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.No surprises.Wilson said he would advise Richard of the situation.Goldie said we will keep you informed of any changes in conditions so until later signing off.It was midnight when he awoke Mac and after talking for a few moments he turned the command over to Mac and got in the truck to get some rest.The night was uneventful and it was near daylight when he was awakened by Tim.How is it going he asked and Tim said been mostly quiet except for a few times.Mac came out of his truck and said we better have some coffee and grub it’s not going to stay quiet much longer.Brian joined them as they heated some scrambled eggs and bacon and prepared for the day ahead.Tim advised he had checked in with his commanders and they are rested and waiting for the enemy to make their move.James and Joshua called in their units are holding their positions as ordered.Also blue skies called in they are ready to move in when needed.Goldie said they have had time to get all their forces together I expect they will try to push ahead at daybreak.The sun was just coming over the hill when the firing commenced.Slow at first then heavy fire and grenade explosions followed along a ten mile front.After about thirty minutes of sustained firing Goldie contacted James and said, order your men to advance and engage the enemy, but don‘t assault their positions.Engage then hold.Give them room to fall back if they choose to do so.Now Tim, order your men to attack and make a slow advance along your whole perimeter, and put some rockets and mortal into their rear area.Now Mac, we’ll see if they retreat or stand and fight.A half hour later the sound of distant firing could be heard and Mac said recon James division has made contact.The sounds of the battle was increasing all along the perimeter as their frontal forces stepped up their attack.The unmistakable sounds of exploding rockets and mortal shells could be heard.Tim’s commanders advised their units are encountering heavy defensive fire but they are advancing.Suddenly large explosions were heard and billows of smoke was seen coming from the enemies positions.Mac said looks like our rockets hit some explosives or ammunition trucks.Firing could now be heard coming from the eastern line And Joshua advised enemy units have moved into his sector.Goldie advised hold your positions but don’t launch an assault on the enemy yet.We want to keep them hemmed in so the only way out is to continue to take casualties or retreat back towards Canada.It was now mid afternoon and the battle was building along all fronts.Tim’s frontal units were steadily advancing now and Goldie said time to move our headquarters and supplies forward.Brian have your company follow us and look for casualties or stragglers as we go.Their driver started the jeep and they began moving towards the front units with the company spread out on either side and vehicles bringing up the rear.After about a mile they began to see bodies in united nations blue uniforms strewn about.Further on they came upon a group of wounded militia with medics attending them.Brian told them his medics would take over and the forward unit personnel accompanied the command as they moved forward.The medics were clearly eager to rejoin their unit and after an hours walk they had caught up with their medical unit.Brian said he had extra trucks and drivers and could transport the wounded to a hospital in one of the towns they had passed thru.Mac said very good then return and rejoin us once the wounded are in good hands.They were only a few thousand meters behind the front line units now and Mac told the driver stop we will set up here for a time.Brian’s company had recovered several hundred bodies of un soldiers and Goldie told him place all their dead in one place and mark their location.Place ours in the truck and cover them for now.Tim contacted his field commanders and advised of their new location.He advised we are assisting your medical personnel and have transported some of our wounded to hospitals for care.His commander said the men will appreciate that.Goldie asked them what are your conditions.All the commands responded we are moving forward and our casualties have been light.We believe enemy losses have been major based on body counts made.But with darkness setting in we will slow down our pace to minimize losses.Agreed Goldie said, then asked are you in need of supplies and was told negative, we are well supplied and moral is good.Except for an occasional volley of gunfire the night went by quietly but as dawn broke intensive exchanges of automatic and small arms fire commenced in the eastern sector.An incoming call from Joshua advised they appear to be trying to breakout thru our lines.Goldie asked whats your current situation and was told we are holding our positions and the enemy are getting hurt.Goldie advised our division will be ordered to attack the enemy along our entire front.You hold your positions then move north keeping them boxed in as we advance.Tim, order your commands to attack all along the front and continue their assault.Mac get James, advise they are to stay in contact with the enemy and slowly move north as we advance.The battle had waged for several days and the enemy was giving ground all along the front when word came from central command that aircraft had been observed over southern Canada.Colonel Wilson then came on to advise enemy fighter bombers are moving south from Canada.Be advised our fighters are in the air and will intercept.Almost at the same time aircraft were heard overhead and several air explosions occurred north of their lines.More aircraft were heard coming in and another explosion was seen in the sky.Then air force fighters circled overhead several times before finally heading south.James came over the air to report four aircraft had been shot down just north of his position.Mac advised we were told to expect air activity moments before it happened.Richard sent his pilots in and they done their jobs before the enemy could drop their payloads.Continue your current operational plans and keep your units in contact with the enemy but continue to slide north as we advance.Joshua also came on and reported the air activity and was told to continue their current strategy of staying in contact with the enemy while moving as our southern line advances.Richard came over the radio to say all enemy aircraft were destroyed.We don’t know whether the decision to use aircraft was cleared with Washington or not but they know now we are prepared for that eventuality if it continues.Goldie said your men done one hell of a job and probably saved us a lot of casualties.Richard said our pilots reported your units are advancing on all fronts and the enemy is falling back.Goldie agreed but added they are still a large enough force to fight.What’s the situation in Wisconsin? Richard said the enemy has sustained heavy losses and our troops have circled and cut off their rear area.We have given orders to continue the attack until what remains of their force surrenders.When that occurs we will disarm them, permit them to collect their dead and wounded and escort them across the border rather than try to establish a prisoner of war camp.Good idea Goldie said, let their leaders see what happens to those who would threaten our liberties.Again thank the pilots for their support.Richard added, before I sign off and let you get back to your troops you should know our people tell us the generals troop ships from Europe are only two days from the eastern port of Charlestown and New York but the pacific ships are still a week away.Then we need to step up our action here Goldie said, so I’m signing off for now.He turned to the others and said it’s time we move with everything we have.See if you can get James and Joshua on the satellite network.A few moments went by before Shrader announced we got it patched through [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]