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.He was so freaking tired.“I don’t suppose we can count on the military swooping down to save us?”She just stared.“Didn’t think so.” He blew out a long breath.“Wraith might be a no-show, too.Looks like we’ll have to save ourselves.”“How?”“That,” he said grimly, “is the question of the day.”“The problem with having evil minions is that minions are stupid.” Roag looked down at a slimy little drekevac that looked like a deformed, hairless ape, cowering at his feet.“But I brought you the Seminus demon, one of the brothers you asked for.” The drekevac whimpered, his spindly fingers stroking Roag’s boots.“And torturing him with an unfinished blowjob and the death of his beloved sister was amusing, but ultimately, Shade is useless to me.He’s cursed.Which means his body parts could be cursed.I need Wraith.”Eidolon would do in a pinch, but Roag had already set him up for a lifetime of torment.Logical, loyal Doc E was being tortured once a month by vampires who would eventually maim or kill him.Besides, he’d need E’s surgical and healing skills to carry out his plan.Since Shade was useless, that left Wraith.Which was bloody fine, because he was the one Roag wanted to suffer the most anyway.Poor little Wraith, so broken and tormented, so sheltered by his idiot, clueless brothers.Fools.Roag had seen through Wraith from the beginning.His youngest brother was a waste of good organs, but Roag planned to remedy that.“Once again, you fail me.” He kicked the drekevac so hard it flew across the ancient keep’s great hall and slammed into a trestle table.As it scrambled toward him again, Roag morphed into Wraith’s form, reveling in the transformation that made his stiff, scarred skin turn soft and supple.“Since you obviously need a reminder, this is what he looks like.” And what Roag would look like once he’d harvested Wraith’s skin and reproductive parts.“Lover?”He wheeled around, thanking the Great Satan that he’d changed form before Sheryen entered the room.The Bathag demon had never seen him in his true form, and if he had his way, she never would.He needed Wraith, and he needed him soon.Eventually, Sheryen would grow resistant to the mind-sex and would realize that despite all her memories and orgasms, they had never once had intercourse.“What is it, Sher?”“I see you have a Seminus in the dungeon.I want to take him out to play.”Jealousy nearly unhinged him.“You are to stay out of the dungeon, lirsha.How many times have I told you that?”Her pretty pout made him grind his teeth in frustration.He still experienced the same urges he’d always had, but thanks to the loss of his sexual organs in the Brimstone fire, he could do nothing about them.It was a torture of the worst kind, being aroused but unable to fuck.He’d given Shade a taste of that earlier, when he’d set Solice to work on him, but clearly, she’d not worked him up enough, because he’d come down from his arousal rather than suffering to the point of death.The plan had been to let Shade agonize for hours, until he was nearly dead, and then send Solice back in, give Shade the release he needed … and start the cycle all over again.A few moments of pleasure, punctuated by several hours of agony.Over and over.Beautiful.And all ruined because Solice sucked dick as poorly as she performed surgery to remove the body parts from the demons his Ghouls captured.Which was why he needed Eidolon.Finding good medical help was even more difficult than finding good minions.“Hmph.” Sheryen tossed her long, silver hair over her shoulder.“Then I’m going to Eternal.Care to join me?”Damn her.She knew he wouldn’t go to any kind of club, let alone a vampire bar.The very idea made him break out in a cold sweat.“I’ll see you tonight in our lair.”She blew him a kiss and sauntered away.“Follow her,” he snapped to another minion, who had been gnawing on a bone near the blazing hearth.“I don’t want her taking a side trip to the dungeon on her way out.” Shade would gladly seize the opportunity to screw her brains out and then use her to escape.Roag should kill him.Or slice him up.Seminus parts were damned near priceless on the underworld market.Problem was, there was no way of knowing if Shade’s curse, one of the most sinister and ingenious Roag had ever heard of, would affect the parts.He was doing all of this for Sheryen, so he could bond with his true love and keep her in his bed—but he couldn’t risk transplanting organs cursed by an antilove spell onto himself.But killing Shade outright would be too quick.No, he had to be made to suffer like Eidolon.But how? Roag had killed Shade’s mother, which had been fun even though Roag hadn’t told Shade about his role in it yet, and Skulk’s death would haunt him, but it wasn’t enough.“What has my brother been doing down there? Is he miserable?” Probably not.Shade had always been into whips and chains.The drekevac shrugged one misshapen shoulder.“I … think not.The she-warg is keeping him company.”Roag narrowed his eyes.“They’d better not be able to touch.” If that bastard was finding pleasure in his dungeon—Wait … that was it.The ultimate torture for Shade.And if all went well, Shade wouldn’t just be tormented for the rest of his life …He’d be tormented for all eternity.FiveSatin sheets.Down pillows [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]