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.You even have the driver worried he might give it away.“You’ll see,” he beamed without offering a clue.But his smile was all it took to put me at ease and stop me from prying any further.If he wanted to surprise me, I wouldn’t ruin it.I settled in for the ride.We were leaving the glamour of the strip behind, and if I wasn’t mistaken the route looked very familiar.My suspicion was soon confirmed as I began seeing signs for the airport ahead.I looked at Parker.He could see the questions on my face, but he didn’t offer so much as a clue until the moment the limo door opened.He grabbed my hand to help me out with the biggest sappiest grin on his face.Seconds later, as if he were going to burst he said, “We’re going to take a helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon.”“Parker, are you crazy?” I screamed.“You want me to get in a helicopter? I’m terrified of heights.”“You’ll be okay.I’ll be right here beside you holding your hand.I promise it’ll be amazing.”I didn’t want to ruin the joy on his face.I relented, “Okay, okay I’ll do it for you.”He lifted me up and spun me around in a circle.“I’ve always wanted to do this.I’m really happy we get to do it together.”I squeezed Parker’s hand as we listened to our flight instructions and were schooled briefly on the perils of the Grand Canyon.The lesson was over quickly, and before I could think about it we were ducking into the helicopter and putting our headsets over our ears.We looked at each other, and Parker squeezed my hand tighter as the helicopter lifted off the ground and whizzed through the air higher and higher.It was different than flying in an airplane.It was scarier, but I felt safe with him, and as the Grand Canyon came into view I was completely mesmerized.Words couldn’t describe the vast beauty before us.As we took in the terrain Parker put his arm around me and said, “It’s amazing isn’t it? Just like you.”We descended down into the canyon and the pilot instructed us to look out to our left to see the skywalk.I was astonished, and I looked to Parker pleading with my eyes not to be forced to walk out on that perilous thing.It was a horseshoe-like structure jutting out beyond the cliffs, hanging over the canyon.People were walking around it, and I could see from a distance the floor was made of clear glass.Parker shook his head.“We don’t have to,” he smiled, and I was instantly relieved.The helicopter continued to descend until to my surprise we landed.I looked at Parker.“Have you ever had lunch in the desert?”I loved seeing his face light up.He looked so happy, so relaxed.“This will be another first,” I replied looking into his eyes.I knew he understood when the corners of his mouth curled into that sexy smile.He seemed distracted, but replied, “Good.We’ll have many more firsts as long as you’re willing.”After we exited the helicopter the pilot began setting out a picnic lunch for us complete with champagne.It was early, but the heat of the desert sun was already beating down, and I was thankful that my feet weren’t swelling in Jimmy Choos.We ate quietly taking in the surroundings.The colors and shapes were incredible.From the corner of my eye I spotted a lizard crawling close to our blanket and screamed.Parker burst out laughing, and I quickly joined him.His laugh was contagious.When we finished eating we laid back to look at the sky.“See that cloud right there?” He pointed.“What does it look like to you?”“That one?” I pointed too, just to be sure we were looking at the same one.“Yes.It looks like a horse to me.Like a wild mustang with its mane flowing behind it.”I tried see a wild mustang, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t see one anywhere.“No, definitely not, it’s more like a flower.See? The mane is really the flower’s petals.”“Are you serious!” he exclaimed.“A flower? No way.It’s a wild mustang.Look at it again.”“I’m telling you it’s a…” The peculiar look on Parker’s face distracted me [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]