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.A grin split his lips and, although they were deep set, his eyes were a brighter green than the carpet.He wielded a camera phone in one hand as he skidded to a halt next to Seth.‘My man!’Seth shook himself and glanced at my parents.‘What’re you doing, Kyle?’‘Double Dares.’ He tucked the phone into his jeans.‘Not Lizzie’s stupid game.where is she?’‘Where d’you think she is? Doing the boys’ side.’Seth frowned towards the boys’ accommodation and, I assumed, his own room.He opened his mouth, but just then a girl pounded after Kyle.‘Get back here, you gargoyle.When I’ve torn off your arms I’m gonna smash that phone with the stumps.’‘Gotta go, man.’ Kyle ducked past Dad and hit the doors running.When the girl saw us she dug the toes of her boots into the carpet to bring herself to a halt.She was bright red and shaking.Even the tips of her ears, rimmed with silver studs, were glowing.‘I’m not finished with you,’ she shouted as Kyle leaped down the stairs.Moving closer to my parents I stared unashamedly.The girl was worth looking at.Her eyes were the colour of faded denim and lined with thick kohl.Peroxide-white hair was cut pixie short and spiked around her ears and forehead.It framed the studs that marched up her lobes and the single bar that bisected her eyebrow.She wasn’t wearing any other make-up.She hadn’t even tried to conceal the bags under her eyes.It’s like she’s proud of them or something.I scoped out her clothes.While Seth wore Diesel jeans and a pressed Superdry shirt, the girl wore faded, ripped low riders of no particular label in a style that had gone out of fashion two years ago.One tight top was layered over another in a way that almost, but didn’t quite, hide an ancient stain and she displayed a tarnished silver necklace in the shape of a dragon.I glanced at her hands and saw that she wore silver rings on every finger, even her thumbs.The anger faded from her eyes and she appraised me just as openly.There was silence for a beat then she raised her eyebrows.She didn’t hold out a hand, but gestured to herself with one thumb.‘I’m Pandra.’‘Cassie.’‘The Doctor said you were coming.You’re in the room next to mine.I’ll show you.’Seth stepped forward and the atmosphere thickened.‘Then you can take the bag.’ There was open hostility in his voice.Pandra sneered.‘I don’t do baggage.’‘It’s okay.I’ll carry it.’ I tried to take the bag from Seth, but he lifted it out of my reach.‘Let’s just go.’ He glared at Pandra’s retreating back.It was obvious something had gone on between the two of them.My stomach lurched unhappily and I stomped the feeling down.I shouldn’t jump to conclusions, and anyway, why should I care?Pandra halted outside a closed door.‘This is you.’ She rapped the wood with a closed fist.‘Come and say hi once you’re settled.’She disappeared into the room next to mine.As her door closed I tried, and failed, to see inside.When I turned back I realised the whole party had watched her go, including Seth.She drew attention like a wasp at a picnic.I shook my head and pushed my own door.Nothing happened.‘Here.’ Seth handed me a smooth white card.‘This is your key.It acts like a credit card too, for meals and other stuff.There are some things you can do to get credit added to it, if you want.’Sure enough there was a slot in the frame.With fingers that trembled only a little I used the card to enter the room that would be my home from now on.Weak rain-light poured in through the barred windows and striped the white bedding.My gaze followed the lines of shadow to the shafts embedded in the sill and I pulled at my collar, which suddenly felt much too tight.‘It looks like a prison cell.’Mum stroked my ponytail, a gesture she hadn’t made in a long time.‘It’ll be alright.Look there’s a DVD player; we’ll post you some films.’Seth dumped my bag on the bed.‘You can borrow some of mine while you wait, if you like.’I was sceptical.‘What have you got?’‘You think I wake up in the night and watch Alien vs.Predator? It’s all light entertainment.’ He gave me an unreadable look.‘You can come and take a look later.’Mum huffed and Seth backed towards the door, talking rapidly.‘I’d better tell you the rules: we’re allowed to mix in each other’s rooms during the day but, from nine p.m., boys and girls remain in their own wings.The treatment area is off limits unless you have an appointment.You’ll find your schedule in the folder on your desk.’He stopped with his back to the door.‘There’re two buttons in the unit beside your bed.The red one is a panic button – if you wake up in the night and need help you can press it.The night nurse will come in, turn on the light for you, whatever.’ He was feigning nonchalance but his eyes had darkened.‘What about the other button?’His lips thinned.‘The white one connects to a recorder.When you wake in the night you have to press that button and record everything you can remember from your dreams.’‘Are you serious?’ My own breath trembled in my ears as Seth exhaled.‘I know.it’s horrible.You want to think about something else, not relive the storyline.But it’s an important part of the treatment.’ He tensed.‘If the Doctor finds a tape empty in the morning, she wants to know why.’I wanted to ask more.I didn’t know when I’d next be able to speak to him, and I wanted to make the most of my chance, but Mum slammed my suitcase open meaningfully.‘I’ll give you the full tour another time.’ Seth backed into the corridor and the closing door shut him off.I glanced at the barred window again.I was inside the Doctor’s treatment centre, but I was not alone.For the first time since I’d spoken to the police about Zillah’s grave my spirits started to rise.CHAPTER EIGHTTREATMENTAn hour later Mum had hung all my clothes in the small wardrobe, laid my toiletries out in the tiny en-suite bathroom and run out of reasons to stay.Dad had spent the time on the single armchair, the treatment schedule open on his lap [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]