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.“Your dad?” Lucy asks me with her arms still wrapped around my waist.I nod and pull away.I sit down on the grey couch in the middle of the living room.I take off my flip flops and place my feet on the black coffee table sitting in front of the couch.“This so completely blows,” I state.Lucy comes to join me on the couch.“Want to call the girls over? We can pig out on junk food and watch stupid girly movies,” she says hopefully.The four of us haven’t been together since I got raped.I don’t know why.I think what happened to me changed a lot about my friends.I talk to Lucy way more now than I did before.I may have talked to Carter once or twice on the phone, and she only came over when I got out of the hospital.Carter can’t handle sadness and pain, and even though I was there for her shortly before this all happened, she can’t be bothered to be here now.I guess it takes a great tragedy to find out who your true friends are.Before you think that I’ve only seen Lucy because I have been hanging out with Mason, don’t.Lucy calls me every day.She comes over all the time.Mason has nothing to do with it.She may look at me with pity, but I would rather have that than have her abandon me.“How about just you, Mason and me? I don’t really feel like having everyone over.Paige will bring Dean and Carter will bring Liam.I just can’t handle all that right now.”She nods before we hear Mason’s angry, raised voice coming from the front yard.“What is he yelling at?” Lucy asks out loud.I shrug my shoulders and get up to go look out the window.Mason is standing in the middle of the yard on his cell phone.He is yelling and I can catch a cuss word every now and then.“I don’t know who he is yelling at, but I sure hope they have insurance to cover a psychiatrist for PTSD.Jesus Christ!”Spencer“How could you be so stupid, Spencer?!” My mom yells at me from beside the stove.After my breakdown on the floor of the living room, we moved the party to the kitchen.Oh, what a party it is.Richard has been silent the whole time.You might think that it’s a good thing, but you would be wrong.His face is contorted in anger.I have a feeling I will be getting the shit beat out of me today.“I wasn’t in a good place that day, Mom.Marissa was coming on strong and I couldn’t handle the memories of Harley’s face and what Dylan said to me.I just wanted it all to go away.” I stopped crying a while ago, but I feel new tears choking up in the back of my throat.I never thought I would be this guy.I never thought in a million years that I would cheat on someone.“I understand where you are coming from, but you still did this.I can only hope you didn’t put a damper on Harley’s recovery.” My mom has this way of making me feel like I killed every single puppy and kitten on the face of the earth.“Never mind all that.We need to find Harley.She wouldn’t answer her phone when I called her earlier.” Richard looks panicked, but I know where she is.There is only one place she would go that I won’t follow.“She went to Mason’s.She has been hanging out with him for the past month.I’ll give him a call to be sure.” I didn’t wait for an answer.I just walked out into the living room, pulling out my cell phone.Mason answers on the third ring.“You have a lot of nerve calling me after what you did.”“I know, man.I just want to know if she is there.”“Yes, she is here.She is in there crying her eyes out on Lucy’s arm.You don’t even know what you had, Spencer.I’m just fucking stunned at what you did.”I flinch.It hurts to hear that kind of thing.It also makes me angry.“Do you even know what you have? You’ve been sniffing around Harley for so long I don’t think you even realize.”The phone goes silent but I know he is still there.After a while, he answers me.“I’m going to let that go, Spencer.I know you’re fucked in the head right now.I will say this though, I’m with Lucy and I will always be with Lucy.Harley is a good friend.A good friend I would do anything for.Just remember that.” Then the line goes dead.“Go get her, Spencer.You make her feel good enough to come home.I don’t want her staying out of this house just because she doesn’t want to be around you,” Richard says from behind me.“Yes, sir,” I reply.*****The drive to Mason’s is about 20 minutes.My fingers drum against the steering wheel the whole way there.I’m about to get my face kicked in for coming over here.Mason doesn’t like me at all.I don’t think he ever has.I slowly make my way out of my truck and shut the door.Before I can even take a step toward the front door, Harley comes running out with…fucking shit…with a baseball bat in hand.I cover my head before she reaches me, but it’s not me she swings at.It’s my truck.The truck that I spent an entire summer working my ass off at my uncles shop for.It’s also the only vehicle I have.“You fucking piece of shit!” Harley yells right before her bat connects with my windshield.I hear the glass cracking.“I hate you, Spencer Grady! I fucking hate you!” Since my head is covered by my arms, I didn’t see her pull out a gun.I hear four pops before all is silent.Well, for a second, anyway.I hear the bat hit one of the windows or the back glass, I’m not sure.“What we had was special! How could you do this to me?”She is sobbing as she crashes the bat into my truck.I can’t take it anymore.I get up off the ground and walk over to her.I grab her wrist before she can smack the bat into anymore of my truck.“Calm down, baby girl, just calm down,” I say in a soothing voice.She tenses when I say “baby girl” but I can’t bring myself to care.“Don’t fucking call me that [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]