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.It was too late for some magical reprieve.Even if her father was right behind them, he could never storm the walls of this fortress before Laird Jared MacLean put his plan into action.A thin man with stringy, dark hair entered the hall."You did not rush to greet us, Osred.Is all in readiness?"The man looked into Jared's eyes then cast his eyes down submissively."Aye, Milord," he murmured.Jared seemed annoyed by the man's presence."Lady Asilinn, I present Osred, counselor to the MacLean clan.He advised against our upcoming nuptials but he has been overruled." Osred's dark eyes flashed with a brief hint of fire before he bowed to his laird and Asilinn."Milady," he said with a smooth nod."I hope your stay here will be pleasant.” Addressing Jared, he continued."Laird, please forgive my doubts.Lady Asilinn is surely the fairest creature in all Christendom.I now see why you had to have her for your wife.Friar Hogan will perform the ceremony as you requested."Jared's eyes blazed at Osred's remark."If Lady Asilinn was the ugliest hag in all of Scotland this marriage would still be taking place.This is not a union of lust, though since I've met my betrothed I must admit to a fierce attraction." There was a brief ripple of laughter.Jared silenced it with a single glance."This is a union of clans that transcends any one man's desire.Do not belittle it by suggesting it is a fanciful whim!""I apologize, Milord, if I have offended you with my careless tongue." Osred stiffened.Jared stood up rather abruptly and offered Asilinn his arm.She rose and took it, still determined not to show her trepidation.When they had cleared the hall, Jared let out his breath in one long sigh.He looked down at her and gave her a smile while his free hand lightly caressed her cheek."I pray I'm doing the right thing.I wish no harm to come to you, yet I have brought you to a pit of vipers." He moved his arm around her back and guided her up a wide staircase to the balcony.An attractive, russet-haired woman came out of a room nearby.She rushed to Jared, threw her arms around him, and kissed him on the mouth."Welcome home, Milord." She pressed herself to his chest."Will you have need of me this evening after you have initiated your virgin bride?"Jared pushed her from him."Glenna, I have no need of your services."Asilinn bristled."Mayhaps you should keep your whore, Milord.Your bride has no desire to share your bed.Seek your pleasures elsewhere."Jared's teeth clenched giving his jaw a tremor that made him look so fierce Asilinn shivered.He jerked her into his arms and pressed his lips to hers, insistently seeking entrance to the warm well of her mouth with his tongue—her lips gave way.His entry was swift and sure.He suddenly gentled his kiss, lingering with soft strokes of exploration.Asilinn was rocked by the sheer sensation of his assault on her senses.Her struggle ceased as her body reeled in the magic of what he was doing to her.When he eased his tongue out of her mouth and ended the scorching kiss, she leaned heavily against him flushed from head to toe and barely able to catch her breath.Jared turned his gaze to Glenna."I'm sure I will not find my wife lacking in any way.Sometimes innocence is preferable to the well-traveled path." Glenna spun around and strode back into her room.Asilinn could hear his heart thundering beneath her ear as he held her and softly stroked her hair."What spell have you cast over me, sweet Asilinn that I feel so much from so little?""I dinna understand your question, Milord.""You will."Without another word, he released her and took her up the narrow, winding stairs into the tower.Pushing open the door, he led her inside.There was a stone fireplace in the center of the large square chamber.It was open on two sides allowing the heat to warm the space more efficiently.The chamber had been thoroughly cleaned.It had a thick, woven rug on floor.Pine boughs and lavender were placed around the room to freshen the air.In one corner, there was a huge, curtained bed.There was little other furniture save a heavy-looking desk and chair.Colorful tapestries hung on the walls.Jared walked over to the bed and carefully inspected it.He turned to her."I've moved our chamber to the tower in order to feel more assured of your safety." He took her hand and led her to one of the tapestries.Pulling it back, he showed her a secret door hidden in the wall [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]