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.As he stood, he saw Minka and Griffin on the porch talking in low voices.The interest in Griffin’s eyes was obvious, and Myles suspected Minka might be interested, as well.Myles was about to walk onto the porch when he caught sight of Solomon standing in the corner of the kitchen looking out the window at Minka and Griffin.Suddenly, Solomon’s gaze swung to him and he smiled.“I’ll be damned,” Solomon whispered.“Minka’s magic worked then?” Myles asked.Solomon motioned to Myles’s shoulder.“Obviously.Addison hasn’t left your side, or eaten, all day.”Myles would see that changed as soon as she woke.“Where are Court and Kane?”“With the Moonstone pack.”There was something in the way Solomon said the words, paired with the glare he shot Griffin, that made Myles wonder what was going on.Then he heard Minka’s soft laughter and saw Solomon’s brow furrow before he turned away.“Griffin and his wolves have said they would keep an eye on Minka,” Solomon stated.Myles crossed his arms over his chest.“We owe her a debt.I don’t think it should be just the Moonstone pack.I think we owe it to Minka to check on her ourselves.”Solomon shrugged and leaned against the kitchen counter.“I agree.”Myles saw Griffin depart and took the opportunity to talk to Minka.He walked outside, softly closing the screen door behind him.There was no air conditioning in the old house, so the windows and doors remained open to let in any breeze available.“You look much better,” Minka said with a smile when she saw him.He leaned against of the posts.“Because of you.Thank you, Minka.I owe you a debt I’m not sure I’ll ever repay.”“I’m glad it worked.”He watched her profile for a moment as she looked out over the bayou.“Are you sure this is where you want to stay?”“My great aunt did it.It’ll work as long as my coven thinks I’m dead.”“You still need to eat.You’ll have to go into town for supplies.”She faced him and shrugged.“I’ll be fine for awhile.There are still those that live on the bayou that my great aunt trusted.”“We’ll come to check on you when we can.” He scratched at his cheek, longing for a shave.“However, the Moonstone pack have promised to keep an eye on you, too.”Minka glanced inside the door to the couch that Addison slept on.“What about y’all? What happens now? We both know Delphine won’t give up.There are plenty of witches around for her to use.”“No,” he replied with a weary sigh.“She won’t give up, but I’m hoping the other factions saw us working with the witches.That could go a long way in convincing the others to join us in defeating Delphine.”“Watch out for my coven.They can’t be trusted.”“Isn’t that said of all witches?” he teased.There was no smile on her face.“And keep a close eye on Addison.”“You don’t have to worry.” He looked inside, his gaze locking on his woman.“I wasn’t looking to find someone, and then she walked into my life.Now, I can’t live without her.”“Then don’t.You two have something special, something most crave with every fiber of their being.” Minka pushed away from the railing.“Now, get in there and let her know you’re all right.”Myles chuckled, but took her advice and walked into the house.He sat on the edge of the couch, marveling at his woman.He lifted a lock of champagne blond hair and twirled it around his finger.Addison cracked open one eye and saw Myles.She sat up and threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.“You’re alive.You’re really alive.”He held her firmly.“I’m alive.”“I thought I’d lost you.”“For a moment there, I thought I was gone.”She sniffed and buried her head in his neck.“That was the scariest night of my life.”Myles pulled back and cupped her face in his hands.“Addison, I love you with every ounce of my being, but this is my life.I risk it all every night -”“I know.”“-to help those that need it.If it’s too much-”“It’s not.”“-then I understand.There isn’t just the hunting, it’s also my family being werewolves.And lest we forget, there’s Delphine.”“Are you listening to me?” Addison demanded as he pulled his hands away.“I know it’s dangerous.I know this is your life.I know you’re a werewolf, and that if we ever have children, they will be, as well.I know there’s Delphine, and vampires, witches, djinn,, and demons.I know all of it, and I still remain beside you.”He stared at her for a full minute.Addison shook her head as she looked up at him.“You saved my life.You saved Minka’s life.How many people have you and your family saved, Myles?”“I don’t know,” he said with a shrug.“You bear a curse not of your doing.That in itself is amazing,” she said.“But then you go the extra mile and protect the Quarter, at the peril of your own life.I know what’s out there now.I’ll never look at the Quarter the same again, but knowing you and your brothers are there to protect as many as you can makes me smile.”He was the luckiest bastard to ever walk the earth.Myles kissed her hard and quick.“I’m never letting you out of my sight again.”“Good,” she said with a wicked smile.“It’s taken you long enough.”“I can be a little slow at times, but I eventually come around.”“Hm,” Addison said as she smoothed her hands down his chest.“I think I’d like to see more of your place.”“I can make that happen.”Riley made a noise at the back of her throat.“Yes, please do.You’re making all of us sick with this love talk.”Myles looked over and saw all three of his brothers standing behind Riley and Minka.Addison blushed and dropped her head onto Myles’s shoulder as everyone laughed.Today was a good day [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]