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.Later that night, Mom sent Dad in to talk to us.He was pissed.We were petrified.My dad never got angry.As in, never.So when he shut the door behind him and searched our faces, we knew we were in deep shit.“The others…they look like you?”Nina choked on a laugh.“Much worse.”Nat and I bit our lips to stop our own laughter from joining hers.But Nina quickly straightened, remembering we were in deep doo-doo.But Dad asked, “You punch like I show you?” We all nodded, confused, not knowing what the hell was going on.Dad smiled and lowered his heavily accented voice.“Mama send me in here to scare you, you know? She is very upset.Girls should no come home bloody.”We all nodded.“Yes, Tata.”He shook his head, chuckling to himself.When he reached the door, he turned and spoke softly, “You must block better.” He smiled then added, “I show you how.Tomorrow.”There sure never was a dull moment at our house.I never realized living the way I did, with two older sisters, gave me a life skill I never knew I’d need.I have an insane ability to take and dish attitude without blinking an eye.Who knew I’d need that ability to deal with a thirteen-year-old paraplegic? I really should thank them.My sisters, that is.Nah.Fuck ‘em.Today was my first day of unassisted work.Just because it was unassisted, it didn’t mean I wasn’t supervised.For the next week, James will watch over me to make sure I’m doing everything I should be, but then it’s all me.After today’s sessions were over, James pulled me aside to tell me how much of a great job I was doing.Personally, I felt like I was doing okay.Not great, but okay.Having him tell me how impressed he is with me was definitely something I needed.And although I wanted to hug him, instead, I rubbed his bald head for luck.He laughed and playfully shoved me away.My heart warmed.It was nice to have my friend back.Felicity took me out to lunch and tried to get Willa to come along too, but she kindly refused.I told Felicity about The White Rabbit.She told me she’d always wanted to go, and invited herself along this Saturday.Somehow, I don’t think Felicity is the type of person who needs an invitation.I asked Nat to pick me up after work.As we reach our destination, I punch her arm.“Thanks for picking me up.”Flinching, she rubs her arm and responds, “No problem, bitch.And ouch!”I grin and murmur, “Oh, toughen up, princess.”Nat pulls over in front of the house.“You know what you’re doing?”I shake my head.“Nope, but I think Ceecee will help me figure it out.”She leans over and kisses my cheek.“Good luck.I’ll be at Tina’s.Come get me when you’re ready to go.”Shame fills me, hard and sudden.I look up at my sister and promise, “I’m going to get a car soon.I swear.As soon as I’ve got the money.”She lifts her arm and punches me in the same spot I got her.I flinch, “Ouch.”Her brows rise.“See? Told ya it hurts.And seriously, I don’t mind driving you around.Neither does Ash.Take your time sorting things.We got your back.”The bridge of my nose stings.Nat has been an absolute godsend.A pillar of support.My voice cracks as I tell her, “Thanks.I love you.”As soon as she spots my tears, she shoves me out the door.“Nope! We’re not doing this right now! You need to work.Vamoose!”Sniffling, I step out of the car and chuckle.“Yeah, yeah.I’m gone.”I walk up the long driveway, my duffle bag by my side.When I reach the front door, I ring the bell and wait.A minute passes before the door opens.I smile and look down at my new client.“Hey, Ceecee.How’re you doing, sweetie?”Today is no different from the other days I’ve seen her.She all but rolls her eyes and mumbles, “Fine.”An awkward silence follows.My smile falls.I clear my throat and force a smile so hard my cheeks hurt.“Is your dad home?” She nods and rolls her chair back out of the doorway in silent invitation.I step inside and ask, “So how are you liking this place? It looks amazing.”Her eyes reach mine.Her answer is quick, but harsh.“I hate it.”“Why is that?” I ask gently.Her gaze flickers to the floor before she murmurs, “It’s empty.And cold.”Doth my ears mishear, or is that the bitter sound of loneliness?My chest aches for her.I wish I could bend down and hug her without having my head bitten off.Before I can think better of it, I step forward, lean down, and wrap my arms around her.She doesn’t hug me back, but she doesn’t stiffen either.I hold her a long while before she asks quietly, “Why are you hugging me?”She asks this question in a soft way, a sweet way, so I know this is not a warning to never do it again.As I separate from her, I answer her just as quietly, “Because hugs are free and you looked like you needed one.”The squeak of a door opening snags my attention.Max steps out of what I can see is the bathroom [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]