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.”“Mike, enough about the case.You look really tired.Are you feeling okay?”“This is going to sound really odd, but like I mentioned before, I’ve got this feeling I’m being watched.It’s the strangest thing.I’ll be walking somewhere and I feel like a set of eyes are on me wherever I go.Maybe I’m getting paranoid in my old age, but I’ve been in this business long enough to sense when something isn’t right.Plus, I’ve been getting a lot of hang-up calls from a blocked number.It’s only been for the last few days.I don’t know what’s going on.Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you that Rich called the phone company to get a copy of the mysterious phone calls that were made to Scott.Remember, Luke mentioned to you that someone had been calling Scott and hanging up.Well, they were from a blocked number and the phone company wouldn’t release the information without a search warrant.I’ve been reluctant to ask the court for one until I had some stronger facts on which to base the issuance of a warrant.Right now I don’t think I have enough for a warrant to be issued by the court.”“You’ve been in the law enforcement business for a long time and I know you’ve created some enemies along the way.Can you think of anyone who was scheduled to get out of prison and might be looking for you?”“No, no one comes to mind.Yes, I’ve been responsible for a lot of people going to prison, but I’ve never had a feeling like this.As I said, maybe it’s time for me to retire.I have enough years of service that I could if I wanted to.If I did retire, I was thinking maybe I could help you out at the coffee shop.”“You know you’re always welcome.I’m glad you’re taking Rebel to work with you.Between your gun and Rebel, I think you’ll be fine, but I would ask that you keep me up to date.I’m really concerned.”“I’ve been debating about whether I should tell you this, but I finally decided I should.I just didn’t want to alarm you.With the wedding coming up and Scott’s murder, I think your plate is full.I didn’t want to add to your problems.”“What are you talking about?”“I went over to The Crush to see Jesse and find out if he knew anything else besides what he had told you.We talked for awhile and he told me Scott mentioned to him he was having a problem with brown leaf spot on his vines and he was really concerned.He told Jesse he was going to call Bob Waters over at the Oregon Department of Agriculture and have him come out and look at some of his damaged vines.That was all Jesse knew.Here’s what I’m getting at.When I left The Crush and walked out to my car, I noticed that something had been written on my windshield, probably with a black marking pen.The words said, ‘You’re next.’ I have no idea what someone meant by that.I consider it a threat, but from whom and why, I have no idea.If someone has been watching me, which I’ve been suspecting, they would know that I was in The Crush and they had to have written the words on the windshield while I was in there.I’m sure it wasn’t a random thing.It would take a real idiot to mistake a car with the words County Sheriff written on it for someone else’s car.”“This is a conversation I wish we never had to have,” Kelly said.“That really scares me.I’ve always known your job was dangerous and that at times you’d be in danger, but having someone spying on you and writing threatening notes…” Her voice trailed off as tears welled in her eyes.“Kelly, come here.We’ll be fine.” He held her in his arms and stroked her hair.“Trust me.I didn’t make it this long in this business by taking chances and with our wedding coming up in a couple of weeks, I’m definitely not going to do anything stupid.Okay?” He put his hand under her chin and tipped her face up to his, kissing her.“Actually, I think dinner can wait awhile.If anyone is watching me, I’d like to give them something special to look at.” He reached down, picked her up, and carried her down the hall to the bedroom.Rebel and Lady stayed where they were, their doggie radar on full alert to give their masters a little time and make sure they weren’t interrupted.CHAPTER 18“Kelly, you’ve got a phone call.”“Thanks, Roxie, any idea who it is?”“Nope.He didn’t say and I didn’t recognize the voice.”“This is Kelly.Can I help you?”“This is Luke Monroe.When you were out here the other day you mentioned that you had a big shoulder.I’m not going to cry on it, but I would like to talk to you about one of the men who works at the Center and is in the residential training program.His name is Blaine Wright and I think he’s been acting rather strangely.I’d like to know what you think about him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]