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.“Iris left this note to Golden Bell.We think she has run away to Shanghai.We also found Iris’s uncle cultivating two extra mulberry trees in the back garden as a cash crop for himself.” Purple Jade opened her silk painted fan and gave it a perfunctory flutter.She seldom needed to give an accounting of her housekeeping practices, and certainly never before her daughters.She needed air and looked to Comely Brook for support.Comely Brook came forward quickly to stand beside her former mistress, and fanned both of them with her big paper fan.Purple Jade continued: “I normally permit a certain amount of private enterprise among the servants, if it doesn’t interfere with the proper maintenance of our household.”Righteous Virtue accepted his wife’s explanation without comment.He read the letter and laughed.“Ha, Iris writes beautiful English! I wish Silver Bell had taken advantage of Miss Tyler’s tutoring.”“This is no laughing matter, my lord,” Purple Jade protested in an injured voice.“All this foreign learning brings nothing but trouble into this house.”“Times have changed, Jade-mei,” her husband answered.“You did right to discipline the gardener.All the servants will understand this as kindly punishment; you’ve saved our face.” He beamed proudly on his clever wife, but Purple Jade averted her eyes.She brought her fan to cover her mouth, giving Comely Brook an imperceptible smile of gratitude.“However”— Righteous Virtue began to pace —“Iris is obviously a bright girl.It is important to have grateful allies rather than spiteful renegades in these uncertain times.I’ll ask the chauffeur what he knows about this affair, and we’ll get in touch with her.Dragon might use her in his silk factory in Shanghai.”“Please, Father, ask Mother to send me to school in Shanghai.” Golden Bell tugged on her father’s sleeve.“Uncle Dragon and Iris both will look after me.”“Those two will be the worst influence on a young maiden!” Purple Jade slapped her fan shut.“Hush, Golden Bell.” Righteous Virtue touched his daughter’s hand, but looked steadily into Purple Jade’s eyes.“The East Ocean Devils are already attacking Shanghai; they’ll overrun Hangzhou in no time if Shanghai falls.We may all have to hide out in the foreign concessions for safety.”“So we’ll all have to go to Shanghai!” Comely Brook cried with a start, surprising herself.Her voice echoed the same thought in every one’s mind.No one noticed that it was Comely Brook’s first comment on any family deliberations.“Oh, goodie!” Golden Bell and Silver Bell exclaimed almost in unison.“Oh, my lord! This, this is impossible!” Purple Jade stuttered.The serenity of her house made the fighting in Shanghai seem very far away.Even when the warlords were feuding, she hadn’t left home except for a few trips to the monastery that provided safety while strong, armed men and servants guarded her house.Back then, safety had been much easier to attain than most people imagined.The contending parties had created a system whereby a little manipulation, an offer of food or money, would allow them to strut their might, while avoiding the loss of blood in real battle.Those who suffered were too proud to give face or too stubborn to share their wealth.Directing her fan toward Comely Brook, Purple Jade muttered: “To leave this home.in Brook-mei’s condition.” Her eyes filled with tears.“Now, now, nothing is decided.I must pick up Dragon from the station at five.” Righteous Virtue was not eager to discuss such weighty problems then.“Why don’t we all go for a ride in the car on this lovely summer day.”“Oh, Uncle Dragon is coming! Uncle Dragon is coming!” Silver Bell chimed.“Yes, Dragon will know more of what’s going on.He hasn’t been home for a long time.I wonder what’s kept him away?” Purple Jade paused.The long months of preparing for and enjoying the festivities had been blissfully free of anxiety.The pestilence of war had seemed miles and miles away.“I don’t feel like a ride now.”“I’d better stay with Tai-tai,” Comely Brook said.“You’ll need space in the car for luggage.” It was like her to be thoughtful and practical.She also wanted to avoid Ah Lee.“All right.Let’s go, girls!”The train had just arrived when the Huangs reached the station.Chou Glorious Dragon was one of the first to emerge.Amid a sea of passengers clad in dark cotton tunics and baggy trousers, Glorious Dragon stood out in his three-piece suit of textured raw silk.His boater hat poised almost a head above all the other passengers.He swung his walking stick, and the golden chain of his watch sparkled between his vest pockets.“Uncle Dragon, Uncle.” The girls waved from the car as the chauffeur went to pick up his luggage and Righteous Virtue greeted him.“Welcome home, Dragon-dee.” Righteous Virtue smiled affably.“You show no sign of your recent brush with the immortals.”“You didn’t tell my sister my accident in the opium den, did you?” A shadow crossed his sunny face.“No, but what were you doing there?”“Oh, I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.” Glorious Dragon turned away to look at his luggage.“I happened to be passing the building when it collapsed.My sister does not need to worry about my bad luck.”“No, of course not.”“Thanks.” Dragon shook his brother-in-law’s hand.Though his half-sister was almost like a mother to him, he shared the traditional masculine desire to protect her.He would not know how to explain to her his continued raids on General Chin’s opium dens and his traumatic experiences in the city.Glorious Dragon tossed the chauffeur several coins.“Find yourself a rickshaw to go home.I’ll drive the car.” He looked at the girls and smiled.“Ah, Golden Bell and Silver Bell, my Shanghai mistress will turn into a vinegar bottle if she hears that I’ve been riding with such beautiful young ladies.”“Oh, they’re no better than other young women.” Righteous Virtue dismissed the compliment with a swish of his hand and beamed broadly.Tradition required a disclaimer on any compliment, though he agreed with his brother-in-law.His daughters were exceptional beauties.He could not see any man resisting their charm.“Virtue, pardon my criticism, but such old-fashioned modesty is unbecoming to a modern man like you.Your girls are gorgeous!”“Ah, young girls are a true worry today.Let’s hurry; your sister has prepared a feast.” He hoisted the front panel of his Chinese robe and climbed into the back seat.The chauffeur adjusted Glorious Dragon’s suitcase and left.“Who wants to sit up front with me?” asked Glorious Dragon, and held open the passenger side door with a bow [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]