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.“Promise me we'll be okay."He’s staring at her mouth again and he leans in, sipping from her mouth with his, a breeze of a kiss whispering against her, burning her insides into kindling.His mouth undulates over hers, spreading her mouth open, and just when she submits and lets his mouth open hers, he pulls away, their lips sticking together for a second.He tears his gaze away from her swollen lips, the red rim around them tender from his use.“I promise.We'll be okay.You and me."Her eyes drift shut.She will be his wife and live in the bounds of the vows she makes.Her true happiness exists in being with this man.Her future husband.She will make this work, die to her own selfish dreams and desires, try to be happy with what they have and not ask for more.No doubt.Not when it comes to Judas.They will make it.Together.Grabbing her by the waist, Judas rubs against her, pulling her into another deep kiss.His hands grip her hair as their tongues once again meet in a sweet dance.Judas pulls her leg over his hip and settles himself between her thighs.He pulls back and looks at her, love shining through his blue eyes before he leans down and kisses her, his tongue thrusting in her mouth at the same moment that his body thrusts into her heat.It’s warm, explosive, everything that she’s come to know about Judas.He fills her in, in a way that no man ever can and ever will.She wraps her arms around him, bringing him closer, pulling his chest against hers as their bodies mold to fit one another.They stay in each other’s arms until midnight before mounting his bike.“Hey," Judas says, looking ahead.His thumb swishes slowly across the top of her hand that is wrapped around his torso.She smiles lazily, staring out into the brilliant moonlight and the myriad of stars above before peeking at him.As always, that floating sensation wraps around her, squeezing her insides tight, until breathing is a hard thing to come by.“Hey yourself,” Belle whispers, her voice caught in emotion that has snuck up on her.With one firm grip on the handlebar, his other hand tightens around her, his blue eyes bright as the stars above, heavenly-crafted singularly for her undoing.“You okay?” The primal coarseness of his question always has the same stomach gripping quality, makes her want to jump in his lap, run her fingers through his hair, and forget about everything in the world except them.“I'm good.” She nudges his hand firmer into her grip, weaving their fingers and drawing their joined hands together.“I'm better than good… fiancé."Judas looks out at the open road.“You know it's gonna be okay, right?” He scrapes his bottom lip, glancing back at her.“I know.” Belle can’t squash her need to lean over and lightly graze his cheek with a kiss.The small gesture has his eyes closing for a savoring moment, where she can feel his hand trembling in hers.She eyes the open road, breathing in the crisp air of night.“I'm not used to being so happy, Judas."He grins, bringing their gathered hands up to his lips.He kisses the silky surface in a comforting caress of his mouth; it captures all the warmth and comfort of a home that Belle has been searching for her whole life.He murmurs, as though relishing her reaction and not looking away, “Well, get used to it.” His devilish eyes twinkle.“Do me a favor, babe.Check my jacket pocket."“What?” she asks, not understanding his pleased expression.“Just do it.”“Okay, okay.” She leans forward and reaches into his pocket, pulling out… an antique ring.It’s a beautiful, one-of-a-kind, white-gold princess-cut ring.“It was my mom's.” he whispers lowly, taking her hand again and holding it over his heart.“I love you, Judas.” She bites her lip in the way she knows drives him crazy.And it does.Gunning the engine, he kisses her on the lips and meets her eyes.“I love you more.”Belle Dela Cruz gets it now.In the end, it doesn't matter how tough a person is, or if they fall or stumble along the way.because everybody does.Everyone makes mistakes.She's spent her life trying to avoid something that is humanly inevitable.She believes now that what really counts is just getting through it.If she survives, then that's what counts.Never be ashamed of her inner scars.It simply means she is stronger than whatever tried to kill her.Hiding away in the darkness, with only her conscience to keep her company, is no way to live.And as long as she’s willing to make the choice to live—she is choosing to fight, to win, to get all the dreams she has coming to her.And she is ready.Finally ready for her life.She knows nothing can prepare her for the best and worst to come, but that isn't the point either.Belle is willing to face it all, because she has gotten the one thing she never knew she needed.The gift of love.That is a treasure worth fighting for; one she will cherish till her last breath.All her life she’s questioned who she is, where she belongs.Now she is like the arrow that springs from the bow.No hesitation.No doubts.The path is clear.Destination? Well, that’s easy.It’s right in front of her.Judas Bane.Their lips collide, and their bodies blaze on fire by the intensity of the kiss.With Judas by her side, Belle is ready for all of life's unpredictability.She laughs into the open air, squeezing her future husband's hand a little tighter, then smiles when he kisses a fingertip.She’s a little scared, but she’s ready.And she’s done hiding, done running from her problems.She’s going to be okay.Grinning into the air, breathing in the stark coldness, she loves the sweet feel.Belle isn't sure where they’re headed, what lays in wait for them.But life can bring it on.Belle Dela Cruz has finally come out of hiding, and found her haven in Judas Bane.Her Sleeping Beast.Her Prince of Darkness.Her Judas.AcknowledgementsMy three sisters, who encouraged me to indulge in my bad-boy fantasies.I spent many long days and nights creating and dreaming about Judas Bane, my first sexy alpha-male, gun-wielding hero, and the strong woman who stood by his side.Charlie, Bonnie and Lucy, my childhood friends who enjoy my eclectic ways and provide great suggestions.Though, Lucy, your last suggestion was a little too raunchy even for me! Thanks Charlie, for inspiring the waterfall idea.My editor, James Wilkins, who inspires me daily to reach for my dreams and to aim for the stars.Ling Zhao, for her untiring efforts in creating the perfect book cover!The Little Women Writing Group for their feedback and enthusiastic support.Dean, I couldn’t have done this without you!Jake Winters, my partner in love for over five years and counting.He doesn’t ride a Harley, but he does have piercing blue eyes that make me weak in the knees.Thank you for supporting me and understanding that I needed to hide away and write for the last twelve months.I promise, Pumpkin, I’ll make up for it.And to my wonderful readers.Thank you so much for reading my first romance book.I would love the chance to read your thoughts and opinions [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]