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.Elias was suddenly beside Roxie and he slipped his arm around her waist.“I didn’t mean to kill her.”“She’s not dead yet,” Elias pointed out.“Let me see if I can get her some help.” He closed his eyes and called out to Lor.The Mystic would only be able to hear him if he’d left the link open, but it was worth a try.The distinct ringing of boot heels grew closer and closer.Roxie looked down the corridor to their left and saw nothing, but when she turned and looked behind her, uniformed soldiers moved into view, approaching at a brisk run.She started to shoulder the rifle, but Elias shook his head.“They’re mine.”As the soldiers reached them, Roxie realized that the kind-eyed Mystic had been running inside the formation.She didn’t know if he’d been there for protection or stealth, but she was glad to see him.“Are you a healer?” she asked as the soldiers parted, allowing him to leave formation.“Among other things.” He smoothed down his pants and straightened his shirt before continuing.“Who needs my help.”She pointed toward Sevrin who had collapsed onto her side.“It would be a really good thing if that one didn’t die just yet.”“She deserves to die,” one of the captives sneered.“That’s the leader.She’s the one behind everything that’s going on.”“We’re aware of her atrocities and she will be held accountable for everything she’s done,” Elias assured them.“But she needs to be questioned at length before we can determine the full extent of her crimes.”That seemed to satisfy the captives.They lapsed back into anxious silence.“Let’s get you out of here,” Roxie suggested, needing to be away from the bloody scene herself.One of the soldiers stepped forward and explained, “We’re here to escort the captives to the safe house.”“I don’t want to go anywhere but home,” Emily argued.“My children have no idea where I am.”“You’ll be allowed to speak with them or someone will be dispatched to bring them to you,” the team leader told her.“But we need to move now.The transport is waiting.”The captives walked off with the soldiers, leaving Elias and Roxie alone in the hallway with Sevrin and the Mystic.He knelt at Sevrin’s side, head bowed in concentration.His hands hovered just above her body, moving in slow, sweeping waves from her shoulders to her waist and back.His palms glowed with yellow-orange light and Sevrin writhed and moaned.Sevrin’s hand was no longer bleeding, but three of her fingers and most of her thumb were now misshapen stumps.The Mystic paid much more attention to her chest wound, working tirelessly and not letting anything distract him.Roxie slipped her arm through the strap and swung the rifle onto her shoulder.She suspected fighting was still going on in other parts of the complex, but this hallway was quiet as a tomb.Lor returned about twenty minutes later.The Mystic was still working on Sevrin.“Will she survive?” Lor asked Roxie.She shrugged.“He hasn’t said a word since he began chanting.”Lor nodded then slowly approached the kneeling Mystic.Lor placed his hand on the Mystic’s shoulder and the Mystic jerked as if Lor has shocked him.“Take all you need, Brother.You’re exhausted.”It sounded as if Lor was feeding the other Mystic.Roxie couldn’t help wondering what else these men could do.“All of their gifts require a tremendous amount of energy, but a sustained healing like this is particularly difficult,” Elias explained.“Is the fighting over? Are we safe now?”Lor looked at her without moving from his comrade’s side.“The complex is secure.We’ve begun evacuating the employees.Most were brought here against their will and are anxious to return to Rodymia.”“What happened to the men we found?” Roxie asked.“They are Shadow Assassins, but they were brought here without their permission.Apparently, there were twenty of them when they arrived.”Roxie suspected she didn’t want to know the answer to the next logical question, but her curious nature wouldn’t be denied.“What happened to the other sixteen?”“Sevrin’s research team literally tore them apart.”She wasn’t surprised, but she was still revolted.She’d sensed Sevrin’s evil, but this was the first time she’d come face-to-face with victims of her cruelty.After a long, tense silence, Elias asked, “What happened at the Team South house? Is Nazerel finally in custody? I collared him for you [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]