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.You don’t know how hard this has been on me…I…”He refused to listen to any sob stories from her.She broke his heart and now she was trying to do the same with his daughter.He wouldn’t keep Natalyn from seeing Jade, but he wouldn’t let her continue to pour salt in the wound.“Woman, you have more excuses than the ocean has fish.You want Jade to get your message? Deliver it yourself.”He hung up.Every time he talked to Natalyn it left a bitter taste in his mouth.If he could have one do-over in life, it would be never having met that woman.No, he stopped himself.I don’t wish that.If I’d never met Natalyn, I wouldn’t have Jade.“She’s not coming, is she?”Roque turned to find his daughter standing behind him.She’d overheard his entire conversation.“Uh, no, honey.She can’t make it this time.Something came up,” he told her.He swore he wouldn’t lie for Natalyn, but when it came to making Jade feel better, he didn’t mind.She grabbed a can of grape soda from the fridge.“You don’t have to cover for her, Dad.I’m a big girl.I can handle it.”He nodded.“I want you to know this is not your fault.Your mother’s decisions have nothing to do with you or your behavior.” He’d heard of kids who blamed themselves for their parents’ actions.He wanted Jade to know it wasn’t her fault her mother was a nut case.“I know,” Jade said.“I’m a vibrant, courageous, talented, young woman.She’s missing out on my best years.” Jade shrugged her shoulders.“It’s her loss.”He wrapped his little girl in his embrace.“That’s my girl.”She popped the top on her soda and sipped from it.“Well, if she’s not coming, I may as well go to dance camp this weekend.”“What’s that?”“It’s a weekend camp the dance squad does every year.I’ve been invited as a guest.I figure if I’m going to join, I may as well see what it’s all about.”“Wow.Once you make up your mind to do something, you go full speed ahead.”She gave him a smile that made his heart melt.“Just like my dad.”###“It’s been a week since you spoke to him?”“Almost a week.”“How have you been communicating?”“Through Olivia.”“Hey, no fair using my personal assistant to do your dirty work.”Marlowe laughed at Ronnie.“Olivia is happy to do anyone’s dirty work.It gives her a sense of purpose.”“That’s putting it nicely.”Marlowe smiled.“So, tell me again, why are you avoiding Roque?” Ronnie asked.“Because he licked me senseless.”The two sat in Marlowe’s office reviewing the paperwork for Relay for Life.Ronnie had removed her shoes and had her feet propped in a nearby chair.“Remind me one more time—is that a bad thing?”“Yes!” Marlowe declared.“Why? Was the licking not to your satisfaction?”“Oh, yeah, it was that and then some.”“So, what’s the problem?”Marlowe leaned back in her chair.“It was too good.I felt out of control with him.”Who knew her body would respond so wantonly to Roque? After she’d embarrassed herself by turning into putty in his hands, she’d had Olivia contact Roque and accept the offer to sell on her behalf.A courier had delivered the contract the next morning.Roque’s offer was so generous, Marlowe couldn’t help but wonder if it had anything to do with his tongue massage the day before.“I like giving up control in the bedroom,” Ronnie admitted.“Vic has this thing he does where he pours baby oil on me and he talks dirty to me…”Marlowe snapped her fingers when Ronnie began to trail off.“Earth to Ronnie.”“Anyway, there’s nothing wrong with letting go and enjoying yourself.”That wasn’t how Marlowe operated.Yes, it was fine to lose yourself in the moment from time to time, but she was used to being in control.Something about Roque’s personality told her she’d always be submitting to him.Did she want that?“It’s easy to let go with your husband,” Marlowe said.“You trust him.”“You don’t trust Roque?” Ronnie asked.“I don’t know him well enough to trust him.”“No, I mean do you trust him with your body? Do you trust him enough to be vulnerable?”Marlowe shrugged.“I don’t know.”Ronnie nodded.“Invite him over.Let us meet him.We’ll be the judges of his character.”“Absolutely not.Roque is crazy! He’s the kind of man that will take a yard if you give him an inch.”“Sounds a lot like you.”“Whatever.”“So, what are you going to do about this man?”“Nothing.I probably won’t hear from him again, unless it’s in regards to the sale.As far as I’m concerned, our business is done.”“Hmm… Somehow, I have a feeling, you haven’t seen the last of Roque Coleman [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]