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.She wrapped her arms around his neck.“Is that a yes?” he asked, the corners of his mouth turning up.“That’s a yes and a please and a let’s do it again.”SUNDAY CHARITY DRAGGED herself from Josh’s bed.She was having lunch with Pia, and Josh had to go work out.As she showered and dressed, she found it difficult to keep from smiling all the time.Every part of her body seemed satisfied and the little aches were a delicious reminder of how they’d spent their night.By noon she was walking toward Pia’s place.She had the top floor in an older building.The large single-family home had been divided into three apartments.Charity climbed the stairs and knocked on her friend’s door.“Hi,” Pia said with a grin.“Are you winded by the climb?”“I’m on the third floor in the hotel and I take the stairs there.”“Built-in exercise,” Pia said, closing the door behind her.“I’m so not the gym type.I have a great deck.I thought we’d eat there.”“Sounds good.”Pia’s place was bright and airy, with lots of windows and large rooms.The sloping ceiling added character and everywhere Charity looked was a splash of color.The sofa was lipstick red microfiber with patterned pillows.There was a purple and yellow throw on the back of an old wooden rocking chair and travel stickers pasted on an old steamer trunk that served as an end table.“This is great,” Charity said, following Pia into a bright green kitchen.“I love the colors.”“I’m not a beige kind of girl.I’ve done most of my decorating at garage sales and flea markets.I have a thing about finding a bargain.” She pointed at the flowered plates sitting on a rack on a shelf.“Eight plates for two dollars.It was a proud moment for me.”“Impressive.”“Thank you.”Pia picked up a tray of sandwiches and salads, then motioned to another tray with iced tea in a pitcher and two glasses.Charity collected it and they went out onto the large balcony.The day was sunny and warm.They could see most of the town, a bit of the lake and the mountains beyond.“A view of the kingdom,” Charity teased.“Exactly.I look at the little people and wonder about their lives.”They settled into lunch and talked about what was going on in Fool’s Gold.“Does Alice have any information on the thefts?” Charity asked.“I haven’t heard if the person stealing has been caught.”“Last time we talked, she was still searching for the culprit.I hope whoever it is stops before Alice finds them.She can be scary.Of course the loss of a few packages of Easy Mac is a whole lot less interesting than the missing money from the state.” She curled her feet under herself and sipped her tea.“Three quarters of a million dollars.Wouldn’t that be nice?”“It’s a life changer,” Charity said.“I just don’t understand how that kind of money goes missing.”“Me, either, but accounting isn’t my thing.I guess that’s why the city is bringing in an auditor.Poor Robert.I wouldn’t want the responsibility or anyone thinking it was me.”“It’s not Robert.Does anyone think it is?”“Not really.That would require a level of creativity he doesn’t have.” Pia covered her mouth.“Sorry.That sounded mean.I just meant…”“He’s not that guy,” Charity said with a grin.“Exactly.” Pia reached for a half a sandwich.“So what did you do yesterday?”Charity blinked, not sure which of her many activities she should choose from.Remembering her afternoon and night with Josh made her think she might blush, so she blurted the only other thing she could think of.“I spent some time with Marsha.I just found out she’s my grandmother.”Pia’s eyes widened with shock.“What? You’re Sandra’s daughter?”“Yes.” Charity briefly explained everything she’d learned about in this last seventytwo hours.“That’s amazing,” Pia said, still looking stunned.“You are so lucky.I would love to have Marsha for my grandmother.She’s always taking care of everybody.If someone needs help, she’s right there.Sandra was an idiot to run off.” She winced [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]