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.This young one would spend his evening in a general what-the-fuck state of mind.The other vampire, also new, also bored, was staring at Sabian.Sabian hadn’t engaged yet.Neither could hold eye contact with him if he decided to press his influence, neither could keep him from the doors if he decided to press his strength, and Sabian hoped he wouldn’t need to press either.This young one on the right knew who he was, or at least what he was.This young one had been a vampire concubine for years before his embrace.He was only months into the change, but Sabian smelled something far older on him, on his clothes, in his hair.This young one could be a problem.Who was his sire? Which of Sabian’s brothers or sisters had kept this man in thrall for so long, years more than likely, and then decided to make him? It wasn’t natural, keeping a human, bleeding a human, and then giving the dark embrace.Most vampires were the product of desperate love, humans embraced by some lonesome, toothsome drinker who thought he couldn’t live without his soul-mate.Just like Sabian with Marley.Of course, Sabian knew for certain what most of his cohorts could only guess at, and that was the identity of his soul-mate.Most of his Kindred guessed wrong about theirs.Very rarely was a human kept in thrall, subject to the beckon call of all the darkest impulses of Kindred, and then made.They were to be discarded, put down like a red-headed, crusty golden retriever in its nineteenth year, not made Kindred.Keeping a human as this one had been kept made for a childe with a broken mind.It made a childe like Anya.He approached the door.He did not want to entrance these Childer.Let the night happen.Let the blood boil and the juices surge.He had no one to fear in this warehouse, and his energy would not be wasted on a slippery entrance.There were more important things clawing for his focus."There’s a line," said the young blond on the left, still bored, and still perturbed although his voice gave no indication."Step aside please," said Sabian.His voice was arctic but polite.The other neophyte stepped forward.He was bigger than Sabian in height and girth, but commanded no presence.His forehead was wide and set high, and to Sabian it looked big enough to house a larger than usual frontal lobe, and not for the first time Sabian wondered if Kindred ability was the product of a brain that had switched from conventional electric impulses to something powered by magic.Or, did the brain have nothing to do with any of it? If it did, this youngster with the huge cranium had potential for more than just siphoning blood and feeling for intent.Sabian turned his attention to the greenhorn vamp that would never shed the effects of being kept in thrall."Pardon me, but I’m going inside and I haven’t time for debates.""Sam, you don’t understand," cooed Marley.She had to be shitting him."Wow.It didn’t take you long.""What?""To whore yourself out for a fuck and some blood." The rancor in his voice was corrosive."Just put your fucking clothes on.""Hey!" Her hands finally quit that Flashdance-up-and-down his body thing and grabbed for her sports bra."What? Am I wrong? Just about had me pouring my heart out for you like a fucking idiot.""It’s not like that, and you know it," she said, slipping her tank-top on next."All I know is you almost had me there.""But…" Now Marley deflated in his lap."Save it.We’re good." He started smoothing his clothes."Sam.I don’t know what to say.I don’t have control over what’s happening.I don’t know what I’m doing half the time."Her whining fanned his disgust, even though he knew he was being harsh.Sam knew way better than Marley that trying to feel one way or another was an exercise in futility.He couldn't escape his bullshit, betraying-ass heart.Years he’d been denying it, but Franky had always been right.He would fall.Had fallen.Was smack in the middle of falling.Whatever the fuck, it was full speed ahead for the ass-over-laces roll along.The question was did it change anything?No, he told himself.Doesn’t change a goddamn thing.Eyes on the prize."You know what Marley? I don’t give a mad fuck.How about you get off me, you vampire loving bitch." It was not spit with hatred, but delivered in a tone of quiet ambivalence that was pointless because he could tell she was far enough along in her change to feel his true position [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]