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.She looked up at him only momentarily before positioning herself artfully across his lap.“I'm spanking you,” he said, “because I want to.No other reason than that.”“Yes, Sir.Thank you, Sir.” She braced her hands on the floor.Without instruction, she parted her legs slightly.He saw the slight glisten of her moisture on her pussy, and he smelled her arousal.He wanted this woman.Torin parted her lips and played with her clit, watching her squirm, enjoying the sounds she struggled to suppress.Without giving her any warning, he slapped her cunt hard, his hand open.She gasped, surged away from his hand, then made another softer sigh and wiggled back into position.He spanked her hard, on her buttocks, on her pussy, on her thighs.He timed his spanks to arouse, not punish.A minute and a half later she was begging.“I need…”“You need…?”“Will you fuck me? Fuck me, Master.” Her words were breathless.“Fuck me.Please?”He helped her from his lap.“Lean over the table.Grasp the far end.”She followed his directions, and she even turned her toes slightly inward so that her pussy was presented even more attractively.It would take all his control not to come before he'd even entered her.He pulled his T-shirt over his head and tossed it near his jacket.He toed off his boots, and he noticed that she moved slightly.“Cold? Impatient?”“Sorry, Master,” she said.“Just…”“Yes?”“I'm impatient; the sub is impatient.I want you inside me.”“I?”“She,” Mira said with a sigh.“She.The sub.You know, the woman on the table, waiting to be fucked.Dying here.”He laughed.No matter how hard she tried, no matter how much she was into a scene, she couldn't hide her natural personality.And to tell the truth, he didn't want her to.He grabbed his wallet from his back pocket.All thumbs, he pulled a condom from one of the compartments.Seemed the beautiful Mira wasn't the only one who was impatient.He dropped his wallet, pulled off his jeans, and stripped down, throwing everything onto the growing pile of clothes on the floor.His cock was hard, throbbing when he rolled the condom into place.Fighting to restrain himself, he stroked the outsides of her thighs.She sighed.“Do you have any idea how red your ass is?”“If it looks like it feels, yes, I have an idea.”“It's lovely.” He traced a couple of the welts before placing a hand between her legs, feeling her dampness.“Take me,” she said, moving her hips back.As if he could wait any longer.Torin bent his knees slightly and pressed his cockhead against her opening.“Yes,” she whispered.She was amazingly damp and ready for him.He took her in a single stroke.He filled her, felt her internal pussy muscles clench around his cock.This woman could be the death of him.He reached across her, grasping her wrists.“Ride me, hard.” Belatedly, she added, “Master.”He held back his orgasm, making sure she came first.It was more difficult than it should have been.Torin was known as a generous lover, but with Mira—it was about possession.He wanted her; he didn't want anyone else touching her, tasting her.He wasn't sure he liked the feeling.Having a woman, any woman, get under your skin was a bad move.The danger increased when the woman was your partner.“Master!”He heard her breaths, little gasps of air.He could feel her fighting her orgasm like a good little sub.“You may come,” he told her.“Torin!”He drove into her, hard, impaling her with his thrusts.There was nothing gentle or soft about this.It was raw, animalistic, filled with lust.For the moment she was his, and he'd leave her no doubt about it.She screamed.Then her body squeezed him tight.Her climax pushed him over the top.In a hot stream, he ejaculated, the orgasm feeling as if it had been ripped from his testicles.It was brutal.It was satisfying.It wasn't even close to fulfilling his need to take her.He withdrew from her.He looked at her for a moment, her midnight dark hair escaping its confines to curl against her neck, her shoulders.She was still pressed against the table.He'd never see oak the same way again [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]