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.His motive was easy to imagine—greed and need, the two biggies of crime.But murder was another issue entirely.According to Euphemia Bates, Justin had no history of violence.Marriage-minded women were probably a common occurrence in his life, and he was wily enough to elude them without resorting to murder.Why eliminate Phaedra and risk a murder charge?Ames sauntered back into the room, sporting a snarky grin.“Miss me, ladies?”“Were you gone?” I asked.“I hadn’t noticed.”“You always were a smart-ass, Eja.Life with the Swanns hasn’t changed that.”Portia gasped.“Ames! Manners.”“Maybe Eja can solve the murder and save Horton.That’s what she really wants.” Ames sneered.“Why talk with the cops when we’ve got our own Sherlock Holmes right here?”I took a deep breath and killed him with kindness.“Actually, I pattern myself after the female sleuths.Amelia Peabody or Kinsey Millhone will do nicely.Miss Marple is a bit long in the tooth for me, though.”Neither one of my guests was a mystery buff.They both shot puzzled looks my way and gaped.“Forgive me, Eja.That was rude.” Ames took a healthy slug of his drink.“Tension has been mounting lately, and I haven’t been myself.I’ve finally come to a decision.It wasn’t easy, but I’ve decided to move on.”“Move on? You mean, leave Boston?”“Leave the family business and strike out on my own.I’m following your advice, Eja.Remember? You told me to pattern myself after Deming.I’ve decided to join a law practice in the city.”“He’s moving out of the house too,” Portia said.“We both are.”“Together?” I gasped.I couldn’t blame Ames for snarling at me.Manners had gone out the window long ago.“Of course not,” he said.“Don’t be absurd.We’re both professionals with great credentials.Doors will open for us.” He drained the scotch and leapt to his feet.“Come along, Portia, Eja is a busy woman.So much to do, so little time.” The words were fine, but his tone was faintly menacing.“Where’s your fiancé, by the way? Writing briefs with Pamela?”“Right here, Ames.Is there something you want to tell me?” Deming walked through the door dressed in corporate avenger garb.His lips brushed my cheek as he stood next to me—legs apart—in a wushu stance.“Nothing.Never mind.I didn’t mean anything.” Ames motioned to Portia.“Come on, Cousin.Time to disappear.”Portia reached out and touched my arm.“Thanks, Eja.I’ll be in touch.”They hustled out the door without saying a word.“WHAT THE HELL was going on?” Deming asked.“I thought you promised to lay low, not throw a party.And how come you left the door unlocked?”“You said don’t leave the house and I didn’t.Portia was okay, but Ames was creepier than usual.As for the door.that was just a lucky accident.” I stood on tiptoe and kissed him.“Who knew that my personal superhero would rescue me?”Deming glowered at me, playing the heavy parent.“Ames certainly looked odd.Who wears a Grateful Dead shirt during dinner hour in Boston?”Something clicked in my mind as he spoke.“Repeat what you just said.”He locked luscious hazel eyes on mine.“His T-shirt.Classic Grateful Dead.Vintage, too, by the looks of it.Didn’t you see the skull design?”I realized with a grim finality what that meant.My tormenter, the sender of dead black roses, had been in my home enjoying my liquor and planning God knows what.According to Horty, Ames was also versed in the martial arts, just like Phaedra’s killer.“I’ve been so dense,” I said.“How could I have missed it? Freaks who follow the Grateful Dead are called Dead Heads just like those decapitated roses.Ames came here to taunt me.Probably expected me to faint or cower.Bastard! No wonder he got a strange look when he found out you were coming over.” I threw my arms around Deming and hugged him.“Thank you.”“Hey, what’s this all about?” He gently stroked my hair and whispered, “Remember the song? I’m the one who watches over you, Ms.Kane, and I always will be.Forever.”We walked hand in hand into the bedroom, undressed, and held each other close.For a while I lay in his arms feeling safe and cherished, a world away from murder and malice.Then without warning, I started shaking.“That does it,” Deming said.“You’re going to stay with my parents until this whole mess is over.”I thought of the comfort and safety of the Swann mansion with the ever-vigilant Po standing guard.It was tempting.Too tempting.I salvaged my dignity and fought through my fear.“I can’t do that.If I let a creep like Ames disrupt my life, then he wins.I need to concentrate on my writing and live normally.Besides, I have Cato here to protect me.”Deming snorted, using vivid scatological terms to express his opinion.“Okay.Here’s the compromise.I’m moving in here until things settle down.Okay?”I showered him with fevered kisses and the promise of much more.By the time we finished our discussion, both of us were in agreement.Even Cato was reconciled to our new living arrangements.Chapter NineteenANIKA AND BOLIN joined us for breakfast the next morning.Like all good guests they came bearing gifts—a picnic hamper of international goodies prepared by Po.Even Deming stopped grousing long enough to wolf down crabmeat quiche, Dou Jiang, and smorgas, tributes to the native countries of both of his parents.Left to my own devices, I would have plunged facedown into these delicacies.Fortunately, wisdom prevailed, and I followed Anika’s lead, taking modest amounts of each dish.Bolin and Deming showed no such restraint.They piled on the carbs, as though fat deposits were a curse reserved for females only.After a civilized interval, we sipped espresso and discussed murder.I summarized last evening’s cocktail chatter, aided by Deming’s withering asides and snide observations about Ames Exley.“Wait a minute,” Anika said.“You mean he sent you those flowers? That’s monstrous!”Bolin frowned as he evaluated the situation.“My question is why? What did Eja say or do that provoked him?” He turned to his wife.“You were part and parcel of it all.He might try to harm you too.” A look of tenderness passed between them.It was enough to make a romantic out of a confirmed skeptic.“I told them, Dad.Eja is confined to quarters until this thing is resolved.” Deming hesitated when he saw the expression on my face.“In any event, she needs to be extra careful.That’s why I’m moving in.”Bolin gave his son a thumbs up.“Great idea.I’ll tell Po to be especially vigilant.No more hikes up Boylston to that dojo, ladies.He’ll drive you if you insist on going.”I ignored Deming’s scowl and fed Cato a few tidbits under the table.Vigilance makes watchdogs burn up the calories.“Looks like we need to reevaluate Justin Ming,” I said.“He’s sort of a Robin Hood figure, taking from the over-privileged and donating to his master.I wonder if Avery Moore even realizes what’s going on?”“Don’t count on it,” Deming said.“According to Horton, this Moore character is unworldly.No head for business.”Anika squeezed her husband’s arm.“We may be safer at Shaolin City than on Beacon Hill, as long as Eja avoids Heather [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]