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.The reaction he got make Kian smile with possessive pride.“Oh, God! I’m going to climax if you don’t stop!”“And what would be the harm in that?” Kian had kept his distance so he could watch Hunter’s reaction, but now he moved closer.“I want to feel you inside me.” Hunter moved his head closer to Kian’s.“I want to come and clamp down hard on your cock.”Kian had thought he could maintain his distance and stave off his own orgasm, but Hunter’s words brought him perilously close to the edge.“Kiss me.Please.” Hunter kept his hands up, but he moved his head just a little closer.“You like to kiss.”“It’s sexy, and it feels good, especially with your double tongues.”Indulging him, Kian moved closer and covered Hunter’s mouth with his own.As the passion of their kisses increased, so did the pace of his thrusting fingers.When he couldn’t take anymore, Kian climbed on top of Hunter without breaking their hungry kiss.Working together, they got into position, and Kian lowered himself down until the tip of his prick touched Hunter’s now well-lubed hole.Hunter made a noise of longing and parted his legs a fraction wider.It was a way of begging Kian inside without actually saying a word.As carefully as he could, Kian pressed against his tender Earthling.His skin was hot, slick, and as Kian moved forward, Hunter’s ass pulled at his cock.“Your body is trying to hasten me within.”“I know.Ah, God, trust me, I know.” Hunter squirmed and then lifted his hips, but Kian moved back.“Please, please, please stop teasing me.”“I love how hungry you are for me.How needy.” Kian dipped his hips, giving Hunter a quick taste of his prick, but he just as swiftly moved away.Each time he did this, he caused Hunter to emit more sounds of need.Eventually, it was Kian who simply couldn’t take anymore.Hunter’s channel was snug around his cock as he slid inside.Engulfed by his heat, Kian struggled to maintain his discipline, but he was failing.“I can’t.I can’t.”“What’s wrong?” Hunter’s gaze locked on Kian’s, his expression concerned, almost scared.“I don’t want to hurt you.” Kian withdrew entirely.“You won’t.” Hunter tried to pull him back down, but Kian was stronger.“You don’t understand this pounding in my head.” Kian dropped onto his back and glared up at the ceiling.He wanted Hunter almost desperately, but he was too afraid to continue.“The pain could hit at the worst possible moment.Agony could drop me on you or make me buck violently.” Kian turned and cupped Hunter’s face.“I won’t let my disease make me hurt you.”“You won’t.” Hunter rose to his knees then straddled Kian’s hips.“What are you doing?”“There’s more than one way to fuck, my sensitive master.” Hunter’s smile was warm and welcoming, not superior.“Lie back and let your more-than-willing slave show you a thing.Or two.”Reluctant, but also extremely aroused, Kian watched as Hunter reached back, centered Kian’s cock, and took him slowly within.Enraptured, Kian watched Hunter’s face.As he took his prick, Hunter closed his eyes, his head went back, and a smile of profound bliss altered his features.In the moment, Hunter was beyond beautiful.Kian was unable to think of any way to describe him because just as he was indulging in the visual treat of watching his tender Earthling claim him, he was also subjected to the intense feel of his snug channel encircling his cock.Hunter kept going until he had taken all of Kian inside himself.Together, in perfect sync, they uttered low moans of pleasure.Hunter’s buttocks settled against Kian’s body.Kian now struggled to simply stay motionless.He still had the urge to ram his hips, but his need was tempered by the sheer joy of watching Hunter literally fuck himself on his body.Kian had never dared to imagine the moment when he would have a lover.It was something that he felt was so far out of his reach he would never even come close to experiencing such bliss.But this with Hunter was worth everything he’d suffered so far.Kian could not remember anything in his life being so all consuming.It wasn’t just the physical sensations but the way Hunter looked, smelled, felt—all of that was very good, but the most arousing aspect was that they were mutually in a state of overwhelming pleasure.Kian didn’t have to ask if Hunter felt the same.The truth was written all over his face.Slowly, Hunter opened his eyes.He looked down at Kian with an expression that was so open and engaging, Kian wondered how he had ever gotten along without him.Such a short span of time and so much had changed.And then, as if to prove to him that his disease would always come first, agony slammed into Kian with such violence he lost consciousness.Chapter 11Hunter had never felt anything as sublimely wonderful as the feel of Kian’s smooth and slightly cool cock sliding into his ass.He had imagined the moment of losing his virginity about a million times, but none of those fantasies came close to this wicked reality.Below him, Kian was passive but taut, as if he was ready to bolt at any moment.What drew Hunter emotionally closer to him was the fact that Kian didn’t want to hurt him.He’d considered the notion of letting Kian hurt him so that he could share his pain, but in the end, Kian had decided he couldn’t.Ironically, Hunter was slightly disappointed.He’d talked with Dalton about pain play, but he’d never had the courage to try.Hunter was still afraid, but he would be willing to give it a go if it would in some way help Kian.Just as he rose up to start riding his sweet and fascinating master, Hunter noticed that Kian’s features scrunched up.He was gritting his teeth and puffing sharply through them.In a flash, Kian’s big hands were on Hunter’s hips, holding him firmly to him.And then Kian was thrusting blindly.One buck was so violent it caused Hunter to fall forward.He would have crashed into Kian’s chest, but he flung his hands out on either side of his body, cushioning the blow.As Kian continued to writhe in agony, Hunter forced his hands under Kian’s shoulders so he could cup his hands against him and hold on.“Oh.God.” Hunter closed his eyes as Kian’s grip tightened on his hips, holding him close as his body thrashed.What stunned Hunter completely was that he felt the agony that was twisting around Kian.He didn’t know how or why, but each pulse of pain that wracked his master spilled over into him.What shocked him even more than his odd ability to directly feel what Kian was feeling was that Hunter liked it.Pain turned to pleasure.Conflicted by enjoying something that was harming another, Hunter almost broke away from Kian.He thought there was surely something wrong with him.How could he enjoy himself while Kian was in agony?But Kian held him so tightly Hunter wasn’t able to do anything but hang on and absorb more of the pain [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]