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.Dr.Ele­na Glad­stone in­ject­ed the flu­id slow­ly, pulled the plunger back out to di­lute the flu­id with Lip­pin­cott’s blood, then slow­ly in­ject­ed the mix­ture back in­to his arm.“There you are,” she said as she with­drew the nee­dle.“Good for an­oth­er two weeks.”“You know, I just may out­live you,” Lip­pin­cott said to the wom­an.He rolled down his sleeve, but­toned his cuff and put his jack­et back on.“Maybe,” she said.He care­ful­ly but­toned all three but­tons of his jack­et.Ele­na Glad­stone had nice breasts, he de­cid­ed.Fun­ny, he hadn’t no­ticed be­fore.And the swell of her hip and the long line of her thigh were some­thing, well, they were some­thing he could do some­thing about.With­out at­tempt­ing to ap­pear ca­su­al, he walked to his of­fice door and locked it, once with the but­ton lock, and twice by turn­ing the key.When he turned back, Dr.Glad­stone was smil­ing at him and she had a wide love­ly mouth of beau­ti­ful teeth and a warm smile, and a man could do some­thing with a smile like that and she seemed to sense it.She knew what he was think­ing be­cause she be­gan to open her rust col­ored blouse, but be­fore she could, Elmer Lip­pin­cott Sr.sped his eighty-​year-​old body across the room to her, lift­ed her rough­ly in his strong arms, and car­ried her to the blue suede leather couch in his of­fice.Up­stairs in Elmer Lip­pin­cott’s bed­room, his wife Glo­ria stirred.She stretched lan­guid­ly in her sleep, then slow­ly opened her eyes.She turned to her right, saw that her hus­band was not in bed, then checked the clock on the small mar­ble ta­ble near her bed.She smiled and reached out her hand for a but­ton on the ta­ble and pressed it.Twen­ty sec­onds lat­er, a tall dark-​haired man with light green eyes en­tered the bed­room through a side door.He was wear­ing a tee shirt and blue slacks.Glo­ria Lip­pin­cott looked at him with ex­pec­ta­tion.“Lock the doors,” she said.He locked all the bed­room doors, and turned back to her.“I want an ex­am­ina­tion, Doc­tor,” she said.“That’s why I’m here,” said Dr.Jesse Beers with a broad smile.“An in­ter­nal,” Glo­ria Lip­pin­cott said.He nod­ded again.“As I said.That’s why I’m here.” As he walked to­ward her, he be­gan open­ing his trousers.Back down­stairs, Elmer Lip­pin­cott zipped up his trousers and put his jack­et back on.“So that’s how young you feel,” Dr.Ele­na Glad­stone said.“Mm­mm­mmimn.”“Ex­act­ly,” he said.“And I owe it all to clean liv­ing, good di­et and.”“And a healthy dose of erot­ic juices from the Life­line Lab­ora­to­ry,” the red­head said.She stood up from the blue couch and smoothed her skirt around her hips.“I give my mon­ey away to ev­ery dip­shit cause that any­body asks me to do­nate to,” Lip­pin­cott said.“Your lab’s the first one that ev­er did me any good.”“Our plea­sure,” she said.The in­ter­com buzzer rang on the phone on Lip­pin­cott’s desk, and he walked quick­ly over to the re­ceiv­er.“Yes,” he said.“I’m think­ing of you, dear,” said Glo­ria Lip­pin­cott.“And me of you,” said Lip­pin­cott.“How do youfeel?”“Fine,” his wife said.She gig­gled slight­ly.“What’s so fun­ny?” Lip­pin­cott asked.“Dr.Beers.He’s giv­ing me an ex­am­ina­tion.”“Is ev­ery­thing all right?”“Oh, it’s fine.Just fine,” Glo­ria said.“Swell,” said Lip­pin­cott.“You be sure to do just what the doc­tor tells you.”“You can count on that,” said Glo­ria.“Any­thing he says, I’ll do.”“Good, and I’ll see you in a lit­tle while for lunch.”“Bye, bye,” Glo­ria said as she hung up.Lip­pin­cott re­turned the phone to the desk.“That Dr.Beers is a good fel­la,” he told Ele­na Glad­stone.“Al­ways on the job.”“That’s what we’re paid for,” Ele­na said, look­ing away from the old man with a smile.She fin­ished but­ton­ing her blouse.There were guards at the be­gin­ning of the long pri­vate drive that led to Lip­pin­cott’s sprawl­ing West-​chester es­tate and there were more guards at the big iron gates set in­to the twelve-​foot high stone walls that bor­dered the grounds.When they got close to the house, there were more guards prowl­ing the perime­ter of the main build­ing, and in­side the front door, there were two more guards.One called by tele­phone to Elmer Lip­pin­cott’s of­fice and was told that Re­mo and Chi­un were al­lowed to pass [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]