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.Part of me wonders if it’s Sybil, maybe she’s being persistent and figures I’ll answer.I look at the screen and the one name I dread pops up.I know I have to answer.I’ve already ignored several calls from leaving my phone here.“Hello?” I answer trying not to sound agitated.“Did the wake-up call work? I’m assuming it did unless you really have a death wish.”“I got the message Landon, I’m done fucking around.” I lie easily.“Good.I’d love to give you more time but all you’ve done is piss it away so one week or Dante handles it his way.I like you Blaine, so don’t make me regret this and for Christ’s sake get your shit together.”I love our chats, they always seem to piss me off more.Maybe I should quit wasting time and just answer her text.If she wanted to see me, she’d have to see me like this and I have no idea how the fuck to explain my face.It’s not like I can say Cory did it, because she knows better.I’m screwed no matter what I do.If I do my job, she finds out who I am and everything is ruined.If I can convince her to run away with me, we risk being found and then she’d really know who I am.I’m fucking exhausted trying to figure this out so I lie down on the bed and close my eyes almost praying I won’t wake up in the morning.***I call Mrs.Horn first thing in the morning and give her some bullshit lie about feeling like I’m coming down with the flu.She buys it and tells me I can come in tomorrow, if I feel better.I know I’m just prolonging the inevitable of seeing Sybil and time is constantly ticking.Surprisingly, my face isn’t bruised beyond belief but it is still sore.I lounge around and find myself constantly thinking about her.Does she miss me? Is she worried about me? She hasn’t texted me since yesterday so maybe she didn’t really give a shit.I run a thousand different dialogues through my head about how everything is supposed to go.Everything ends up with the scenario of her hating me and telling me to fuck off.Those scenarios also end up with Cory telling her I told you so and I don’t want her to have to hear those words from him.He already gives her enough shit.I can’t stand not being near her.I can’t stand not knowing whether or not she’s safe.Dante is lurking around campus which means she isn’t.I grab my keys and run to my truck.I’ll keep an eye on her from a distance.It’s the only way.I can’t stay cooped up in this apartment all day.I park far back enough to where I can see her truck but she’d never be able to pick me out in the parking lot.I check my phone.She should still be in class right now and then shortly, she’ll be heading to the bookstore.I want to be closer, but that would risk blowing my cover.I can only hope and pray to God that Dante stays the hell away from her.Chapter 17SybilBlaine never messaged me back and I never let Megan know I tried.I just finished my night with them and then drove home.I stared at the couch where everything happened and then retreated to my room where I locked the door and hid under the covers.He has to see me today, he has no choice.Whether he talks to me or not, well that’s a different story.I survive the morning with multiple cups of coffee.I feel like a walking zombie but warm fuzzies invade my insides as I approach the bookstore.I look towards the bench he sometimes sits at and he’s nowhere to be seen.He must be already inside, hopefully alone and not with some girl like yesterday.I look around but still no sign of him.I clock in and walk around doing my normal duties.Mrs.Horn approaches me smiling and I give her a warm smile back.“I wanted to let you know Blaine won’t be here today.” I feel my smile start to drop but I try to keep it up so she doesn’t suspect anything.“He called and said he feels like he’s coming down with the flu, so I told him take the day to rest.If you don’t mind checking over his section, I’d really appreciate it.”“Sure, no problem.Thank you for letting me know.”She smiles and walks off leaving me in my own thoughts.Flu, my ass.I know better.He’s avoiding me and I can’t decide whether I’m pissed or hurt.I can’t decide whether he’s worth my time to call or text so I keep myself busy.Time goes by torturously slow and I hate it.The longer I have to think about it, the madder I get.I wish I knew where he lived now because I’d go bang on the door and when he answered, I’d punch him in the face.I should have known he was a douche bag.I should have listened to Cory but I didn’t and look where it’s gotten me.I knew this would end up awkward.Why did I have to let his charm get to me?I spend the rest of my time straightening books and helping a few students find scantrons and shirts in whatever size they are looking for.When it’s finally time to go, I’m ecstatic and practically run outside.I get a bad vibe, like someone is watching me and I turn to look but all I see are other students.I walk briskly trying to get to my truck and on my way home, I decide Blaine Williams will talk to me.I wait until I get home.I walk in and lock the door behind me.I reach for my phone looking to see if maybe he messaged me but nothing.Angrily, I begin to type my message:Me: Why did you avoid me today? I’m not stupid.Several minutes pass and my phone finally vibrates.I want to pretend not to be glad, but I lunge for the phone and open the message.Blaine: I’m not.I have the flu.What a liar! Now, I’m even more pissed.Me: You can fool Mrs.Horn, but you can’t fool me.I know this has something to do with last night.Blaine: Get over yourself, you don’t know what you’re talking about.Me: You’re a fucking asshole.He doesn’t text back right away and I assume he’s sitting there laughing.Why should he care what I think of him anyway? Right now, I have no idea why I give a shit but I do.The phone vibrates again and I’m scared to open it.I just called him an asshole, God only knows what he has to say.Blaine: Sybil, I’m sorry [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]