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.On the contrary, beauty remains, even in misfortune.If you just look for it, you discover more and more happiness and regain your balance.A person who's happy will make others happy; a person who has courage and faith will never die in misery! Yours, Anne M.FrankWEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 1944Margot and I have been writing each other notes, just for fun, of course.Anne: It's strange, but I can only remember the day after what has happened the night before.For example, I suddenly remembered that Mr.Dussel was snoring loudly last night.(It's now quarter to three on Wednesday af- ternoon and Mr.Dussel is snoring again, which is why it flashed through my mind, of course.) When I had to use the potty, I deliberately made more noise to get the snoring to stop.Margot: Which is better, the snoring or the gasping for air?Anne: The snoring's better, because it stops when I make noise, without waking the person in question.What I didn't write to Margot, but what I'll confess to you, dear Kitty, is that I've been dreaming of Peter a great deal.The night before last I dreamed I was skating right here in our living room with that little boy from the Apollo ice-skating rink; he was with his sister, the girl with the spindly legs who always wore the same blue dress.I introduced myself, overdoing it a bit, and asked him his name.It was Peter.In my dream I wondered just how many Peters I actually knew!Then I dreamed we were standing in Peter's room, facing each other beside the stairs.I said something to him; he gave me a kiss, but replied that he didn't love me all that much and that I shouldn't flirt.In a desperate and pleading voice I said, "I'm not flirting, Peter!"When I woke up, I was glad Peter hasn't said it after all.Last night I dreamed we were kissing each other, butPeter's cheeks were very disappointing: they weren't as soft as they looked.They were more like Father's cheeks-the cheeks of a man who already shaves.FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1944My dearest Kitty,The proverb "Misfortunes never come singly" defi- nitely applies to today.Peter just got through saying it.Let me tell you all the awful things that have happened and that are still hanging over our heads.First, Miep is sick, as a result of Henk and Aagje's wedding yesterday.She caught cold in the Westerkerk, where the service was held.Second, Mr.Kleiman hasn't returned to work since the last time his stomach started bleeding, so Bep's been left to hold down the fort alone.Third, the police have arrested a man (whose name I won't put in writing).It's terrible not only for him, but for us as well, since he's been supplying us with potatoes, butter and jam.Mr.M., as I'll call him, has five children under the age of thirteen, and another on the way.Last night we had another little scare: we were in the middle of dinner when suddenly someone knocked on the wall next door.For the rest of the evening we were nervous and gloomy.Lately I haven't been at all in the mood to write down what's been going on here.I've been more wrapped up in myself.Don't get me wrong, I'm terribly upset about what's happened to poor, good-hearted Mr.M., but there's not much room for him in my diary.Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I was in Peter's room from four-thirty to five-fifteen.We worked on our French and chatted about one thing and another.I really look forward to that hour or so in the afternoon, but best of all is that I think Peter's just as pleased to see me.Yours, Anne M.FrankTHE DIARY OF A YOUNG GIRL 213SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1944Dearest Kitty,I haven't been able to sit still lately.I wander up- stairs and down and then back again.I like talking to Peter, but I'm always afraid of being a nuisance.He's told me a bit about the past, about his parents and about himself, but it's not enough, and every five minutes I wonder why I find myself longing for more.He used to think I was a real pain in the neck, and the feeling was mutual.I've changed my mind, but how do I know he's changed his? I think he has, but that doesn't necessarily mean we have to become the best of friends, although as far as I'm concerned, it would make our time here more bearable.But I won't let this drive me crazy.I spend enough time thinking about him and don't have to get you all worked up as well, simply because I'm so miserable! SUNDAY, MARCH 12, 1944Dearest Kitty,Things are getting crazier here as the days go by [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]