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.” Suddenly, Ben took his hand away and curled it at his side.He trembled all over as he admitted, “Something I’m so damned scared to love too much and break.”“Never.” Just as fast as Ben had taken his touch away, David put the man’s hands back on him, one on his waist and the other on his cheek.“If we go up in flames, we do it together.” Heating from his core, feeling as though he might tear out of his skin, David wrapped his arms around Ben, strained against him, and pleaded, “Make love to me, Ben.” He scraped their mouths together and then grazed kisses all over Ben’s face.“I’ve missed your passion.I’ve missed your weight and heat and hardness.” He captured Ben’s gaze with his and said, “I’ve missed you.Every bit of you.I love it all.”Ben crushed his lips to David’s, exposing a desperate pain in the kiss he’d probably never let anyone else in this world see.“I love you so much.” His arm around David’s waist, Ben yanked him somehow closer, pressing their middles together, and confessed, “It’s been killing me to be apart.”“Then don’t do it to us anymore.Let us be together.” Frantic, so full of pent-up love and need, David yanked Ben’s shirt off and ran his fingers over every inch of hot, hard skin he could reach, knowing Ben needed to be touched just as much as David loved doing it.“Let yourself take me the way we both need you to.I want it.I want everything with you.” One more time, putting his heart and soul, hell, his entire being into his voice, David held his hand over Ben’s heart and vowed, “Forever.We are forever.I promise.”FOREVER.A RAGGED shout escaped Ben, and he fused his lips to David’s in a devouring kiss, praying nothing ever parted them again.Never had Ben wanted to hear a word more—forever—from any single person on this earth.And to hear it without an ounce of fear attached pierced like the sharpest blade straight into Ben’s chest and shattered every layer of protection he’d ever erected around his heart.David clung to Ben and kissed him back, and Ben soared into the clouds.The floodgates opened in Ben, and like he hadn’t consumed a calorie in weeks, Ben feasted on David’s mouth as if it could provide the nourishment he required to stay alive.Ben swept his tongue deeply past David’s lips, savoring this man’s honeyed taste, and rocked David against his cock, his threadbare cutoffs and David’s worn-in jeans hardly a barrier at all.David moaned and pushed Ben’s hand down the back of his pants, forcing Ben’s fingers into his crease.The moment Ben fingered David’s tight bud, David trembled, and his bulge grew against Ben’s belly.Ben held his middle digit firmly against David’s hole but didn’t move it.Instead he gently flicked the tip of his tongue against the bow of David’s upper lip.David shivered, and his eyes widened, so Ben did it again.And then again.Each time Ben touched David’s lip with his tongue, David’s pucker squeezed in reaction, and Ben knew the man’s passage had to be fluttering like hell inside too.Biting his lip, David wiggled his ass against Ben’s finger.Ben smiled, and his heart lightened for the first time in what felt like forever.He’d blocked from his mind just how much he loved the innocence and honesty in all of David’s sexual responses, and now, so fast, just this one reaction went through Ben’s blood like fine wine.Still not applying pressure, Ben grinned against David’s mouth.“What do you want?”Whimpering, David circled himself against Ben’s hand.“Please…give it to me.” His actions frantic, David undid his jeans and lifted just enough to shove his underwear and pants halfway down his thighs.“I didn’t do anything without you.” David spit into his hand, reached back and coated Ben’s fingers with the stuff—making the most unpracticed, hottest damned move Ben had ever witnessed in his life.“Please.It’s been too long.”Driven by a desire to make this man happy, Ben slashed his mouth across David’s, took him with a voracious kiss, and plunged his middle finger into David’s ass.David shouted into Ben’s mouth.At the same time, he lunged up to his knees on the bed, but Ben stayed with him and kept his digit buried in the man’s hot, wet channel.David pulsed fast and hard around Ben’s embedded finger, and his prick rose straight out from his thatch of pale blond fur.Ben moved his finger within David’s steamy tunnel the slightest bit, and David groaned and pumped his ass on Ben’s invasion.Ben tweaked David’s sweet spot, and a pearl of early seed pooled in David’s slit and dripped onto Ben’s abdomen.David’s cock reddened and lifted harder toward his stomach.David moved to put his hand on his length but stopped with his fingertips on his lower belly.So sure of himself in so many ways, and so uncertain in others, David, and every move he made, pushed Ben to grow thicker and harder than he’d ever been in his life.His mouth filling with saliva, Ben let a long line of spit drip from his lips to the tip of David’s shaft, where it clung to the head and slowly ran down the length.David shot his stare up to Ben’s, and Ben told him, “Don’t get shy with me now.Let me see you stroke yourself.” In response, David pulled recklessly on his shaft.He teased his thumb across the slit, and Ben groaned, “There you go,” and moved his finger inside David’s channel again.With steady tugs, David pulled on his stiff cock and moved himself on Ben’s digit, riding it in time with each drag on his dick.Digging his free hand into Ben’s upper arm for support, David gasped and pinched the tip of his dick each time he took Ben’s finger to the webbing.Pink flushed David’s skin, and bead after bead of precum formed in his slit.In hardly any time at all, David’s breathing became labored, and suddenly he began pulling erratically on his shaft.His gaze like chips of blue diamonds sparkling in an ocean, David rocked his lower half back and forth and side to side on Ben’s invasion.“Another.” He bit his lip as his passage clenched around Ben’s digit.David tugged on his sac and seemingly choked on the pleasure.“I need more.” David clung to Ben so hard his short nails cut into Ben’s flesh.Locked on Ben, he whispered roughly, “Please.”The purity of David’s sexual discovery swirled all around Ben, sank into his being, and lifted his heart in a way that made him somehow feel untried and innocent too.Smiling, he pressed a soft kiss to David’s lips and wiggled their noses together.“Ask and you shall receive.” David’s pupils flared in response, and Ben nipped David’s lower lip, pulled it between his teeth, and then let it go.“Your every wish is my pleasure to grant.” With that, Ben eased his pointer finger into David’s hole, next to the middle one, and doubled the thickness stretching his ass.David bore down on the new penetration, moaning the whole way, until Ben’s two fingers were embedded fully in his body.Not giving David any time to get comfortable, Ben twisted and worked the invaders over every inch of David’s shivering walls.David cried out, and he jolted as if a bolt of lightning had passed clean through his system.His own cock getting harder by the minute, Ben growled and stole another kiss.“Jesus, honey.Every time I touch you, you respond like you’ve never felt me inside you before.” Taking in David’s flushed skin, heavy breathing, and rock-hard, leaking cock, Ben bowed David back and sucked the man’s nipples until David screamed.Ben couldn’t get enough of David’s natural, base passion.Swinging David back to him, Ben licked up David’s throat to his mouth.“You’re the sexiest, sweetest damned thing I’ve ever witnessed in my life [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]