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.She crawled in while I was sleeping.”“Ha!” Reyna snorted.“Go home, Wulf,” Hagar said.“You and Reyna can sort this out tomorrow.”“I am not leaving without Reyna.My wife belongs in my hall, in my bed.Your son is cured of his illness, thanks to Reyna’s skill, and she is no longer needed in your hall.Do not interfere in this, Hagar.”Hagar sighed.“I care naught about your marital problems as long as you confine them to your own hall.Please leave so I can return to my bed.”“Hagar is right,” Wulf agreed.“It is wrong of us to air our differences in his hall, in the middle of the night.”So saying, he tossed Reyna over his shoulder and strode out the door.“Wulf, put me down!” Reyna cried.“Your show of strength does not impress me.”“I know exactly what will impress you,” Wulf growled.“I have been without the comfort of your body too many nights.’tis time you performed your wifely duties.”“I am sure Uma will be happy to take my place in your bed.”“I am sure she would, however Uma is not the woman I want or need in my bed.”When they reached Wulf’s hall, he flung open the door and stormed inside.“You,” he shouted, pointing to Uma, “leave.I have decided your fate.Henceforth, Hagar is your new master.I have just gifted you to him.Be thankful I will not sell you as I threatened.”Grabbing her coarse cloak from a peg, Uma left in a rush.Wulf carried Reyna to his sleeping alcove and tossed her onto his bed.She scrambled to her knees but he pushed her back down.“Stay there and listen to me, you little wildcat.Think you I want Uma when I have you?”Her chin rose in open defiance.“I am a Dane.”“I am aware of that.”“You never wanted to wed me; you were forced into marriage by my father and brothers.Once you tire of me, you will take Uma or another like her to your bed.”“I did not have to admit to your family that we were lovers.I could have left your farmstead without you and never looked back.Why can you not accept the fact that I wanted you in my life?”“You are a lusty warrior, Wulf.Yes, we are good in bed together.But that is not enough for me.I want…”“What do you want? Love?” He made a scoffing sound.“I had love once and lost it.Love is a fragile emotion; I have no wish to open my heart to that kind of pain again.Why can we not let what we have be enough? I do not hate you, Reyna.Far from it.I went against everything I believe in to keep you with me.”Reyna shook her head.“tis not enough, Wulf.What do you believe in if not love?”“Honor, pride, vows, even though I broke mine when I wed you.Everything I swore I would not do I did, for you.Against all odds, you, a Dane, are my wife.”“Tomorrow I shall stand in the doorway and shout my intention to divorce you to one and all,” she said.Wulf’s silver eyes narrowed to a smoky gray.“There will be no divorce.I will prove to you that we belong together, that the emotion you call love is but a word that means naught.”Chapter Sixteen“Why do you want me?” Reyna cried.“Give me a reason I should remain your wife.A reason besides mutual lust.”Wulf sent her a bemused look before answering.“You are brave and fearless.You saved my life.” A long silence fraught with tension ensued.“I believe you care for me.”“Caring for someone works two ways.I understand that you cannot love me, but I do not have to accept it.”“Reyna, you are being ridiculous.I am a warrior, a man of action, not of words.I can show you why I need you.”“Not good enough, Wulf.”“I can’t believe you wish to return to Ragnar.He is not half the man I am.”Reyna sighed.She was getting nowhere with the stubborn Norseman.Perhaps she should accept what Wulf could give her and remain his wife.Mayhap Wulf would wake up one day and realize he loved her.“You know I do not want Ragnar.”“Then why are you arguing with me? I miss having you in my bed, wife.”“Uma…”“…means naught to me.She will never crawl into my bed uninvited again.”Indecision bit deep inside Reyna.She lowered her head to ponder her options, but when she raised it a dozen heartbeats later, she realized her options had been taken from her.Wulf’s hands were already releasing the ties on her tunic.He stood over her, naked, a man aware of his virility and willing to use it to gain what he wanted.And from the scorching heat blazing in his eyes, it was obvious she was what he wanted.The sexual potency he exuded was magnetic.The scent of his skin filled her with longing.Mesmerized, she offered no resistance when he grasped her arms, pulled her to her feet and pushed her against the wall [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]