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.One of the men who took her off the street in front of Mama Giovanni’s.“Yeah, I guess you can.Won’t do you any good, so go ahead.No one will hear you.”“Where am I? Where have you taken me?”‘I don’t know,” He came up next to her.“Somewhere in South America.”“What?” South America? What the hell? That couldn’t be right.“Why would you bring me to South America?”“Because our mistress ordered us to.She wants us to keep you until she comes again.”“Look, you have to know this is wrong.Please let me go.You look like a nice man who knows better than this.”“I am, and I’m sorry.But I have no choice.Mistress Mercury controls us.”“Controls you? How? Blackmail?”“I don’t really know.But we have no choice.If she commands us, we must do whatever is expected.I’m glad you ate the chips.When she calls to say we can feed you again, I’ll get you something better.”“When she calls to say you can feed me?”“We are not to feed you unless she calls us and says we can.I’ll get you something softer to sleep on.We might be here a long time.”Alisa had been very worried when she woke up.Now she was terrified.This was so fucking crazy.What was wrong with this man? He really did seem like a nice man who would not do something like this.Yet he made it clear he would comply with whatever crazy-ass thing this bitch asked of him.“Let me go.Please.You know this is wrong.”“I do.I want to unchain you and drive you home to Chicago.But I can’t.Understand this is out of our control.No matter how much you beg, I can’t let you go.But I’ll try to make sure you’re taken care of.”Alisa shook her head.“No.You can’t do this.” She paused.“I’m sick.I have ALS.I need medication.Look, if you keep me here like this, I could die.”“I’m sorry, I really am.But you’re as trapped as we are.I’ll get you some blankets.”He turned and walked out without looking back, pulling the door closed behind him.Dropping back onto the cold concrete floor, Alisa felt moisture on her cheeks as tears slipped down.Koen would never find her here.He’d told her he could find her any place on earth.But she knew she was in real trouble now.The men that Numbers One and Two had chosen for her were excellent.Windari finished a marathon session of sex with both of her new blood-bonds.“Outstanding, Three and Four.Go sleep, and when you wake, we may have to repeat that.”They disappeared and she threw herself back on her new bed and smiled, elated.All was going so well now that she had been fortunate enough to find Koen’s weakness.She’d been able to confirm that Ahmose had pulled his search teams out of the city.And Numbers One and Two told her they found an isolated and secure location to keep her little leverage package.Soon, she would go down there and make sure all was good, but she couldn’t risk it yet, since there was still a chance that Koen would pull off some kind of surveillance that would lead him to his little human lover.Then she would be back in the same trouble she’d been when she left her village in South Africa…homeless and hunted.But not now.Now she still had full run of this city and all of its treasures.And although she knew she would eventually have to get out of here, for the moment, she quite enjoyed her victory over the powerful first blood males.She’d bested them and brought them to their knees.She grinned.If only she could have done that literally.How nice to have been able to make both Ahmose and Koen service her.She would love to have those men waiting in line to drop their impressive cocks into her.Perhaps another time.Releasing a sigh of pleasure, she reached for her cell phone.“Number One.How is our little detainee?”“She’s angry.Confused.Trying to figure out how to escape.”“Sure.Tell her good luck with that.You can feed her.And let her know I plan to jet in to see her someday soon.Take good care of her, One, since she is very important to my plans.I call her my little Ace, as in my winning hand.You understand.If there are any problems, you contact me right away.”“Yes, mistress.”“Well, then, give her something nice to eat.Later.”Rest, an amazing breakfast, and perhaps more guy on guy on girl action when the sun left the sky tonight.Windari slept well with a clear conscience and an expectation of a great night ahead.TWENTYCherise and Katerine arrived to hugs and hearty welcomes.Koen stood back as the women were pulled into Alisa’s apartment.He hadn’t seen Katerine in a while.She was lovely, as always.The one first blood female he had always been attracted to, but had never been with.She’d been with the first blood male, David, in Iceland for centuries and he’d never had the opportunity.Her eyes sought him as soon as she came into the room.He could see the pain in them.After hugging Park and Eillia, she came straight to him.“Koen,” she said softly, and hugged him, tightly and for what was longer than was considered normal.He knew it was because she understood his pain.They had always had a connection, even through many relationships with other people over centuries.“Are you okay?” Katerine asked when she pulled away.“You know I’m not.But if you four extraordinarily talented women can find my mate, I will be the happiest man that ever existed.”“You know we will give it everything we have.”Koen nodded.“I do.In this room, for the first time, I have the collected women who have meant the most to me in my life.To help me find the one who will mean the most to me for the rest of it, if I am in favor with the universe.”“You always have been.But you are so hard on yourself.We love you and always will.It is so good to see you again, old friend.Although I would have wished for better circumstances.I cannot wait to meet the woman who finally stole your heart to make sure she is worthy.”“She is worthy.”“I know she must be.We will find her, Koen.”He hugged her again and turned to Cherise, who finally made it through the other women.“Hello, little empath.Thank you for coming.”“I will do what I can, Koen, but you know my skills can be unpredictable.I wish I could assure you of success.”“I wish you could as well.But I will take any hope at this moment.”“Good.Then we will begin.Let’s move this furniture back away from the center of the room.”Pushing back the sofa and moving the end-table between it and the recliner made enough room for all four of the women to sit in a circle.Cherise took over as she usually did for one of these spiritual journeys.It was her skill as a born empath and she was very good at it.Combining the power of all four women would give her a boost that would allow her to send her gift out into the air to search for Alisa.It would be an assured success if they had a blood trace…anyone who she had exchanged blood with.But that wasn’t the case.Koen dropped onto the sofa that now sat askew near the wall and picked up the begging puppy at his feet.He felt entirely responsible for Alisa’s abduction and their inability to find her so far [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]