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.“She took an interest in me when I was still young, but I despised her.” His nose wrinkled in remembered distaste.“She had.has, twisted tastes, besides being unattractive.”Self-disgust hardened his voice.“I was young and inexperienced at the time, and her clan caught me by surprise.When I woke up, I was chained and already drugged.Easy prey.”Jasmine laid her head against his shoulder.When he hurt, she hurt.He wrapped his arm around her.“I’d likely still be there if Mathin hadn’t poured an antidote down my throat and given me a blade.”She rubbed her head against him, her breathing harsh.“Love…” He felt her swallow.“When was this?”“Thirty years ago,” he answered without thinking.She sat up, startled.“Thirtyhow old are you?”Instead of answering, he kissed her.When she was properly befuddled, he told her, “So now you know, and you have no reason to be jealous.”“No,” she agreed, breathless, but still angry with Yesande.“But the next time I see her, I hope I have a gun in my hand.”He kissed her, and a little of the chill left.“You would fight on my behalf?”“Well…” She forgot whatever it was she’d meant to say as he eased her back to the couch, a hot promise in his eyes.“Wait!” she protested, and placed a hand on his chest.“I almost forgot—” His lips touched hers, and for a breathless moment she nearly forgot what was so urgent.Before he could completely blank her mind, she forced him to let her up.His expression stated her reprieve was temporary.She fumbled with the black cord that held her dragonfly pendant and finally got the knot loose.Straddling his lap, she placed it around his neck like a choker, knotting the cord just below the bead that prevented it from slipping off.The black beaded tail trailed down his spine.She smiled, pleased.“Now we’ve both given each other something unique of our own.”He fingered the pendant.“What did I give you?” he asked, thinking she would speak of the jewelry or clothes, and feeling rather self-conscious and silly with a symbol he was used to associating with her femininity on his neck.With a shy but satisfied smile, she answered, “Well, you were a virgin the first time we—”He sat up so fast he nearly dumped her from his lap.“A virgin!” Highly insulted, he asked incredulously, “How in the name of all that’s holy did you come to that conclusion?”She squirmed.“Well, Rihlia—” she stopped, confused.“You said yourself you’d never done it.”“I’d never mated,” he said firmly.“But I can assure you I’ve had more than my share of lovers.I am definitely not a virgin.”“But—” Before she could say anything else to further insult him, he kissed her, stole her words and her silly thoughts.If anyone had been close to a virgin last night, it had been her, and he was more than willing to demonstrate the gaps in their knowledge.He broke their kiss just long enough to promise with a wicked smile, “When tonight is over, you’ll never have cause to question my experience again, wife.” Then he settled more comfortably between her thighs and proceeded to blow her mind.It was several seconds before the pounding at the door registered.Keilor sat up, cursing the fact that he’d told Isfael and Raziel to take the night off and enjoy the feast.Both Haunt were likely curled up with a woman by now, and he hadn’t bothered posting any other guards.After all, Jasmine had him now.“It had better be a fire or a flood!” he snarled.“Who comes?”“Knightin,” came the instant reply.Keilor got up and headed for the door.Knightin would not bother him now unless the matter was urgent.He flung the door wide.“What is—”The Haunt at the door gutted him.Chapter 22She was so cold.Jasmine opened her eyes as dawn broke over the mountain camp.She started to shake.She remembered everything.Curled up in her bedroll, she endured the burning tears and grief as she mourned for her love.Rocks crunched by her head and cloth rustled as someone knelt before her.Yesande stared at her dispassionately.“You’ll get over it,” she said.“Where we’re going, I can supply you with many men to please you.You need never settle for one again.”Jasmine snarled at her, and she smiled.“Such a brave little charmer.No wonder Keilor found you amusing.Don’t worry, pet.” She traced the curve of Jasmine’s ear and Jasmine recoiled.“No one is going to harm you.You’re far too valuable.” She stood up and called to the Haunt with them, “Break camp.We need to be out of here before Jayems’ trackers find us.”Jasmine scrambled up and tried not to think about who had dressed her.At least they’d chosen pants and a tunic.She’d been drugged, and much of last night was a blur.She pulled on her boots, which were close at hand.She wouldn’t find a way to escape lying on her back, and danged if she wanted to give the creepy Yesande or anyone else, ideas.After all, what other use could they have for a charmer?No one touched her, though, during the seventeen hellish days it took to reach Yesande’s citadel.Stags had never been Jasmine’s favorite animals, and she liked them even less after riding double all day, every day with Yesande for over two weeks.The hide wore off the inside of her thighs and her backside, and she could hardly walk for the first three days [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]