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.It was that sound that held him on the edge of the precipice yawning behind him.The pain and grief swelled up, filling his throat and nose with an icy thickness until his chest clenched with the need for breath.For life.“Live for me.Swear it.”The raw whisper echoed in his memories, forcing air into his lungs.And he’d sworn it, could almost hear the ragged words that had been torn from his lips that night.He’d promised to cling to life, to not retreat completely into the nothing of the veil.Gideon gathered the blackness choking him and pulled it tightly into a hard knot in his chest.He’d found a new reason to live.To kill the man responsible for his mate’s death.“VINCENT, I SINCERELY hope you’ve called me here for a very good reason.”Vin ground his teeth.Always smooth with a cold half smile, Irial Carrick turned to face him, and for once Vin wanted to smash his fist into the other man’s face.“Did you know she still lived?”One pale brow rose.“I’m afraid you’ll have to be more specific.”“Don’t play games with me, Irial,” Vin spat out.“Brit’s sister.Did you know she survived?”For the span of one heartbeat, the mask slipped and Vin could see the starkness in his old friend’s eyes, but it soon disappeared and the icy reserve was back.“At first? No.And neither did they.” Irial paced away from him in even, slow steps and reached out to absently riffle through papers on his desk.“She was pronounced dead and sent to the incinerator with her parents.”Vin stared at Irial in shock.He reached into his jacket and pulled out the stills Tag had printed from the security footage.He threw them on top of the papers the other man was fingering.Meghann’s image filled the first sheet.“Well, she was obviously not incinerated.”Irial glanced at the image, the barest of shudders moving through his tall frame.“Obviously.”Vin frowned.Although Irial was very good at concealing his emotions and thoughts, Vin could still discern the barest taint of regret emanating from him.“She was reacquired two years ago when she attempted to kill the Triumvirate.” A small smile teased the corner of Irial’s lips as he ran his long fingers over the image.“She actually injured one, and I truly believe they may fear her.They gave the esteemed Dr.Rupple free rein to experiment on her as he saw fit, no restrictions.”Vin cursed.“Did you orchestrate her escape from the lab?”A crease appeared on Irial’s forehead, and his glacial eyes met Vin’s, the surprise a mere flicker before that small smile returned.“I assumed she was now safely ensconced at Incog with your enterprising little doctor.”Vin growled, and his dragon rippled beneath his skin.It was edgy from being so far from their mate, and he sure as hell didn’t blame it.“Don’t fuck with me, Irial.”A genuine chuckle rumbled from the other man.“Didn’t just fall down at your feet, did she, my friend?”That was an understatement, and one that Vin resented.“Don’t worry about my mate, Carrick.I’ve got it under control.”Irial cocked one brow, the cold smile back.“As you say.”Vin narrowed his eyes but ignored his sarcasm in favor of reaching out to fan the other photos across the desk.He wanted this over with so he could get back to Brit.“When the lab was taken and Brit’s sister was not there, my brother located her on the security feeds he recovered.She, along with these women, was moved only minutes prior to the raid, and then they all just vanished.”Irial touched the images again, pausing over one.Irial’s shock and anger burst over Vin in a single wave that retracted just as abruptly.Vin dropped his gaze to see what had triggered such a reaction in the usually controlled man.The photo Irial lingered over was of a wisp of a woman with blonde hair and vacant eyes.“All of the women disappeared?” Irial asked tightly.“Yes,” Vin answered, studying his friend.“When Incog raided the lab, Dr.Rupple attempted to leave with Brit through a hidden access in his personal lab.We assumed the same of these women.I had hoped you were responsible [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]