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.”“Sounds about right.Tomorrow, you gals can get acquainted while we handle business.”Hope sort of twitches against me, and I’d bet my bike she’s holding back laughter at the over-the-top way he says that.Sway and I go way back, and I got a lotta respect for him.But the fucker talks like a cartoon biker sometimes.Sway’s gaze springs to the door.“Excuse me for a sec,” he says as he slides off his stool.Behind the bar, Sara hands me a basket of cheese sticks.Hope twists around, and I nudge her so she’s resting against my other leg, facing the bar.“You hungry?”Her nose wrinkles.“Yes.But—”“Not a lot of gourmet dishes here, doll,” I say softly against her ear.The shiver that works over her body surprises me.Suddenly, I’m very aware no one has given us a room yet.I need to remedy that soon.Picking up one of the chubby, greasy sticks, I lift it to Hope’s mouth.“Open.”A frisky smile kicks up the corners of her mouth as she follows my order.I groan as she sits and waits patiently, lips parted, for me to bring the food to her.Something about the trust she displays while waiting for each bite sends heat streaking through me.What started out being sort of silly and playful, a way to ease the tension I think we’re both feeling on this adventure, ends up turning my crank in a spectacular manner.Feeding my girl from my hand, taking care of her that way, a rush of power goes straight to my head.Christ, the things I want to do to her.Right this fucking second.When she’s finished, I press a kiss to her forehead, and she lets out a satisfied sigh.As I run the back of my knuckles over her cheek, she leans into my touch.In the middle of this wild clubhouse with all sorts of crazy shit going on around us, my girl and I are having this intense moment, and I wish we were anywhere else in the world.“Sorry ‘bout that,” Sway says, sliding back into his seat.Really.Anywhere else in the world right now would be great.I don’t know what’s gotten into Rock.Or me for that matter.I seriously want to jump him.That’s nothing new.I pretty much always want to fuck his brains out.But something about tonight is different.There’s a strange dynamic going on between us.Some sort of power shift happened on the ride down here.I’m not sure what to make of it.The fact that it doesn’t bother me bothers me.I’m used to feeling out of place in Rock’s world.But Sway’s clubhouse brings a whole new level of discomfort to my usual confused state.After hanging with Tawny and Sway, I appreciate Trinity and, I’ll be honest, even Wrath a whole lot more.I have a whole new respect for the way Rock runs his club; that’s for sure.Rock has me sort of cocooned against him, as I’m sure he can feel my unease.I appreciate the shelter of his body and plan to take cover against him as long as I can.A gentle tap on my shoulder shakes me out of my thoughts.“You doin’ okay?” Z asks softly.A smile tugs at my mouth, and I sit up.“Yeah.Where have you been hiding?”“I been around,” he answers with a smirk.“Yeah, I bet.” I giggle and give him a soft shove.Rock’s arm tightens around my waist and laughter rumbles out of him.“Well, I guess some things don’t change,” comes from a shrill voice behind me.Rock’s body jerks upright, tossing me forward into Z, who turns and steps in front of me protectively.I wriggle around to see what has them so worked up and find a short, curvy woman in front of me.Fan-fucking-tastic.Is there nowhere I’m safe from running into Rock’s past pieces of ass? Wasn’t Cookie enough fun for one night?“Carla,” Rock says tightly.“What the fuck are you doing here?” Z asks, still shielding me from the woman.“My old man has business with the club.Never thought I’d run into you.”“You should go find him,” Z suggests.Maybe I was wrong and this is a former fling of his.“Jesus, Rock.What’s it been? Eleven, twelve years?”Or not.“Not long enough,” he answers.Angling her way past Z, she narrows her gaze at me, thrusting out her hand.“Hi, I’m Rock’s ex-wife.”Oh, for fuck’s sake.I’ve heard plenty about this woman.But no one has ever uttered her name.Wrath and Z both have other choice words they use to refer to her.Rock almost never mentions her.I know she cheated on him and his two best friends hate her—that’s about it.Reaching past Z, I take her tiny hand.She eyes me up and down, finding me lacking, I’m sure.“Hope.” I introduce myself.She raises an eyebrow as if she expects me to elaborate.When I don’t, she sweeps her nasty gaze over me again, this time lingering on my vest and then finally my left hand, which is currently resting on Rock’s leg.“His ol’ lady,” she finally concludes [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]