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.I have to leave out a bunch of stuff for now.The models and magazine people arrive for the shoot, and we get started.I don’t get to see Owen for lunch since Yasmin comes by to see me.She looks terrible, with bags under her eyes.She’s lost some weight, too.I haven’t seen her look this bad since last time Scott and her broke up, when she almost lost her store and her house.“Honey, you need to work this out with Scott.I’m totally fine with you doing whatever it takes to save your marriage.I know you love me, and I don’t need you to side with me against him.You’re miserable.”“This isn’t just about you.It’s about him talking about betrayal and crap again.Owen told him there were no sides, but he still thinks it’s me against him.He’s texted to tell me that he’s seeing his therapist this week, and setting up regular times again, but he won’t do a joint session with me.”“Maybe he’s embarrassed and wants to get himself straightened out again first.”“I can’t keep going through this, Candi.I love him, but I just can’t do it.”“Give him another chance, Yasmin.When you love someone, chances shouldn’t run out unless something like cheating happens.I know you two can get past this.”“Are you going to finally listen to Owen?”“I think I’m almost there.Maybe the four of us should get together and talk.”“Well, I’m open for it.I don’t know if Scott is.”“Can you have Owen ask him? You two are still talking, right?”“Yeah, we are.He stood up for me with his family.He’s a really good guy.I’ll have him call Scott.”I don’t tell her that I know how good a guy Owen is.Once we can talk some sense into her and Scott, Owen and I will reveal that we’re back together.I hope this works.The afternoon goes pretty smoothly.I get the shots the client wants.The model, Troy, is one of the guys I took to the bar with me when Olivia called me.She was happy to see him again, but has to leave to study before we’re finished.Troy asks if I can take a couple shots for his portfolio.I’m happy to do it.We’re joking around when I accidentally spill coffee all over my shirt in between shots.I don’t have any clothes down here yet, but I’m not going to wear a shirt with hot liquid on it.I have a sports bra on, which covers more than any of my bikinis, so I take my shirt off.Troy makes a sexy comment, but I tell him I’m spoken for already, and there’s no way anything’s going to happen.He gets it and we continue working.After we’re done, I go to give Troy a friendly hug goodbye, like I always do.He pulls me in tight and doesn’t let go right away.“Are you sure about not wanting to have a little fun with me, Candi?”“Yes, I’m sure,” I tell him as I start to pull away.He tightens his hold on me for a few seconds, and then lets me go.He’s smirking which makes no sense since I just turned him down.Whatever.Guys are a whole other species.I put my equipment away once he’s gone and grab my shirt to take upstairs and wash.I’ve just gotten off the elevator when I hear the sound of things crashing in Owen’s apartment.I run to his door and open it, ducking as a lamp flies into the wall next to me.Owen is looking a little crazed.“What the hell, Owe?”“I only asked you for one thing, Candi.Just one thing.I even offered to get on my knees and beg.Why couldn’t you just do that one thing for me?”“What the fuck are you talking about?”“I’m talking about how we made love all night, but you still needed someone else.I saw you with that guy’s hands all over you.You still have your shirt off.”“First of all, no one had their hands all over me.I hugged one of my friends who was modeling for me today.Just a hug.”“Just a hug? That’s why he was smirking when he saw me.”“Motherfucker.I knew there was something weird about how he was smirking after I turned him down.”“You turned him down?”“Of course I did.How could you think I would cheat on you?”“Well, what about your shirt being off?”I hold up my shirt.“I spilled coffee all over it and didn’t have any clothes downstairs.I didn’t feel like having burning liquid on me, and since I had my sports bra on, I decided I was covered enough.”“I would’ve given you a shirt.”“I really didn’t think it was a big deal.I’ve been at pool parties that Troy was at while I was in a bikini that covered much less.”“I’m an idiot.”“I would disagree, except for the fact that I’m standing in the middle of a destroyed living room.”“Apparently I don’t handle jealousy very well.”“You think?”“I did plan on getting new furniture.Especially if you let me turn our apartments into one big one up here.”“I’d love to have one big apartment.We can pick out stuff together.And I guess I should be glad that you didn’t try to kill Troy.”“I wanted to.”“I kind of have murderous thoughts toward him at the moment myself.I can’t believe he saw you and acted like that.”“I can’t blame him for wanting you.”“I won’t work with him again if you want.”“The fact that you would offer is enough.I think I can make you forget he even exists if I try hard enough,” he says as he walks over to me.“Oh, I know you can.Let’s go to my place, though.”He picks me up and carries me across the hall.He makes me scream a few times before making me a late dinner.We eat and watch a little TV before going to bed.Not to sleep, of course.I mean, who wants to sleep when you have a sex God with a magnificent cock at your disposal? Not me.* * *OwenIt’s been a week since Candi and I got back together.Last night was my family’s weekly Friday barbeque.All of the family wasn’t there, though.Yasmin didn’t show up.Again.Scott looked like death warmed over.He moved back into the guest house because he doesn’t want to be at their house without her.She isn’t living there, either.She’s in one of the furnished corporate apartments our company owns.We invited them over for a late dinner.They should both be at Candi’s apartment within the hour.I was nervous that Scott wouldn’t agree to meet, but he did.He sounded almost relieved to be seeing his wife, which is confusing since he won’t set up a therapy session with her.Candi and I aren’t therapists, but we have a plan.If it fails, we’ve decided to just handcuff them together until they work things out.I’m hoping it won’t come to that [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]