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.We chased a healthy doe, watching as she leapt and darted through the low hanging foliage, desperate to escape us.Any other time, I would’ve picked up my pace, narrowing the distance between us and the target, but my heart wasn’t in it.Alex sensed the same, slowing completely down.The rush of adrenaline had been just what I needed, but I didn’t have the time needed to enjoy the kill.Glancing at my cousin, I banged my front paw on the ground, turning my body back toward where we’d come.He gave one last look to where the doe had disappeared, tipped his head back, and released a deep, husky howl.I joined him, letting the rumble begin in the pit of my stomach until it vibrated out through my body.On and on we sang, the primal melody swirling around us as it lifted into the air.It was beautiful—our joyous anthem.As the last note faded, I snapped my teeth at Alex, signaling it was time to return.Racing toward the house, the breeze once again coursed through my fur.I longed to bring Darcy out here with me.This would help heal her—soothe whatever was ailing her, inside.There would be no way she could resist it, the siren call of nature.****“I’ve missed running with you,” Alex commented, as soon as he’d changed back to himself.“Although, the Mason I knew wouldn’t have let such a beautiful doe get away like that.”Pulling up my pants, I ran my fingers through my hair to straighten the mess.“True, but I also didn’t have a mate who needed me, either.” I picked up my shirt, holding it in my hands as I slipped my shoes back on.“How’s she doing?” He leaned casually against a tree, waiting for me to finish dressing.“One hour at a time.” It was the best answer I had.“I’m sorry you are both having to face this.I know it’s not something either of you anticipated.”“Yeah, it wasn’t on my wish list for marital bliss,” I snorted, finally putting my t-shirt on.Tugging on the bottom hem, I let out a loud sigh and glanced over at the house.“There’s plenty of other stuff I’d rather be doing.” That stuff didn’t need any explanation.Alex nodded, chuckling under his breath.“Well, I’m glad we were at least able to do this.I hate to tell you, but I’m going to need to go home, soon.I got a call that the Pack’s restless without their Alpha.You know what that means.”“That you’ve been gone long enough.” Slapping his shoulder, I clasped his forearm.“Thank you for staying and helping out.It’s meant a lot having you here.” The words seemed inadequate.“Of course.Family helps family.There’s no way I would’ve just left, knowing you and yours were in danger.You’d have done the same.” His fingers tightened over my skin before he pulled me into a side hug, pounding on my back affectionately.I was going to miss him.“In a heartbeat.If there’s anything you ever need, don’t hesitate to let me know.That bond goes both ways.” With one last shake, I dropped his arm and stepped back.“You know, if you ever want to move your Pack over here, I’m sure we can find you some amazing territory to call home.” It had been something I’d thought a lot about recently, my desire and need to have my family closer.“What? And say goodbye to heaven on earth?” Alex grinned, his smile adding to his boyish charm.“You know, you could always move the Mystic Wolves to the Emerald Isle.”We both let out a loud laugh, knowing full well we were both content where we were.As werewolves, we not only bonded with each other, but we also held a sacred relationship to the earth where we dwelled.We took pride in it, nurtured it, and it returned the favor.Once a Pack laid down roots, they rarely ever left.“It was worth a shot asking, though,” I admitted.“So, when’s your flight out?”“As soon as I shower and finish packing.I came out to say goodbye, but am glad we got the chance to go for a run.”“Perfect timing then.” I nodded.We started walking through the garden, exchanging last minute recaps of the visit and invitations for future visits.Just before we separated, Alex to his room and me to Darcy, my cousin stopped me, clasping the back of my neck, he brought his forehead to mine.“May St.Patrick guard you wherever you go,” he began, his voice solemn as he left a parting blessing.“And guide you in whatever you do—and may his loving protection be a blessing to you, always.”“God bless you, too.” I whispered, gratitude thick in my throat [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]