining this one to Cody.I’m not taking any responsibility.”Jamie chuckled.“Cody’s a pussy cat.”Zak growled.Jamie leaned closer to her, snorting.“Actually Zak here is a pussy cat.”She tried to smother her laugh as a cough, but wasn’t very successful.Zak slouched in his chair and smiled kindly at her.“So tell me all about flying in human form.”Chapter SeventeenCody was so tired.He wasn’t sure that he had ever been so exhausted in his life.Robert Dawson was absolutely one hundred per cent crazy.He was proud of the lives he’d taken, the people he would have killed if he hadn’t been caught.The fact that he’d confessed to everything should be enough to put him away for a very long time.Dawson had chosen Lake Worth because he’d seen Gregory on television one time.He’d had nothing against Gregory or anyone else.Robert Dawson was just evil.He spoke quietly with his team in the hallway while they waited for the agents to come get Dawson.They still had a lot of work to do.The investigation into all the crimes Robert Dawson had committed had really just begun.“Where’s Aubrey?” he asked, once all the work had been assigned for the next day.He was ready to get his girl and take her home.“She’s in the break area,” Byron informed him with a grin.Cody frowned at him, but he only smiled back.“Okay, after they come and transport Dawson, go ahead and head home.We’ll hit it hard in the morning.The Commander has a press conference scheduled for seven, so let’s get here before then.”After his team gave him their affirmative, Cody left them to track down Aubrey.It had been hours since he’d seen her and he needed to be able to touch her again.Even though Robert Dawson had pushed him during the interrogation, Cody had managed to control his temper.Just the thought of Aubrey being in that madman’s presence set his teeth on edge.Logically he knew that she was completely safe at the Coalition and that his fear wasn’t rational.But Dawson was certifiable and he’d had Aubrey!He turned the corner to where she was and stopped short.She was, in fact, resting in the break seating area.However, she wasn’t alone.Next to her, Jamie had his arm around the back of her chair and Aubrey was asleep on his shoulder [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]