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.It was also obvious that it had been placed there by his wife.Jace smiled, knowing her taste well.He was confident that the look of the office would change in the coming weeks.After a few months and without J.T.realizing it, Taylor will completely redo the room bringing life and personality to J.T.’s sterile office.Jace reached out and gently touched the white blooms and shook his head knowingly.Taylor had done the same thing to his office and he couldn’t be happier.J.T.sat down at his desk.He watched his father’s face and wondered why he hadn’t discarded the orchid.Jace pointed to the plant.“It was a gift,” J.T.said.“From your mother I presume?”J.T.nodded and shrugged.“It’s different.”“Very.Get used to it.”Jace looked at his watch then stood.“I need to get to another appointment.I’ll see you tomorrow evening.”“Tomorrow evening?”“Yes, your mother is having a small dinner for Louise and Otis.She’s invited family and a few friends to join us.”“Friends,” he asked suspiciously, “as in matchmaking?”Jace smiled and chuckled knowing exactly what J.T.had in mind.“Friends as in people we know.Other than that, I have no idea.I’m only extending the invitation.”“I think I’ll bring a guest just to be on the safe side.” J.T.stood and came around to the front of the desk to walk his father to the door.“Someone you met recently?” Jace asked.“Yes and no, a friend from New York.”Jace nodded.“I’m sure there’ll be no problem to add one more place setting to the table.I’ll let your mother know.In the meantime, think about those proposals, some of them sounded promising after a few minor changes of course.” As J.T.held open the door for his father, Jace turned to face him.“J.T., if this venture of your mother’s really concerns you, check with Trey.He’s been on top of this from the beginning.” J.T.nodded as he walked with his father to the reception area.“Dad,” J.T.began, and then paused a few seconds standing at his father’s side, “have you ever met Juliet Bridges?”“Yes, in passing a couple of times.” The two began walking toward the elevators.“Although I didn’t know that you knew her.”“What makes you think that I know her?” J.T.said.Jace gave J.T.a knowing look.“I mentioned her name and it was written all over your face.” He nodded his approval at his son’s apparent new choice in women.“What was your impression of her?” J.T.asked.“I believe the question is son, what’s yours?” Jace smiled at J.T.’s expression.He reached out and hugged his son.“It’s good to have you back home.”“It’s good to be back.”J.T.watched as his father stepped into the elevator and the doors closed.He turned.Mamma Lou visiting, a million dollar investment and a ballet dancer to die for—how did his life get so totally out of control? One thing he knew for sure, there was definitely something going on, and it looked like whatever it was, he was right in the middle of it.J.T.walked over to his secretary’s desk.She looked up from the computer monitor.“I’ll be out of the office the rest of the day.” She nodded and went right back to her screen.Chapter NineThe night had been long as Juliet was consumed by thoughts of seeing J.T.again after so long.Dawn had come and gone as sleep had eluded her since she’d gotten home.One question played over and over again in her mind.Why, after all these months, had he suddenly showed up? Now, with her life at a crossroads, the object of her fantasies—J.T.—had appeared out of nowhere.A slow tear fell down her face and onto the pillowcase.He had come back into her life at a time when everything was falling apart.Time, which seemingly stood still for so long, was now betraying her by quickly bringing to an end the only thing she ever had in her life—dance.Everything was changing.She laid in bed wide awake staring into the darkness, the same darkness that had brought them together.She closed her eyes hoping to erase the image of their bodies locked together in passion, but the memory was too vivid.She sat up in bed, then stood and walked to the window.The early morning hour was quiet as she looked down onto the dark empty street.She asked herself again, Why had J.T.returned to her life? She looked at the clock, five in the morning.It was going to be a long day.Two and a half hours later she was paying for her sleepless night and all the coffee in the world couldn’t help.With bags under her eyes she walked down the bright hallway.Between sips of hot black coffee she glanced up at the portraits of herself and others that lined the hallway of the dance studios.As she reached the end of the hall, she came to the portrait of her friend and mentor, Lena Palmer, who was by far the most talented dancer in a generation.She’d danced classics like Giselle, Romero and Juliet, Carmen and Swan Lake to name a few.Each performance was sheer perfection.This particular portrait was of Lena in the role of the flirtatious Kitri from Don Quixote.Charming and alluring, she had danced with perfect technique and line.The critics raved that she, with her dazzling playful portrayal and whimsical interpretation, had forever claimed the role as her own.Juliet stood in front of the portrait and smiled.As a young dancer Lena was the best.She had danced with Nureyev and Baryshnikov and had traveled the world.Then the day came as it always did, and she retired, never to perform on stage as a principal dancer again.Juliet turned away slowly.The thought that she would one day soon be relegated to the portrait at the end of the hallway had quickened her pace.She dressed and entered the practice studio quicker than usual.Sipping her large coffee, she looked around, the room was empty.She was the first one to arrive as always.She walked across the wood floors and dropped her towel and bag along the back wall then sat down on the floor.Stretching and loosening up, she prepared for her strenuous daily workout.The flexibility of her body conformed to the punishing routine.She extended and folded her body stretching and flexing muscles to their limit.Slowly other members of the dance company began to trickle in.Twenty minutes later Juliet sat against the mirrored wall, her knees in her chest as Richard came in and sat down beside her.She pulled out her pointe shoes, scissors, needle and thread and began her usual ritual [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]