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.“Luke, I didn’t mean—”“I’m still trapped in a master-slave relationship, and you want me to be your husband?” He laughed.“Be a slave twice over? I’ve done that once already, thanks, even if it wasn’t in the sight of any government organization.I don’t really even have a choice, Master, but I’m going to resist it as long as I can because I want to be free.” He disappeared.Mark’s jaw dropped.But I didn’t mean… Luke, I wasn’t trying to… His thoughts made no sense.How could he manage to tell his lover how he felt?I don’t know what kind of genie he is.“A happiness-wish genie,” Mark muttered, only half-aware he’d spoken.A hundred-year genie…“In which case I’d be dead by the time he got out of the lamp… Or an instantly free…“Blue fuck!” Mark slapped his forehead.“The research!”He started for his laptop case.Shortly after returning from the fiasco-turned-miracle in September of their first year together, he’d delved into SearchLight’s archives, needing to know everything about genie-master contracts.He’d been crazy in love, craving the chance to first free and then marry Luke as soon as possible.But running headlong into anything had always bitten him in the ass.Agony flared in his temples, much worse than the there-and-gone stab of pain he’d felt a few hours ago.He dropped his laptop case, sparing not a thought for the delicate piece of equipment inside as he staggered forward several steps, trying to make it to the couch.With the heels of his hands pressed to his temples, he went down well shy of the soft cushions, barely feeling the jarring crack of his knees hitting the hardwood floor.What is this?A twisted echo of his thought came back to him in Luke’s voice.“This is what I get for forgetting.I’m a slave.”He’d heard his lover’s thought.Had picked Luke’s thought out of his mind.With that realization, Mark knew the pain he felt wasn’t his own.Which means I’m feeling a fraction of what Luke’s suffering.His lover must have worked magic without his permission.Mark could apologize later for accidentally reading his lover’s thoughts.Right now his genie lover needed him.He staggered to his feet, shoving the pain down as far as it would go.The day he’d become Mark’s genie, Luke had explained the rules and limitations by which he lived.He had to stay until he found Mark’s happiness-wish.Check: Luke, or more specifically his love for Mark, was Mark’s happiness-wish, because Mark had fallen in love with Luke almost against his will.Luke couldn’t use his magic to kill anyone, not even in Mark’s defense.Most importantly, he couldn’t work magic that affected Mark without the dragon’s permission, or he would suffer terrible pain.Mark reached the cupboard where Luke kept his lamp when he was home.Instead of simply taking the vessel in his hands, thereby letting Luke know he was there to lend support, Mark rubbed the lamp, forcing the genie out.Luke poofed into existence on the kitchen floor.He’d curled into a tight ball, and his eyes were squeezed shut.Mark’s throat closed, and his voice came out harsh.“I give you permission for whatever magic you used on me.”But his lover sobbed and huddled more into himself.“It’s not…not that kind of backlash.”Mark knelt beside him, hands clenching and unclenching.“Can I help you?”“No.” Luke opened his eyes.His gaze was unfocused.“I just have to ride this out.”How long will it last? How do I help you? Mark held his tongue.This was his fault.If he’d only freed Luke, his lover wouldn’t be in pain now.He felt his laptop, with whatever secrets it held, somewhere behind him.Dimly, he remembered scribbling something on a piece of paper and shoving it in his pocket right before Luke came to bed one night.At the time, he’d thought something like, I’ll talk to him about this in the morning.What had happened the next morning to drive the important information from his mind?Luke jerked, and his right foot connected solidly with Mark’s shin.Mark winced, more for his lover than for himself, but Luke’s expression didn’t even register the pain.His eyes were closed again.“Please be all right,” Mark whispered, his lips barely moving.He forced his mind back to the scrap of paper.The acceptance letter had come from SearchLight Academy the next morning.Luke had been expected to report the next day.Was Luke relaxing? No; wishful thinking.Blue fuck.He chewed the inside of his lip hard enough to start a blood blister.Once Luke was at the academy, Mark had been called overseas to negotiate a treaty between a dragon herd in Japan and an invading herd from China.Less than a week later, Reese had kidnapped him, calling it their anniversary.As always, Mark let the first and third parts of that evening flash through his mind, skipping over the middle.He’d forgotten.None of what happened between October of ’04 and mid-January of ’05 was an excuse, but it was the truth.He’d lost the scrap of paper where he’d written his research, and now he couldn’t remember why he hadn’t freed Luke two years ago.Or married him.Luke moaned, fumbling across the floor with his left hand.Mark took the strong fingers in his own, letting Luke hold on as hard as he needed.Except… He chased the thought as it skittered away.Except something about freeing Luke could be dangerous.* * * *The current of agony snapped off like a switch being flipped.Luke remained curled in on himself for another few breaths until his nerves decided to quit jumping, and then he released a sigh and rolled to a sitting position.Night had fallen.Mark knelt nearby; sweat soaked his dress shirt and gleamed on his forehead and nose [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]