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.“Yeah,” I sigh, yanking on the cuffs again.God damn it, I want to touch him.He grinds his body against mine while his fingers find their way under me and run down my back, pressing in hard.“Ah!” I yell when I feel the nails digging in.“Fuck, yeah.” Mental images of Cass in leather flash through my mind again.I’ve never been into BDSM play, but maybe with Cass…He lets out a moan and a small chuckle.He goes down further, lapping at my cock.“Hooooh God,” I whine, pushing my hips up to try to get more, but he’s being playful—no, demonic—and won’t give me what I want.What kind of a beast did I unleash here?Instead, he climbs back up, straddles my chest and presses the head of his cock to my lips.I open up for him and take in his cock with a deep moan, loving the salty taste of his pre-come.Cass grabs onto the bars and slowly fucks my mouth, holding my gaze the whole time.For a shy boy, he can be seductive as hell.His cock thickens further in my mouth as I swirl my tongue around it and let him slide the whole thing in.Cass tilts his head back and moans deeply.The cuffs dig into my skin as I yank, desperate to touch him.Cass lets out a breathy chuckle and pulls his cock out of my mouth.I follow it as far as I can, not wanting to stop sucking.He gives me a kiss before slithering down, plunging my own cock into his hot mouth.“Ah!” I yell, arching up.“Oh fuck, Cass…”He grunts and sucks me so hard his cheeks hollow.I pant and moan in turn, watching him as his head bobs up and down, lips stretched over the thickness.His nimble fingers fondle my balls, as he tongues the head of my cock and gives it a long, soft kiss.I groan in protests when he steps out of bed and retrieves the condom.“You sure?” he asks between deep breaths as he rolls on the condom with steady hands.“Yeah,” I plead in a panting whisper, spreading my legs and sliding the duvet off.With a bottle in hand, Cass sits on his knees between my thighs and gazes at the butt-plug.He snaps the lid of the lube open and slicks up.“I just…pull it out?”“Yeah,” I whisper, lifting my knees for better access.A pink tongue darts out to wet his lips.He takes a deep, rattling breath, inches a little closer and then hooks his finger in the circle at the end of the plug.I let out a long, deep moan as he pulls it out, very, very slowly.“Oh fuck me, fuck me, please, please, please,” I mumble with eyes closed as the tip of the plug slides out.Cass moves closer, gazing up into my eyes before he lowers himself to kiss my stomach.Then he raises himself up and pushes the tip of his cock inside.The feel of it, soft and hard at the same time, so unlike the hard toy I had in me, makes my breath shudder.Cass gives me a questioning look and I nod, biting my lower lip as he presses the rest of the head inside.Slowly, very slowly, he pushes until he’s balls-deep.“Okay baby,” I whisper after a minute of getting used to his full length inside me.He pulls out half way and slides back in, making me groan at the almost tickly feeling.Locking gazes with me, he does it again, only a little harder this time.Then he looks down and watches his own dick slide in and out of my hole, holding his breath in between short bursts of breaths.He takes me fast and slowly in turn, resting in between to hold back his climax.I lift my hips to meet his thrusts and on one such thrust he pegs my prostate dead-on.I let out a loud yell.“There?” he asks, changing his angle.“Ah! Yes!” I yell as the need overtakes me and tiny bursts of stars explode behind my eyelids.He pushes again.“Oh, oh, oh… Fuck, Cass!” I yell, meeting his thrusts, each one driving me closer to the edge.He grabs my cock and jerks it in time with his rhythm, bringing me fast to my end.Every single muscle in my body tenses from my forehead to my toes just before the climax rips through me.I’m barely aware of Cass’s high cry, as he snaps his hips against me and jerks hard.He tumbles on top of me, hands splayed to the sides as he rides his aftershock, panting hard.“Oh fuck, baby, that was…”“…out of this world,” he finishes, now clinging to me tightly.We stay still for what seems like forever, just breathing, bathing in each other’s sweat and basking in the afterglow.His body feels unusually hot on top of mine.Even his hands feel warm against my sides.Cass pulls out after his breathing is back to normal.He stretches his lean body to the side of the bed to dump the condom into a trashcan and then looks a bit uncertain about what to do.“Come here, Cass…per,” I say, just caching myself.I’m pretty sure I called him Cass a number of times during our lovemaking.Cass laughs and bends down for a kiss.“It’s okay; you can call me Cass now.I love the way you say it.”We kiss again and I murmur his name as I enjoy the feel of his gentle fingers on my back.I try to put my arms around him, but yank at the cuffs instead.I’m stuck.Cass chuckles.“Want me to release you?”“Yeah, if that’s okay,” I say with a chuckle of my own.“The key’s on the table.”“Yeah,” he says, giving me a deep kiss as he finds the key and releases me.He rubs and kisses my wrists.As he does, I see the scars on his.I grab for his wrists and bring them to my lips, kissing and licking them softly.“I love you,” I say, laying a wrist to my cheek, touching his jaw with my other hand.“I love you too, Jaime,” he says with a look so sincere it makes my breath catch.It’s the first time he’s said it and I truly know he means it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]