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.He takes my nipple between his teeth lightly and tugs—hard—and I almost catapult off the bed.“Ow!”His hot tongue licks over the tender tip, soothing the pain.The second my muscles relax from the abrupt shock of his teeth on my sensitive nipple, his fingers pinch the other one sharply and I try to wriggle away, but his grip is unyielding and it’s clear that no matter how hard I struggle, I’m not going anywhere.In fact, if the hard length of him pressing against my thigh is any indication, it’s only turning him on more.“I can do this all night,” he assures me, tweaking the other peak.His tongue flicks across my belly and I groan.I’m hurt and angry and I’d knee him in the balls given the chance, but I respond to his touch like clay in a sculptor’s hand.It’s a bitch when your body betrays you.“For being such a badass, you sure are good at running away,” he says softly.“That’s what you wanted, isn’t it?” I say bitterly.“I heard you and Griffin talking in your dressing room after the Austin City Limits taping.Everything you did, everything we did, was just to get me to run.To step away from the case.You used me,” I say accusingly.“No more than you used me,” he counters, his hand languidly trailing over my stomach.“You wanted the edgy, dominant Drake Maddox that you’d read about.You came to my house and asked me to show you how to be daring, to help you find that dark world of possibility that was hidden inside you.You’re a thrill junkie, Tori, and I was the ultimate thrill.I just gave you want you wanted.”I let out a breath.So that’s how it is.He used me; I used him.But he’s right.I bought into the image of the dark and dangerous superstar and used it to get what I wanted—the chance to stay on the case and explore my fantasies—at least in the beginning.Of course after I got to know him, I somehow fell in love with the real Drake Maddox, the one who’s as funny and tender as he is rough and ruthless, the one who gets me like no one else ever has before.Thank goodness he doesn’t know that.“You’re right,” I say matter-of-factly.“I got what I wanted, which was to stay on the case, and although you didn’t quite get what you wanted since I’m still on the case, at least you got someone to fuck, some naive ingénue to play your domination games with until you move on to the next girl.”His blue eyes flash angrily as he sits up abruptly, letting go of my wrists.“Is that what you think?”I sit up as well, tugging my tank top back down over my breasts and wrapping my arms around myself as if that can somehow protect me from this heartache.“It’s what I know,” I say matter-of-factly.“Now get out of my bedroom.”I turn my back on him, and after several long minutes, I hear the door softly click closed behind him.When I wake up the next morning, Drake is gone.I pour myself a cup of coffee and go looking for my dad.I find him in his study going over a contract for one of his sports clients.“Where’s Drake?”“His brother called and said there was a problem and he had to leave.Conrad drove him back to the hotel about an hour ago.”I nod.It’s better this way.The less I have to see him, the better.“I have to admit, he wasn’t what I expected,” my dad says.“Drake seems like a surprisingly intelligent, nice, and upstanding young man, despite his tattoos and reputation.Kyle had insinuated that he was involved in some sort of unscrupulous dealings, but after meeting him, I don’t know what to think.”“Kyle would say anything to salvage his pride,” I say drily.“I broke up with him.His ego is bruised.”“That’s probably true.” He looks up at me, his face serious.“Despite the fact that I didn’t initially support your decision to work for the FBI and I’m still not crazy about it, I do believe in you, Tori.I just worry about your safety.Please hear what Kyle has to say, in case there’s something to it.He’s in town for a fund-raising event.Maybe you could meet him this afternoon for coffee, find out what he knows.Consider it a favor for your overprotective father.”I smile.He’s making progress that he can even admit that he’s overprotective.“Alright,” I agree.“If it’s that important to you.” I run my fingertip absentmindedly around the rim of the coffee cup.“Listen Dad.I’ll talk to Kyle, but you don’t have to worry.There’s nothing between Drake and me.It’s all just for show for the assignment I’m on.”My dad looks up at me, his gray eyes boring into mine.“Perhaps you should tell that to Drake.”The crowd has thinned out around the hotel when I get there at ten, and I walk into the lobby unhindered.Not that anyone really cares about talking to me when Drake’s not around.The vast lobby is almost empty, and I’m wondering how long I can avoid going up to the suite I’m supposed to be sharing with Drake when I’m intercepted by Emma and Mila.“Want to go grab coffee?” Emma asks.I hesitate for a moment.They both seem nice enough, but they’re clearly good friends and after today, I’ll probably never see either of them again.But it’s better than running into Drake alone in the hotel room, so I agree.We end up at a mom and pop coffee shop just around the corner, and as soon as we’ve ordered, Emma asks conversationally, “So where did you and Drake go to dinner last night?”“We had dinner with my dad at Le Cirque” I say.“It’s his favorite place [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]