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.”Kyra cleared her throat.“Your anger is normal, Master Sergeant West.And you’ll be able to control it and all your other emotions soon.Your mind is already busy making it possible.I removed all sources of programming pain from what’s left of your cybernetics.”King snorted at the doctor’s scientific explanation and turned away before he let loose a stream of cursing guaranteed to turn the air blue.“Science can never explain how the world we saved conspired against us.”Not knowing what to say back to the man’s rational, calm statement, Kyra simply turned away.In doing so, she met the heated glares of the others with as much courage as she could exhibit while Peyton went on talking.“Your confinement is a necessary, but temporary precaution.I spent time in a cage a few weeks ago and now I’m out.If you’ve taken the time to look at the intel I provided, you’re as up to speed as I am.Individual concerns will be addressed, but at the moment we have bigger problems.The UCN and its agents are trying to stop Dr.Winters from freeing more cyborgs like us.Her life is now in danger because she’s worked out the restoration process most of the world still believes is impossible.I was her first success.You five are the next ones because I will not accept less than your full recuperation.”King hit the bars of his cage rattling them with the force of his anger.“Are you telling us every Cyber Soldier was turned into a slave?”Peyton nodded.“Yes.A cyborg remains unaware of their captive situations until Dr.Winters frees them.I don’t know how yet, but I plan to change that for all cyborgs.To do it, I’m going to need your help—all of your help.”“What happened to our families.our real families? How could they just go along with this shit and let us be sold to the highest bidder?”Kyra looked at Lance Corporal Marcus Kells and lifted her chin to answer his question.“Like you were deceived about the restoration, your families were deceived into thinking that cyborgs were nothing more than war-time killing machines.Some families demanded proof.When that happened, you were programmed to act in ways that validated what the military wanted your family to think.”Marcus glared at her.“So you’re telling me my children think their father is nothing more than a robotic killing machine?”Kyra shook her head.“No.not.necessarily.I can’t actually say what they think.Hopefully someday you can find that information out for yourself.But today is not that day.Today you get to decide how you’re going to handle what was done to you.You can get too mad to help and that would prove them right.Or you can let the agony of your captivity eat away at your gut until you see your own death as some kind of answer.That’s what two cyborgs did before Peyton, who got mad and destroyed his bed.Please choose what motivates you to survive this and take back control of your fate.Anger seems a more healthy reaction, but just remember we’re in hiding from the world and beds aren’t exactly falling from the sky here.”She saw Marcus turn away from her lecture to stare blankly off into space.She made a mental note to keep an eye on him.“When do we get out of the cage?”Kyra turned to look at Corporal Eric Anderson.“In approximately three days you’ll be released.Your emotions are returning and it takes a bit of time to process them all.On the third day, you’ll be mentally tested.If you pass, you’ll be let out of the cage.Two weeks after that, if all goes well, your mobile restraints will be removed.”“You mean these fancy bracelets?” Eric asked, holding up his wrists to look at them in disgust.“We used these on POWs we captured.Now I’m wearing a set.This is a bucket load of shit, Doc.”Kyra nodded.“Yes it is.Worse—if I have to activate it for one of you, all of you will feel the impact.I regret this extreme action but there are humans helping here that have to be protected.Despite Captain Elliott’s relative success, restoration is still an indeterminate process.”Eric snorted.“Hey now, Doc.What kind of word is ‘indeterminate’? Didn’t Captain Elliott tell you we were the good guys?”Kyra’s lip trembled, but she refused to cry.Another charming cyborg.They seemed to get to her most.“Yes.Captain Elliott did tell me that, and I believe him, Corporal.I wish I had a better way to handle the situation, but this is all I know to do at this time.”Peyton’s hand clamping hard on her shoulder instantly stopped the tears that had started flowing.“That’s enough explaining, Kyra.They’re okay with precautions because nothing bad is going to happen.Right, Marines?”Kyra counted their nodding heads—everyone nodded but Marcus.She started to say something to get his attention, but the door sliding open behind her stopped the words from reaching her mouth.She watched Peyton turn and move lightning fast toward whoever entered, but a pulse cannon blast to his chest sent him flying past her.“No!” Kyra yelled as Peyton landed in a heap on the floor.She looked at Brad in shock before running to Peyton’s side.“Relax.Borg Man is going to be fine, Dr.Winters.Up close like this, I can see how someone his size would be fun in the sack for you, but don’t tell me you actually care about what happens to him? He’s a cyborg [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]