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.I have to do something.“Can you meet with him?” I ask Jacques.“As soon as possible?”“Of course.”My mind blanks.What else can I do? Cole gently squeezes my hand.“Have you considered simply going to the police? I know the note says not to, but I think we need some help here.I’m sure they’d be discreet.”Jacques makes an angry noise deep in his throat and his black eyes snap.“Non! If the culprit is having Anna watched, they would be alerted instantly.”“Maybe one of us could do it?” Cole counters.“The person who did this obviously knows Anna.You think he wouldn’t recognize either one of us?”“Then what would you have her do? Just sit here waiting for another note?”They both look at me, and I want to hide under the sofa.“We need to get the money together,” Jacques says quietly.“Most of my money is tied up in investments, but I could probably get together about five thousand.”I stare up at him.I knew Jacques was rich, but not that rich.He sees my look and twitches a shoulder.“I invest.I have been very smart and very lucky.”A lump rises in my throat and I want to hug him.How could I have been so wrong about him? And if I’ve been that mistaken about Jacques, what else have I been wrong about? I give a nod and a wobbly smile, hoping he can see my gratitude.“I could probably get the rest of the money, but I would have to wire London for it.It would take time.”I stare at Cole in shock.Is everyone around me rich? Then I remember what Cynthia said about him.That he had scads more money than Owen.Apparently, she’s right.“I have about fifty-eight dollars.” I begin to laugh and then it’s cut off by a sob.“What am I going to do?”“Could you go to your father?” Cole asks.“No!” Somehow that would be the ultimate betrayal, and I’ve already betrayed my mother enough.“I think I know where I can get the money,” I say slowly.I turn to Jacques.“Why don’t you go make arrangements to meet the private investigator and get what money you can.I’ll stay here and.” My voice falters and Cole cuts in.“Wait for further contact from the kidnappers.”I nod.“And get the rest of the money together.”Jacques gives my shoulder a brief squeeze before leaving the apartment.Cole reaches forward and takes my hand into his.My body leans toward him.It’s hard to believe it’s only been a month or so since I met him.So much has happened: meeting my father and taking control of my abilities.Now this, my mother kidnapped and taken God knows where.I meet his eyes, and they’re so full of warmth and caring that my breath catches.“Do you have any idea who this could be?” Cole asks me gently.Pain radiates through my head in waves as I try to sort it all out.“When the visions started I tried to figure it out.I was sure it was the Lindsays.” I start to giggle and then clap my hand over my mouth when it changes to a sob.“The night you were followed, when I ran into you.Did you sense anything?”I shake my head.“All I know is that I thought I recognized the voice of the woman in the van.But I can’t really be sure.”Cole squeezes my hand.“Why don’t you go get cleaned up and I’ll get you something to eat? There’s nothing you can do right now anyway.”I’m suddenly conscious that I’m wearing the same clothes I slept in.“I will.I just have to make a phone call first.”For a moment it looks as if he is going to ask me a question, but then he nods.“I’m going to go downstairs for a few minutes.Lock the door behind me.”I follow him to the door and make sure it’s locked before picking up the telephone.I hate what I’m about to do.It feels so fishy in a let’s-be-friends; can-I-borrow-five-thousand-dollars? kind of way.But what choice do I have?A maid answers and tries to tell me it’s too early to disturb Miss Cynthia.“This is an emergency,” I tell her in my firmest voice.“If you don’t get her right away, she will be furious with you.”There’s a long pause.“One moment, please.”I smile.Chances are, the help knows exactly who Cynthia’s family is.“This better be good,” Cynthia snaps, and my smile falters.I take a deep breath to calm my nerves.“I’m in trouble.I need five thousand dollars as soon as possible.”“Hold on.” I hear something cover the phone.“Gretchen, I need my coffee now!” she yells.“I’m back.I can’t do anything without coffee.When do you need it by?”I almost sob with relief.It’ll serve Mother right if Cynthia’s money ends up saving her.That will teach her to judge a book by its cover.“I’m not sure.Soon, I think.”“It’ll take me a couple hours to get it together.Jack’s off hunting, can you believe that? With foxes and hounds and everything.He and all his friends think they’re English now.” She snorts and then gets back on track.“I don’t know how much I have in my personal account, but don’t worry.Everything will be fine.”I clutch the phone, gratitude closing my throat.“Can you tell me about it?” Her voice is soft and worried.I shake my head before realizing she can’t see me.“Not really.”“All right.Hold on.I’ll be in touch soon.”“Thank you,” I whisper into the phone before replacing the receiver.I take a deep, shuddering breath, trying to clear my mind before heading to the bathroom to wash and change.The everyday ritual brings a bit of normalcy into my surreal morning and calms my screaming nerves.But nothing can stop the thoughts from spinning round and round in my head [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]