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.”“Oh, good Lord, don’t bring that up.We could’ve had a hazing lawsuit on our hands.”I shudder at the memory.Tyler is a wild card.When he went from drawing a caricature to a horny version of me, that was just par for Tyler.If you step into his world, even for a second, you can expect crazy things to happen.There’s no point in getting upset over it.“Speak of the devil,” Hannah says, tilting her beer toward the bedroom hallway.Tyler walks out of his room with the strawberry blonde.He looks the same as always: messy bedhead, shining blue eyes, and a crooked smile.His conquest has a dreamy, satisfied look, as if she spent a day at the spa getting detoxified, massaged, and buffed to a shine.I glance at my watch.“Thirty minutes.”I’m surprised he made her so happy in such a short time.I wish I could say I’m not intrigued, but I can’t help but wonder what he did to give her that glow.I also can’t help being a little jealous of her.She’s capable of enjoying sex without getting attached.Yes, it’d suck to be another notch on Tyler’s bedpost when he dresses without so much as an I’ll call you, but at the same time, she’s spared the heartbreak and pain of being betrayed by someone she loves.She gets her orgasm and an intact heart.I wish I could be more like her.When the strawberry blonde and Tyler hit the living room, he goes his own way.His conquest doesn’t realize he’s left until she turns to say something and he’s gone.Her mouth is still open as a dejected expression crosses her face.Oh.She’s one of those girls.The kind who thinks bedding Tyler will make him fall madly in love.Now I’m not jealous; I just feel bad for her.Watching her face crumble is heartbreaking, but she should have known better than to think he’d stick around.Hannah clucks her tongue.“Silly girl.It’s like she’s surprised he didn’t ask her to elope.”I nod.I should despise his man-whoring ways—girls have to stick together—but I’m starting to respect his aloofness.Maybe I should ask him for lessons on how not to get emotionally involved.In a sing-song voice, Hannah says, “If there are only three truths in life, they are these.Women will always try to change a man.Men will always say anything to get a girl in bed.Tyler Mason will always have a long line of girls trying to domesticate him, and none will succeed.”At the same time, we say, “If one of these ceases to be true, the world will cease to exist.”We break into uncontrollable giggles.Liz penned that saying last year after a third pledge came to her in tears over Tyler.Liz was the pledge class leader, and it was always the same sob story.“Our night together was so beautiful.I don’t know why he never called.” Liz had already given the pledges a list of boys to stay away from, and Tyler topped the roll call.Obviously they didn’t listen.Poor Liz had been exasperated at her girls’ disregard of her advice, and she’d written her saying on the oversized dry-erase board on the sorority house’s second-floor landing.Hannah and I saw the saying every day for a semester.No wonder we still have it memorized.Hannah stands and takes my hand then pulls me off the fireplace ledge.“Come on.I know you have a date with your vibrator tonight, but that doesn’t mean you can’t flirt with the cuties out back.”“So that’s what you bought,” Tyler says from behind Hannah.He twists the cap off a fresh beer.Hannah blanches.“Sorry, Cassie!” She knows she’s in deep trouble for opening her mouth about my toy.In damage-control mode, I face Tyler and want to smack the smirk off his face, but I don’t know where that face has been during the last thirty minutes, so I keep my hands to myself.“Zip it, Mason.”He makes a motion as if he’s zipping his mouth, locking his lips, and throwing the key over his shoulder.“Won’t tell a soul.”Even if he did, I’d deny, deny, deny.That’s the beauty of being thought of as virtuous.No one would believe him over me.With my head held high, I take off with Hannah, feeling him watch me as I go.Chapter 3In my opinion, Vandeveer University has one of the most beautiful campuses in the world.I think it has something to do with the live oaks set against backdrops of perfectly proportioned Georgian-style buildings.Or maybe the constant stream of wealth keeps everything in such tip-top condition, it’s difficult to spy a flaw.I’d be hard-pressed to find a crack in the sidewalk my feet march over at this very moment.Most wealthy families in Texas send their kids to Vandeveer in defiance of the Ivies.It’s a Texas pride thing.The school makes sure to live up to Ivy League standards by hiring elite staff and top professors.Vandeveer has turned out more Texas Governors, CEOs, and wealthy entrepreneurs than any other university in the state.I consider myself lucky that I attend here [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]