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.“This?” he said rubbing his hard huge shaft along her thigh.“You want me to give this to you? Where would you like it first?”“I want to lick it,” she said hungrily.She was wild beyond reason for him.He put it to her lips and she sucked it in, thrilled to hear his intake of breath.She then stroked it while it was in her mouth.She sucked it harder and then the next thing she knew, he took it away from her.He was rolling her over onto her belly, lifting her up onto her hands and knees with his massive arm bringing her into place.“Now, Jazmine Decker…shall I ride thee now?”“Oh yes…yes…now…”And he drove that cock home while pumping her hard.He worked her butt while he worked her clit.When she climaxed, he grinned and picked her up again.This time he sat on the edge of the bed and turned her around to face him.He fondled her breasts and told her, “Let me pleasure you love.Let me give you everything I have.” His voice was full of love and that love wrapped around her as though it were a living thing.She heard his hungry need as he told her, “ride me love.Ride me hard and fast and take all that you want for I mean to do the same…”~*~Alone with Morgan LeBlanc, Aaibhe took his hand, put it to her lips and spoke softly, “Morgan, the time has come for me to face the Council.”“Face them? Ye should trod them into the earth,” he said irritably.“Do you trust me?”“With m’life and the human heart that never completely left m’chest when we became immortal.Aye then woman, I trust ye,” he answered her.She loved that he called her woman.He saw the woman in her first and always.When she was with him, she could be just a woman in love.She took a few steps with him as she opened the dimensional portal and with a gentle wave of her hand she parted the airwaves.They both stepped into the small and barren dimension Queen Mab had delivered the traitorous Council to think about what they had tried to do.The Council members jumped as Aaibhe came into view and they all began speaking to her at once.She put up her hand and with the power that was hers, she silenced them.They physically were prohibited from speaking.She watched them as some touched their lips in abject misery.Others lowered their heads.She could see that they realized the enormity of what they had tried to do.They had pitted themselves against a Royal Daoine Fae.It was obvious that they had remembered their Queen’s formidable abilities and it was also apparent from the sudden supplication that swept through the atmosphere, that they were remorseful.Perhaps for the wrong reason she thought to herself, but it would serve for a time.She could not help but notice that Banzar hung alone at the back of the group.He still meant trouble.“You have forgotten that much of my magic was mine at birth.I am a Royal, a Daoine Royal, but I see that you remember that now.”She allowed her gaze to travel over each one’s face until that particular member was forced to meet her look.Finally, it was with grave sadness that she said, “Under Banzar, you have allowed yourselves to become unworthy of the positions you held.You allowed yourselves to think of your own needs above the needs of your brethren.” She paused.“You have forgotten why I formed the Council.You have forgotten that I never wrote in a provision to impeach your Queen.You have forgotten that I have sacrificed all that was dear to me; my home in Daoine, my personal needs, my personal happiness, to serve and protect Seelie Fae citizens, broken from the loss of our wondrous Danu!”She saw the collective distress on their faces and proceeded.“You are not worthy to sit on a Council with Royals, because your essence has withered.You have forgotten why you were put there.You were supposed to be the voice of your brethren, but you were not.” She shook her head.“My cousin, Queen Mab advised against it when I formed this Council.Apparently she was correct.The position of importance that you imagined you held evidently went to your heads and you forgot your purpose.You think you are more than you are.”She paused for effect and then continued.“Beside me is Morgan LeBlanc, and although he dislikes calling himself King of the Milesians, that is what he is.The Milesians live in peace on Dravo because of him and his son.They have stood with our warriors today as they did not so long ago when Gaiscioch led the Unseelie.It was a thoroughly ugly battle today and once again, they have displayed themselves worthy of our trust.” She paused as her eyes swept over her Council members.“It is my intention when this war is over to become his Queen.It is his intention to become my King.Together we mean to open the borders between Tir and Dravo and become one Kingdom.”A shocked glance traveled over their faces, but she ignored them.Their lips could not part to make more than a grunting sound of disapproval.“You may think what you will, but your time is over.I will not banish you, though you deserve it for your opposition at a time when we needed to ban together to protect life as we all have known it.However, you will never be allowed to enter the Palace again, not even for a social event.It will be specifically warded against you…each one of you.” She shook her head.“I will advise my citizens, my Seelie Fae, of this day’s work and ask them if they wish me to continue as their Queen.You see I answer to them, not to you.”“Go back to your homes and think of what you have done [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]