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.It was definitely not designed for tourists, this was built for the local shifters, privacy was everything.Brianna pulled into a parking bay having had her ear chewed by Lizzy for the full ten miles, god the woman could talk.“Ok, I need Wi-Fi and coffee, surely they have that here?”Lizzy jumped out of the car, smoothing her leggings and tunic top down, whilst also inspecting the heel of her knee high boots.Brianna smiled at her friend, she was glad she had chosen plain jeans and strappy top, with her plain black cardigan.Flat shoes complimented the practical ensemble.It was the tracker in her, the need to move fast when needed and not have to worry about landing on your backside on the pavement making a complete fool of yourself.“What about that one there Bri? Katies coffee shack, it has a Wi-Fi sign?”“Sounds good, I just have to try call Murdoch first though, give me a second, I don’t want to do it in the café”Lizzy nodded, leaning against the car door, taking in the scenery, Murdoch picked up on the second ring.Brianna where the hell you been? I was going to send another team after you!Relax, it’s just been a busy twenty four hours and the signal is crap up here.Lizzie and I have just come into the local town to get Wi-Fi.So update meTypical Murdoch, no how are you, did you get there safely, how’s life? Nope just straight for the proverbial jugular.Brianna brought her boss up to speed.Shit, that’s crazy Brianna, but quite possible.We have had no movement on the Mckenzie case but I will feed this most recent information.Give me the vehicle details and I will do a check now then ring or email back.Great, the sooner the better.After passing on the details, she ended the call.“Come on, caffeine addict, I did promise you coffee”“Yes you did, a bucket if I remember rightly”The café was quiet, but Brianna guessed it was still early and the lunch time rush was not stampeding the place yet.They had a few glances of curiosity but generally people got back to what they were doing.Taking a seat at the far corner in a wide booth, they fought over the one menu before hearing a gentle laugh.“There are other menus you know”“We like to share!” Lizzy smiled.Brianna looked at the young woman that had approached them.She assumed she was a young shifter of about thirty years.Her kind face, framed in a neatly trimmed brown bob.The sapphire of her eyes such a stark contrast.“Excuse my friend.Hi I’m Brianna and this is Lizzy”“Nice to meet you both, I am Katie, the owner and that man over there….”She nodded at a tall shifter, with long blond hair, filling the coffee beans into the machine.His eyes were on his task, but Brianna could see the sideways glance he had for the woman.“That is Justin, my mate.So are you just passing through?”Lizzy looked at Brianna with a ‘oh hell what do we say’ look.“We are staying with the amber woods pack for a little while”“Oh, with Marcus? You will be well looked after there then.He is my mate’s long term ally.Justin is alpha of red stone woods on the other side of the valley.When those two get together the bloody air crackles with ‘let’s see who has the biggest muscles and can grunt the loudest”Brianna and Lizzy collapsed with laughter, tears streaming down their face, she really liked this woman already.Marcus was grinding his teeth as he looked at the speedometer for the tenth time.As soon as Luke had said they had left to contact headquarters in crescent falls he had exploded.After everything they had discussed, and the risks on female wolves she had still gone and done what the hell she wanted, did the woman have no sense of preservation? Gripping the steering wheel harder he glanced across at Connor who had wanted to come along as soon as he heard that Lizzy had also left.“You think they are in one of the coffee shops? Luke said they needed a better internet connection to contact Murdoch?” Connor asked.Indicating right, Marcus drove over the old bridge, with the road sign informing them they were entering crescent falls.“Knowing their love of coffee then I would say that was a yes.But that narrows it down to five.Which ones have Wi-FI?”Connor shifted in his seat.“Only two, wilderness café and katies coffee shack, we could ring Justin, he will be with Katie anyway, knowing that she did not want to give up work with all the female wolves disappearing.If she is there then he will be also, he might have seen them”“Do it, I’ll head there first anyway”Marcus slowed down as he entered the small town he had grown up in, before his father had taken over amber woods and they moved further into the forest.He knew it like the back of his hand, every shop owner, the best steak house, the best beer supplier.He stole a quick glance at Connor, listening to the conversation.Connor ended the call.“Yep they are in Katie’s coffee shack”Letting out a long sigh of relief, he drove the small remaining distance and pulled in next to Brianna’s SUV.He noticed the tyre pressures were a little low, making a mental note to get one of his men to check them.Walking through the door, his mates scent soothed him and he could hear her gorgeous laugh.Nodding at Justin on the way in, he and Connor walked to the back seating area.The smell of coffee was overpowering to his wolf nose, how the heck Katie could work in here all day was beyond him.Brianna had been laughing at Lizzy on her theory of why female wolves should all be alphas due to their higher level of intelligence based on the fact that they don’t grunt, pick their backside, or have a caveman attitude of ‘me man, you woman’.She loved Lizziy’s approach to life, it was always so vibrant, despite the fact that she saw herself as a cursed wolf.Brianna knew better, her amazing powerful gift was unique to her and had helped her out a few times when she had locked herself out of the van or her room.Feeling a warm tingling pass through her, she looked up to see her intense alpha heading toward her.When did I start calling him my alpha? Lizzy followed her gaze and she noticed a faint blush develop across her cheeks when her eyes fixed on Connor.Marcus slid in beside her and Connor took the other side beside Lizzy [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]