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.When she arrived, her panic stricken mother was to receive more bad news.Her only daughter had to be rushed into emergency surgery because of internal bleeding coming from her uterus.Though the surgery was a success, and Van had made a full recovery, it would come at a heavy price.Still a virgin at the time of the incident, the doctors advised her mother that her only daughter would have a less than a five percent chance of bearing children.At the time, the problem wasn’t very relevant because of her age.But after her fifteenth birthday, Van’s mother began to realize that she was no longer raising what their little local community considered their biggest tomboy.In fact, those earlier tomboyish ways only added to her natural beauty.Muscular legs, well-toned arms, and a stomach complimented by a very feminine six-pack and small waist, sitting on top of a Georgia peach like ass.It wasn't until after her first two years of nursing school, that Van decided that she would one day love to have children.For her, that’s when the heartbreak truly began.For the first time, her mother sat down with her and explained the real significance of the damage the operation had done.Van cried for weeks, and shared her tragedy with the one person she knew would listen…Quentel.Together, with an unwavering love for each other, they broke down all the barriers of their teens and young adulthood.Dipping even further into her slumber, she began thinking of her young stepson Gerard.He was handsome just like his father.Would she ever be able to give him the baby brother he so desperately wanted? Lastly, she thought of the latest developments surrounding her situation.After reading her entire medical record, Van’s original doctor found out about the operation and decided to discuss the matter with her.For the very first time, Van shared her emotion with someone other than her mother or Quentel.Touched by her sorrow and wishes to have a child, her doctor contacted an old friend from grad school who specialized in that field.His name was Dr.Otis Conway.Dr.Conway's popularity grew worldwide after helping numerous women who were previously declared barren and unable to have children under any circumstances, to become mothers.Ten years ago, he married his high school and college sweetheart who had suffered a very similar experience as Van.Now she was the proud mother of three.After their meeting, Van had started the procedure immediately, in hopes of surprising her soul-mate with the child that they both longed for.But after weeks of consideration, she made the decision not to tell Q about it.That way if things didn’t go as planned, and she didn’t get pregnant, it would save her the pain of having to tell him of her latest failure.Van’s dreams and peaceful sleep was interrupted by Q, who gently rolled back the covers, revealing her nude upper torso.As if drawn by a magnet, Q was honed in on Van’s perky breast.He immediately began kissing, licking, and flicking his tongue on each of them.Van’s body sprang to life from the electric currents that raced through her.“Hummmmmm,” Van moaned in anticipation of what was to come next.“Do you love me?” Q asked, while teasing and humming on her breast at once.“You know I do baby.humm…that feels so good Quentel.”He kissed her a while longer, then against her protests, he pulled away.“Why are you stopping baby?” Van panted“Because, I have something for you, ma.Now get dressed,” he said, regretting the fact that he had pulled away from those beautiful breasts, and molasses dipped thighs.“Right now?” she asked.“Yes, right now, Shorty”Before Van could protest any further, Q pushed himself off the bed away from her.“Look ma.Just get up, and I’ll help you get dressed.”He reached down and picked up a black lace bra and matching panties.“Come here, ma.”She rose to her knees facing him.“Yes dear?” she teased, wrapping her arms around his neck.“I’m so glad to be home, baby.” She said.Q knew how Van was feeling right now.Her estrogen was at an all-time high, the same as his testosterone was when they had him locked down in the county jail.It would be weeks before her sex drive would return to somewhat normal.Q was about to speak, when a deep ferocious bark penetrated and shook the entire house.Q felt Van’s whole body stiffen at the sound.“What was that noise Quentel?” She asked tightening her grip around his neck.“Probably Skull Jr.,” Q answered, thinking fast.“Are you sure love? That sounded like…” sadness took over before she was able to finish her sentence.“Come on ma, get dressed,” Q finally said.Fully dressed now, they prepared to leave.“Wait a second,” Q whispered.He reached inside his pocket and pulled out a black and white bandana.“First you have to put this on.”“A blind fold.Are you serious Quentel?”“Trust me, Shawty.”Van decided not to put up an argument,“Alright.alright.alright,” she said, then turned so he could put the bandana over her eyes.“Where are we going Quentel?”“Sssssssshh.This won’t take long ma, I promise!He led her out on to their balcony.She could feel the sun’s warmth on her skin.“Are you ready?” Q asked.“Ready for what, Quentel?”“Ready for this,” Q said letting the blind fold fall from her eyes.Van nearly lost her balance at the scene that unfolded before her.“Whoa!” Q said, as she collapsed into his arms.“Welcome home! Welcome home! Welcome home!” Everyone shouted in unison.Van looked again out over the balcony.Everyone was there.The entire crew was scattered all over the plush lawn.The swimming pool area had been decorated with flowers, balloons, and a sign that read ‘Welcome home Van! We missed you!!!’Lying next to the pool in a sundress was Van’s mother and the three nurses who’d taken care of her.From their seats, they all waved.Van smiled while waving back with both arms.“Van!!!” Someone yelled from below.It was Kiki, standing with Kesha, Gazelle, Elbony and Terri.“Those are my girls,” Van said excitedly, then turned back towards the house, to rush down the stairs to be with them.But before she could take another step, that loud furious sounding bark came again.It stopped her in her tracks.Turning to Quentel she spoke.“Baby that doesn’t sound like Skull, Jr.”“In fact,” she paused.“You may think that I’m crazy but.but baby, that bark sounded just like Bear.”Q simply smiled.“What are you smiling about Quentel? I’m serious, that sounded exactly like Bear.”Q could see the moisture forming in her eyes and reached out to her, taking both her hands into his.He noticed that she was trembling.“Baby, do you remember when the old lady stopped by here inquiring about Bear?”“Of course I remember, Quentel.You’re talking about Mrs.Russell with that gigantic dog.I think the dog’s name was Roxy right?”“Yea that’s the one.”“What about her?”“Well as you recall, she was interested in breeding Roxy with Bear because of both of their German bloodlines.”“I remember that too, but I also remember Mrs.Russell complaining about the breeding being a wasted effort because Roxy didn’t conceive.“Well, it seems as if that wasn’t the case after all [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]