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.He could tell her how long it had taken him to sense that he had made an unforgivable, irredeemable mistake.She would understand why, when Ashie Pinto was convicted, he would resign from the tribal police and find some job that he was fitted for.She would understand why he had to see the old drunk convicted.He hadn’t done his job.He hadn’t kept Delbert Nez alive.But at least he had arrested his killer.Done one thing right.She’d have to defend the old man, get him a light sentence—or perhaps some sort of an insanity plea bargain that would put him in a hospital for a while.He had no problem with that.It didn’t matter to him if the old man was punished.That would do no possible good.But he needed Janet Pete to understand that a verdict finding Pinto innocent would make Jim Chee doubly guilty.>5[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]