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.She loved the man’s taste.Dark and rich and—She was on the bed.He sprawled over her, mouth still locked to hers, and he pushed her deep into the mattress.His legs—the man had thick, muscled thighs that she’d love to ride—angled between hers so that Serena was spread wide for him.Her sex was open and wet and so ready that she knew he had to catch the scent of her arousal.He tore his mouth from hers.Lifted up to gaze at her body.“Fucking gorgeous,” he growled.Then took her breast with his mouth.Licked.Bit.Sucked.Made her moan.His fingers—she loved those clever fingers—parted the folds between her legs.His thumb pressed over her clit, and Serena nearly came off the bed.“Easy…” A dark rumble.But she didn’t want it easy.Not with him.Hard, fast, wild—that was how she wanted it.And how she would take it.Her nails dug into his back.Her thighs lifted and wrapped around his hips.“Hard.” The demand snapped from her mouth.His head jerked up.His mouth was wet, glistening, his lips parted.She scored her nails down his back.Pressed her hands into Luis’s taut ass.“Wild.”His face hardened.“Then that’s what I’ll give you…”The fingers that had caressed her sex stilled.A wave of anticipation had her trembling.Luis pulled back, dislodging her legs, and he brought his left hand up and curled the fingers over her thigh.When his gaze dropped to her sex, she knew what he was going to do.And she couldn’t wait.His shoulders pushed between her legs.His breath fanned over the dark curls that shielded her feminine core.Then he drove two fingers deep into her creamy opening.Every muscle in her body stiffened.She opened her mouth to cry out, but the sound broke on her lips when Luis pressed his mouth against her.He locked his open lips over her clit.His tongue teased, tasted.Drove her wild.His fingers thrust, moving in a fast rhythm.First just the two, then a third large finger lodged inside of her.He licked her, swirling his tongue over the straining button of her desire, then lapping up the moisture that pooled between her legs as the lust grew and grew.Serena felt the edge of his teeth, a light graze that had her freezing, then all but whimpering with pleasure when his tongue licked between her folds.Her heart thudded in her ears and sweat slickened her body.The sunlight trickled through her blinds, and she watched Luis, unable to look away from the sight of his dark head between her thighs.Her sex squeezed around him, clenching tight with every thrust of his hand.Her nipples stabbed into the air, her thighs trembled, and the promise of release beckoned, just seconds away.“Luis.” He was driving her crazy.And damn him, he was holding the control.Every single bit of control.Time to break that control, time to—His fingers withdrew—shit, just when she was close—then he drove his tongue inside of her.The mounting tension erupted.Serena squeezed her eyes shut and her head jerked back as the powerful spasms shook her.Pleasure was power.A secret every succubus and incubus knew.And one that the witches used for their own gain.Her eyes flashed open, and her lips parted on a sigh of satisfaction.The magic of the release filled her body and as her sex clenched in powerful contractions, Luis moved.Rose above her.Pushed the head of his cock against her opening.“Time to get wild, witch.”He slammed into her, the force of his thrust strong enough to send the bed sliding back against the wall.More than ready for him, Serena arched her hips and whispered his name.His cock filled every inch of her sex and stretched muscles gone sensitive from her climax.He was big, thicker than she’d thought, and he felt amazing.Once again, her legs clamped around his hips.As he began to move, rocking harder, driving deeper, she held on as fiercely as she could.And enjoyed the ride.Their mouths met.Tongues thrust as hips jerked.Breaths panted.Their hearts raced.The spiral of lust built, built.His hands fondled her breasts.Teased the nipples and had her squirming beneath him.When he rose, pulling that delicious cock nearly out of her, her head lifted.Her fingers traced his nipples, then she licked him, loving the slightly salty taste of his skin.They rolled, twisting and turning as they fought for release.For a pleasure that was just out of their grasp.Serena settled on top of him, legs on either side of his hips, sex clamped around his cock, feeling every inch of his arousal pulse inside of her.His hands were on her hips.Holding too tightly, but she didn’t care.She squeezed him, clamping down hard on his erection.Then releasing her muscles with a hiss of pleasure.His teeth ground together.Another slow squeeze.Now she had the control.“Witch.” Gritted.An accusation.One she’d never deny.Bending over him, she licked his nipples, drawing out the slow movements of her tongue, then glancing up at Luis from beneath her lashes.His eyes glittered.In the next second, she was on her back again.Her legs splayed over his shoulders and he thrust fast, hard, and she was—Exploding.A white-hot pulse of release ripped through her as Serena climaxed.Her whole body shuddered beneath him and the cry that burst from her lips seemed to echo in the room.Lights danced before her eyes.Magic.Pleasure.Still, he thrust.Deeper.The bed was a mess.Sweat coated their bodies.Flesh to flesh.Sex to sex.He swelled within her.Another wild inch, so thick now that the friction of his thrusts sent a stab of pleasure through her with each move of his body as aftershocks reverberated in her core.“Serena.” He drove deep.Froze.His gaze caught hers.For an instant, the molten gold of his eyes faded to pitch black.Demon eyes.The hot jet of his release filled her.The air in the room heated, brushed against her skin.Pleasure is power.For the hunter, as well as the witch.He shuddered against her, held tight in the grip of his own climax.Her arms wrapped around him, and she clung to his stiffened muscles.When the pleasure finally eased for them and their heartbeats began to slow, Serena stayed just where she was.Right before she drifted to sleep, she could have sworn that their hearts were beating in perfect tune.As if they were one.Her aunt was in the middle of the circle of protection.But the circle hadn’t protected her.Jayme Michaels lay on the ground, her long, curling black hair cascading around her face.Serena ran to her, fear shaking her from the inside out.No, no, not Aunt Jay.She was the strongest witch Serena had ever met.No one could harm her, not human, not Other [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]