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.”Greta grimaced.The inference there seemed to be that she was overly sensitive to such things as favors and fairness, which balled her free hand into a fist.“I’m pleased that they will be well looked after,” she managed to say.“And Herr Weiser was most pleased with your time together, although he did seem disappointed that the event did not allow you more time together.What was it—at some concert?”Had he been in touch with everyone who might be able to report Greta’s activities?“Yes, my lord, at a sonata hosted by Lady Venner.”“She has a great deal of influence for being born a commoner.”“But if it suits our ends, Uncle…”“Indeed, quite right.I suppose the same can be said of Maria Lucca.”Greta frowned slightly, missing the leap he’d obviously made.“The duke’s…companion?”“That’s right.She’s purchasing your copy of that one by Benjamin Block.The one of the Ansbach nobles.They were relatives of hers, apparently, although I can hardly believe the connection.” He sneered in such a way that ruined whatever good looks he could boast.Greta only saw the profile of a man who had no notion of what he was enacting.Maria Lucca buying a forgery.Dear God, what a disaster!“Now,” he said firmly, but with a strangely solicitous air.“I took you into my confidence because I want to propose a truce.The money secured by this sale will be enough to ensure the girls will marry well, and that Herr Weiser accepts your hand.”“My lord, may I suggest—”“In return, I would appreciate if you do not whisper to the servants about this exchange.The painting has already been delivered to her residence.She wrote to me personally about how pleased she’ll be to have it in her collection when she returns to the city.” He shrugged casually.“Airs and graces aside, she’s ensured that all will be well for our family.”For all her turmoil, Greta’s heart still twisted.He was stubborn and decidedly unethical, but he intended only the best for his daughters—and maybe even for her.That he went about it with so few scruples and so little regard for their emotional well-being seemed almost secondary when confronted with his earnest worry.But even her unexpected sympathy for his position did not ease Greta’s flood of dread.Because there was still the issue of Maria Lucca.The rest of their walk passed as an achingly slow torture.Uncle Thaddeus continued to talk about the architecture and the inadequacies of newly titled citizens who held sway in this reprobate new world.Greta’s ability to understand his words, however, dimmed as she plotted and fretted and feared.Was this a new skill she had developed, the ability to endure the impossible? Because what she faced was impossible.A trap closed around her, one to which her uncle was not privy.He escorted her back to the Venners’ residence.“I’ll be staying as a guest of Count Peltzer at his town home.I’ll come for you and the girls on Wednesday when we’ll return to Leinz with Herr Weiser.”“Wednesday,” Greta said tightly.“So soon?”“It’s no longer safe to linger.Anyone with means should be out of harm’s way as soon as possible, lest we find ourselves at Napoleon’s mercies.We’ve worked too hard for that.” He patted her arm.“Why, Margaret, you look exceptionally pale.Whatever is the matter?”“Uncle…” She clasped her laced fingers so tightly that pain shook through her knuckles.“I wish you would reconsider this deal with Maria Lucca.The woman is a known connoisseur of art.Surely my copies are none so good as to fool an authority on the matter.”“An authority? Hardly.She will see what she wants to see, just as she does with her own so-called lineage.The duke’s attentions have her thinking far too highly of her redeeming qualities.” An angle of sunlight glinted off his bald head as he shrugged.“Your work is well enough for the likes of her.”Greta swallowed past a gritty lump of frustration.He never took her seriously, not even on the one topic where she might claim some conviction.Perhaps it was best to admit that he never would.But she had to try one more time [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]