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.It worked well and a few minutes later she was as blonde as before.I could tell she wasn’t feeling the best, so after I pampered her in the shower, I helped her get dressed and made her comfortable on the couch.“Thanks, Sean, you’re sweet,” she said, barely holding her eyes open.“You’re sweet, too,” I told her.“Now get some rest and we’ll eat when you wake up.” She nodded and closed her eyes.I cleaned the kitchen from breakfast and the accident.I was surprised how much blood she’d lost in there, but I hadn’t paid too much attention while I was panicking.I took out some chicken breasts and made a salad for dinner.I threw a load of clothes in the wash, put on some quiet music, and sat in the chair in front of Brynn with my laptop.I wanted to be right there when she woke up.It was hard to concentrate on the computer screen with her in the background.I looked at the concert list Gia had sent again.I was hoping maybe I could talk Brynn into coming with me at the end of the month, but since she was going to miss a week of work now, I knew she wouldn’t take time off a couple of weeks later.I noticed the shows for the upcoming weekend were good.Could I talk her into going this weekend? Will she be feeling up to it? I was going to mention it to her and just see how she reacted.I wanted to go all out for the Fourth of July, but the cupboard incident put a kink in those plans.I searched the web for fun ideas that didn’t involve swimming or physical exertion.I only had the rest of the day to make a plan, which didn’t leave me with a lot of options.She was going to be sore and probably a little tired, so I knew we’d better stick close to home.I made a plan and got a few things together.I couldn’t believe Brynn was still sleeping, poor thing.I kept checking on her, but she was fine, she hadn’t budged.I needed to get some things from the store, but I’d wait until morning, maybe she’d feel like getting out for a bit by then.I sat in the chair again and made a list of things I needed to pick up.I noticed some movement out of the corner of my eye and when I peeked over, I saw sweet, sleepy eyes looking back at me.I went to her.“How are you feeling?”“Sore, but not as groggy.”“Do you want a pain pill?”“Do you have any ibuprofen? I think the pain pill is what knocked me out.”I got her two and a glass of water.“Thanks, Sean.” She sat up just enough to drink without spilling.It didn’t look like she was feeling as good as I hoped she would.“Can I put in a movie or something for you?”“Sure, just pick something,” she said.I grabbed the remote and clicked on Netflix.I found the movie right away and as soon as the music started, she smiled.“Grease,” she said.I kissed her on the forehead and went to finish dinner.I heard a faint giggle a couple of times and it made me feel good.By the time I had the food ready, Brynn was sitting up.She looked like she felt better.We ate on the couch as we finished watching Grease.Brynn said she felt like getting up, but when she did she got lightheaded.“I know it’s just because of those nasty pain pills and the fact that I’ve been down for so long.Could you just stand with me for a minute until I have my balance back?”“Of course,” I said as I helped her stand and leaned her up against me.“Yes, this is good,” she said as she got used to it.“As much as I’d like to keep leaning up against you, I’ve got to pee.”“I’m coming with you,” I told her.The last thing I wanted was for her to fall again.“No, you’re not! I can’t pee if you’re watching!”“I’m not gonna watch! I’m just gonna walk you to the bathroom.” I laughed.“Now who’s being a baby?”She laughed.“Oh, okay then.”She was pretty steady all the way to the bathroom so I trusted her not to pass out.I still waited outside the door and when she opened it, she shook her head at me.“I’m good,” she said.“But I have to admit, it sure is nice to have you at my beck and call.” She gave me a sweet kiss.“Don’t get too carried away,” I told her.“That was how you got into this predicament in the first place.”“It was worth it.” She smiled.We spent the rest of the night playing cards and watching movies.She knew a lot of card games.She said she used to play with Juanita a lot, along with board games and dice.I told her I knew how to play poker, but that was about it, so she challenged me to a game of strip poker when she felt better.I couldn’t wait.“I can’t believe tomorrow is the Fourth of July,” she said as we snuggled up in my bed.“I know.The summers always go so fast.I was thinking, while you were sleeping, about going to The Lock for a couple of concerts.I’d love to take you.In fact, I don’t even want to go if you don’t come with me.Anyway, I was gonna talk to you about going at the end of the month, but since you can’t work now, I want to take you this weekend.” Whew! I said it, now the shit’s gonna hit the fan.She jerked her head up and looked at me.Here it comes.“Oh my god! That would be awesome! That’s where Gia is, right?” I was pleasantly shocked.“Yeah.Are you saying you’ll go?”“Hell yes! I mean, why not? I’ve never been anywhere, and I can’t work anyway, tips were really good last month, so I padded my fun money, which has been adding up since I don’t do anything fun.Hell yes!” She was sitting up by then, and her eyes were sparkling.“You have fun money?” I laughed.I had never heard of it.“Yes, money put aside for fun stuff [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]