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.Sim looked up at him with knowing in his eye.Patrick gave him a nod and that was all that was needed.His heart thudded with relief.This would be okay.Somehow.There’d be negotiation, but they’d find a way.Sim grinned then shifted his gaze to Verity.Coming forward he reached for her and helped lift her from the horse.“Hey sweetness,” he said, kissing her forehead.“Trying to escape already?”“Why would I want to do that?” she teased.“I have four men just waiting to see to my every pleasure.” Laughing she spun in a circle then plopped down on the blanket.She closed her eyes, stretching in the sun.The sight dragged Patrick back to tender days gone by once more.How many times had she done this same thing? Verity was like a cat in the sun, soaking it all in.The gold-hued beams, filtering through the leaves overhead, painted her body in moving shadows and light.He climbed down, letting Regan take the horse and move it by the others.Sitting beside her on the blanket, he drew a thumb over her cheek.“You’re enjoying all this, aren’t you?”Opening one eye, she looked up at him.“And why not? I only have the weekend.”“It doesn’t have to end on Monday.Surely, you know that.”She nodded.“I know you want me to stay.”“And Conlin wants you to go with them?”She stared up at him with both eyes now, sincerity in her expression.“I don’t know what you told them about our relationship—”“Not a lot.”“Well, they probably see me as fair game.Don’t hold it against them.Besides, I don’t know them well enough to rush off to God knows where.”He leaned over her, brushing his lips over hers.His chest was tight, clenched with what he had to say.Had his brother felt like this when he’d first seen Rayna, instantly knowing she was the one? And Patrick knew Verity well.They’d hardly be starting from scratch.Sim sat on her opposite side and bent over her as well.He kissed her cheeks and chin and forehead.Turning his head, he kissed Patrick’s temple, and his arm slung over Patrick, joining the three of them.“What incentive do you need?” Patrick finally asked her.“Do you even want to stay here?”Verity could barely breathe.Not because she was closed in, but because she knew this moment would irrevocably change her life.This was the point she’d once feared more than anything, yet now, it didn’t seem so scary.Somehow, everything would end up right.“Daly is home,” she told them, tenderness filling her as they kissed her anywhere they could reach.“When I drove into town, I was fully expecting to stay.I never expected you two to be here.I was supposed to move back in with my parents—”“Now, honey, why would you do that? I have a perfectly good bed—”“One that’s partially occupied?” she asked.He glanced at Sim.“One that could be triple occupancy.”Her throat tightened at the thought of waking up between them every morning, of going to bed with them every night, of having fun with them and making a future together.“Three things…” she told them.“Shoot,” Sim said.“I have to have a job.My dad’s pretty much blown my plan out of the water, but you need to be okay with me finding work, even if I have to commute.”“Sounds reasonable,” Patrick replied.“But you need to get a better vehicle.”“My car’s the latest model,” she protested.“Exactly.It’s a car.If you’re gonna commute you need something better—especially if you’re trekking out to ranches.”“Fair enough, don’t you think?” Sim offered.“We just want you safe.”Verity nodded.“Second, I want babies.But I don’t want them right away and I don’t want to stop working when I have them.” She looked at Patrick, who’d been raised with a stay-at-home mom.“Okay?”His lips pursed as he thought and she knew he wasn’t pleased with part of it.Was this a deal breaker? Did he really want her to stay at home making kids and being there for sex? It didn’t matter how much she loved them, she wouldn’t do that.“Five years,” he said.“Maybe three,” she laughed, relief sinking through her.“I want a few and I don’t want to be pregnant and nursing for years straight.And I want you guys to work this…thing…out between you.That house isn’t big enough for an elephant to live with us too.We’d get squashed left and right.”Patrick looked at Sim then sat up, tension straining his face.Sim straightened as well, and she suddenly felt like the battle line between two combatants.A glance to the side showed Conlin and Regan had busied themselves with each other.Con had Regan’s chest flattened against a large tree while he ground into the man’s clothed ass.With them occupied, it was just the three of them.She looked back at Patrick as he studied Sim.“I’m not ready for sex,” he said.“I don’t know if I ever will be.”Sim nodded, but she didn’t miss the disappointment in his eyes.Neither of them could push Patrick.Being with Sim had to be his decision in his own time.Patrick reached over her to cup Sim’s cheek.“I’m not saying I won’t try to get there.”Sim nodded, and both men appeared misty, but that could have been her own eyes tearing up.She sniffled and they gazed down at her.“You okay?” Sim asked.She nodded, feeling as if almost everything had fallen into place.The two of them would be an anchor for her—not to hold her back but to keep her focused on what was important to her.Them, her family, Daly… Being a vet was important but not in her top three.Still, she knew that part would still happen even if she didn’t have her own practice.But she couldn’t verbalize her answer yet.This weekend was supposed to be about sex not commitments.They needed fun and fantasy and learning to function as a unit.Scooting away from them, she stood at the edge of the blanket.Quickly, she pulled off her shirt and tossed in on the blanket.Her bra followed.She shivered as the cool May air licked over her taut nipples.She closed her eyes and cupped her breasts.Knowing she had the rapt attention of at least two of the men, she plucked at the tips, pulling and rolling until she heard them groan.Slowly, she moved a hand down her belly and into her jeans.As she knew she would, she found her pussy slick with her arousal.She moaned, pushing her fingers as deep as she could.She felt a man against her back, his hands clasping her arms.“Mmm…yeah…” Conlin muttered, and she knew he and Regan were ready to rejoin the party.“Get those fingers nice and wet.I want to suck them off while Regan sucks me off [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]