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.”Anthony inwardly flinched.He felt her withdraw from him and he eased his hold on her.He wanted to say something.He wanted her to say something—anything that would put them back where they had been only moments ago and not the direction in which they were headed.Kai bit down on her bottom lip to keep it from trembling.Her throat clenched.What she said was obviously true.He didn’t try to challenge what she said or to convince her that she was wrong.She was having a hard time breathing.She curled her body tighter, withdrawing inside herself.Anthony slowly drew away.He turned onto his back and stared up at the ceiling.Kai pulled the sheet and light comforter up to her neck and snuggled down into her pillow.Anthony would have felt better if she’d simply said to get the hell out.“I probably should get going,” he said quietly and slowly got out of the bed.“Hmm.Okay.”He gathered up his clothing and walked into the bathroom.“There are extra towels on the shelf,” she called out.“Thanks.” He closed the door behind him.Kai listened to the water run.She squeezed her eyes shut and pressed her fist to her mouth.There was no reason for her to be upset.She was the one that had told him not to make it something it wasn’t.She’d all but told him that she didn’t expect nor want anything from him.The water shut off.Kai pulled her sheet closer to her face and feigned sleep.Anthony stepped out of the bathroom.The light went out.She felt him standing over her, but she kept her eyes shut.“Good night,” he whispered.Kai didn’t respond.Anthony turned and walked out.Moments later Kai heard her front door shut and then the sound of Anthony’s car.She lay perfectly still and listened until the sound of his engine disappeared into the night.Chapter 14Kai became her own patient the following morning.She spent a restless night, thinking about what had transpired between her and Anthony—how it ended.Her head throbbed.She stared down at the aspirin in the palm of her hand.She picked up the glass of water, put the pill on her tongue and washed it down.Whatever remnants of her night with Anthony were gone.For good.She drew in a long breath of resolve, put the glass in the sink and grabbed Jasper’s leash from the hook by the door and took him for a morning run along the beach.The run and the salt air always helped her to clear her head, and being away from her house would keep her from sitting down and talking to Tiffany, who’d already called three times before noon.She and Jasper had been jogging for about five minutes when her cell chirped inside the pocket of her jeans.She slowed to a stop and pulled it out.Tiffany’s number and image showed up on the face of the phone.She sighed heavily and pressed the talk icon.“Hey, Tiff.”“Don’t Hey Tiff me.How’s everything going? You sound out of breath.”She swallowed.“Yes, everything is fine.Was jogging on the beach with Jasper.”“Oh.Weeeell, how did it go? How was your nondate?” She laughed lightly.“Fine.”“Really?” she tossed back, the sarcastic tone unmistakable.“You were always such a lousy liar, Kai.”Kai sniffed.“Nothing to lie about.”“Hmm, that means that there’s plenty to lie about.What happened? Are you all right?”“I’m fine.” Her voice hitched.“Really.”“I’ll be there in ten minutes.” Tiffany disconnected the call before Kai could protest.Kai squeezed her eyes shut for a moment.When she opened them and looked down Jasper was gazing up at her, wagging his tail.“Looks like we’re going to have company, J.Come on, let’s head back.”* * *Kai and Tiffany stood side by side at the kitchen counter fixing sandwiches for a late lunch.“Got any pickles?” Tiffany asked.“Bottom shelf in the fridge.” Kai took their plates and walked to the table and sat down.“Can you bring the pitcher of iced green tea?”Tiffany brought the pitcher and the pickles to the table and sat down opposite her friend who was working very hard not to look her in the eye.Tiffany took a bite of her tuna sandwich, chewed slowly.“Hmm, didn’t realize how hungry I was.” She eyed Kai, who picked up and put down her sandwich.Kai sipped her green tea.“You were right,” she murmured.Tiffany put her sandwich down on the plate and looked at Kai.“Right? Meaning?”Kai lowered her gaze.“I shouldn’t have gotten involved.”Tiffany reached over and covered Kai’s hand.“You want to talk about it?”Kai pressed her lips together, took another sip of her tea and slowly began [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]