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.He hurt you, Emma, and I attacked just like he does.Fuck me, I’m not him and don’t want you to think of me like that.”“I don’t.”“I saw it in your eyes.You didn’t want me, and I didn’t blame you.But damn it, that hurt.”I kiss him, lightly at first, then stronger.“I want you in every way.Trust me.Believe me.” My lips press to his again, and I kiss him hard, deep, needing to show him that there’s nothing he can say that will make me walk away.“Believe you.” He clasps my face, holding my mouth to his.The kiss is intense.Consuming.I can’t breathe, and I don’t care.I just need him.A noise outside tears us apart.Ryan’s car has pulled up to the beach house, and everyone is piling out.I’m panting.He’s flushed.My lips feel swollen.My nipples are painfully hard and visibly outlined in my bikini top.“Shit.” Grayson’s grip flexes.“You good for a minute?”What does that even mean? I nod, slowing my breaths on purpose.“Yeah.”Grayson and his erection move to a kitchen chair, and I fumble, making sure my bathing suit is where it should be.It’s not, and I fix it right as Courtney and Melanie walk in the door, their mouths moving a mile a minute, jabbering about whatever, with arms full of grocery bags.The guys are behind them with a case of beer—which means Ryan’s priceless ID worked yet again—and a bag of charcoal for the grill.One stare from Melanie, and I know I’m busted.Twenty seconds ago, I couldn’t breathe.Of course it would be obvious that something was happening.She bursts out in giggles, raising a knowing eyebrow.It sets off a chain reaction with Courtney.“Christ, man.The kitchen?” Ryan mumbles but has nothing more to say.Grayson ignores them, stands to grab my hand, and tugs.“Let’s go.”He wastes no time in showing us to the room he’s sharing with Ryan, and he slides the lock on the door.I bite my lip, unsteady under Gray’s intense stare.“What are we doing?” I whisper.“Ignoring the future.”My heart falls and jumps.Again with his fear of tomorrow, but does that mean he’ll give me what I want?“I’m not going to sleep with you, Emma.Not here.Like this.Not… now.”“Okay.” Good.This isn’t how I want it anyway, in some room he shares with my brother after we were basically caught making out.Nothing romantic about that.And I want it all: the future, the man, the feelings, and the emotion.“But I am going to memorize every inch of your body.”Holy crap, I can’t even begin to process what that will entail.The way he said it was predatory, and even as I stare, turned on and disillusioned, the timber of his voice crawls through me, sliding down my spine.“Lie down, Ems.”And carefully, nervously, I do.When he sits beside me, the bed dips.He’s by my ankles, and I’m lying stick straight.Again, my breaths fall faster just because of him, and it’s so obvious on my back in my bathing suit.Not much to hide behind.But he looms over me with his giant, tan shoulders beautifully within reach.The definition of his chest is scarily sharp.We watch each other until I realize that I’m no longer stiff and straight but relaxed, loose, and aroused.His hand picks up my right foot.It tickles, and I twitch, which makes him smile.“Easy, baby.”Baby.My heart stops.That’s it.I’m done.If Ems did something magical to me before, baby knocked me stratospheric.I ease for him.Relax for him.I’ll do anything for him, but now all I do is exist as his strong hands glide up my calf and over my knee to massage my thigh.He spends a delicious eternity repeating the unhurried move before switching to my other leg.The process is repeated in its slow entirety.I’m putty in his hands, and as much as I want to touch him, that’s apparently not what our moment now is about.“Turn over,” he whispers, and I do.Gray toys with my hair, brushing it off my shoulders.His fingers trace my spine, running and rubbing my skin, making me squirm.Then he loosens the knot at my neck and the clasp at my back, letting my bikini top fall off even though I’m on my stomach.“You’re perfect.You know that, right?” He draws closer to me.His body lies parallel but shifts and folds over me.His kiss stuns me when it touches the nape of my neck and slides down my back, following the same path his fingers took.As my skin erupts into shivers, I twist to him, needing so much more, but he holds me in place, kissing my back, all the way to the base of my spine, right to the top of the bikini bottoms.I lick my lips.“I’m perfect when I’m with you.”He turns me over, my chest bare to him.I don’t move to cover or shy away.I’ve never felt more beautiful than right now.His eyes drink me in, and whatever his fear of the future is, I believe it can be dealt with.“Sleep with me tonight.” His fingertips skim over my skin.“Like sleep.”The genuine carefulness in his words stills my heart.I nod.The sun hasn’t set, we haven’t had dinner, but if he wants to go to bed now, kissing and sleeping until tomorrow, I’ve never been more ready for bed.And that’s what we do [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]