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.“You better get in and cover yourself.I’m having a hard time controlling the urge to take you.”“You’re getting hard?”“Fuck! Are you kidding? I’ve been hard all night.”“Come here, underneath with me.” She gives me a shy look, patting the bed beside her.Damn.She’s so fucking cute.My resolve is hindering, she’s breaking away all the cobwebs in my heart and tearing down the walls.I hope to never let her go.I slide in next to her, pulling her toward me.On my back, she lies on my chest, playing with my shirt buttons.She looks up at me, her eyes meet mine.The crystal blue globes are synced to my soul.I can see her with me forever.Our connection is not forced, its natural.It feels so close to heaven, having her in my arms.Its weird how fast we got here.So much as progressed over the last 48 hours.But I wouldn’t change a second of it.“So lady, tell me about this library.” She nestles into my chest.Toying with my buttons, undoing the first three and smoothing her hands along my skin.“There’s a room above the bedroom, an attic of sorts, but its large enough to add a couple book shelves and a huge bed with tons of pillows.You know those little windows up at the top, I’d like to put in screens so we can open them.I love the smell of sunshine and books.”“Lets roll with it then.I love to read books too.”“I’d also like to put in a spiral staircase leading you up to the top.”“I love your ideas.” She looks up at me again, and I see a glimpse into our future I wrap my hand around her head and bring her to my lips.As soon as we meet, we both moan and tighten our holds.Tasting her lips, and feeling her flush against me, I can’t take it much longer.I want her so bad.I rotate us around, spinning her below me, so I’m looking down at her.I haven’t left her mouth yet.Our tongues dance and twirl, I can’t get enough of her taste.She continues to unbutton my shirt, until she’s reached the end.I help her to remove it, throwing it across the room behind me.Our kiss still hasn’t concluded, were both fiercely grabbing for clothes.I realize she doesn’t have much to take off, and I’m not a man to push her, I pull back from the kiss to search her eyes.“Jere why did you stop? I’m not done with you.”“Addison, my lady, I don’t want to push you too far too soon.I’m okay with taking it slow.”“I’ve never experienced this.I’m addicted to what I’m feeling right now.I don’t care how far we go.Please don’t stop.”She grabs my shoulder, slamming her mouth into mine.I growl knowing she’s taking charge.She wants this just as much as I do.Her intensity and voracious appetite turns my blood to liquid molten.My cock is hard as a rock.She sits up and raises her arms above her head.I’m confused, and hesitant but I refuse to say no to her.I’m only going slow for her benefit.Clasping her dress on either side I pull it over her head, and as it clears her body, I take in her gorgeous curvy body.God damn me to hell!She’s a goddess, tan and oh my fuck, black lace panties and a matching strapless bra.My pants become instantly tighter than they’ve been all night.I’m almost afraid of shooting off right now.Throwing the dress behind me, I lean into her, stealing her breath.I trail my tongue along her neck, pushing her long dark hair aside to give me access to her silky flesh.She reaches for my pants, and unbuttons them, her neck arches as she tries to pull them down.“Lady, we aren’t doing that tonight.I want you so bad, but not this soon.We have so much more to do before that.”“Jere, I know, I just want to hold you skin to skin, kiss you mouth to mouth, and sleep in your arms till the sun comes up.”“Come here my lady.”“When did I become ‘your’ lady?”“When you bet me who could clear a room faster? You challenge me, and when you do you open my eyes to something I haven’t seen before.The world has more than one side, when you change the way you see it, it also changes the way it sees you too.I keep saying to myself that you haven’t changed me, but really you have.”“You’ve changed something in me too.”“I’ve never been one to jump with both feet, but you’ve given me a reason to take that risk.I want you as my lady, call me your man, I don’t care, but you’re mine now.All this right here,” I smooth my hands along her thighs and stomach, “Is now mine, only for me.”“No one has been here, you are the first and only to have me this way.”“I feel so honored and privileged to experience this with you.I will promise not push you any further than you’re willing to go, but I will need you to tell me when you feel like we’ve crossed the line.”“Jere, I know what I want.I want to taste you,” she runs her hand along my abs, trailing south, digging her hand into my boxers, she finds me, engorged and ready to fire.“Right here.I’ve never done this before, could you teach me?”“Oh my holy mother of god! Yes my lady, I will teach you, but only if you’ll allow me to return the favor.”“Deal.” She leans forward, taking my lips between hers and sucking my tongue into her mouth.Oh fuck! She’s about to be doing that to me? I help her remove my boxers and when I catch her eyes, they’re huge.“Damn!” She says.“I’m not sure if I can fit that in my mouth.Jere bear you’re huge.Are all guys this big?”“I’m not sure, I don’t go around checking out guys dicks.But yes, I’ve been told I’m hung.”Grabbing a hold of me, she caresses the base and moves up and down with her hand, circling the head occasionally.Kissing me and moaning softly, she begins a trail of fire from my neck down my chest, swirling her tongue around my nipples, matching every sinew of my contoured abs.And then finding my happy trail she opens her mouth and sucks her way down to my stiff pole.All I see is the back of her gorgeous body, displayed before me, and that black lace thong.Oh holy hell.Her long dark hair fanned across my legs and belly, her head resting near my dick.She kisses up one side of my shaft, opening her warm mouth and sucking me.“Oh fuck! Addie!” Finally she takes the head and tries her best to swallow me.Once I’m fully in her mouth, at least as far as I will go, she bobs her head, in slow movements.Adding a delicious friction against her lips.I can’t see but I can only imagine what she looks like with her mouth full of me.She grabs a hold of the base and pumps her hand up and down [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]