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.I’ve e-mailed and left messages at your door and with the doorman, Howard.Howard seems to be the only one who’s seen you, and can verify that you are indeed alive.Please call me ASAP, Mr.Romano, it’s important.”“Logan, it’s your agent, Hank Barnes.Remember me? Remember we had an appointment this morning? I’ve e-mailed and texted you at least a dozen times.And I’ve been calling you for weeks.This is the first time your mailbox wasn’t full.Logan, I talked to Matt.He told me you’re going through some personal shit.I’m sorry about that, kid, but we need to talk about your future with the Rangers.They want to meet.They called me, Logan.That means they want to negotiate.Call me.Please.”Day thirty-five….“Logan, pick up, please.Matt and I are seriously worried.This has gone on for too long.”“Logan, it’s Sam.What the hell is going on? Matt and Allie have called me, your parents, your siblings, your manager, and I just received a third message from the property manager at the Tower.She told me it was imperative she speaks with you.I’m in Hong Kong.It looks like I’m going to be here for a couple of weeks.Please call me, Logan.I’m worried about you.”Day thirty-seven….“Mr.Romano, this is Kelly Stevenson, again.I’ve called and e-mailed you several times and you haven’t responded.I’ve also had Howard attach messages to your take-out and liquor deliveries.So I know you’ve received them.It’s imperative that you respond.ASAP.”Day forty….“Logan, it’s Sam.Leaving notes on your door telling everyone you’re alive and to fuck off isn’t funny.I need to talk to you, Logan.I’m worried and… I miss you.For fuck sakes, call me.”Day forty-two….“Mr.Romano, this is Kelly Stevenson, again.Howard said you got my notices that the apartment is being rented out and you need to vacate as soon as possible.We’ve also been getting complaints about odors coming from your apartment.Knowing that you are a personal friend of Ms.Grant’s, I’ve left several messages with her.Her PA called me and told me she’s in London, and asks that you call her.”Day forty-five….Knock.Knock.Knock.“Logan!” Allie yells.“Matt and I are coming in.Sam got us a key.Sam’s mad as hell, by the way.”“Go away.Leave me the fuck alone.I’m breaking up with you,” I yell.“You can’t break up with us, you idiot,” Allie yells back.“Holy crap!” Matt shouts.“What the fuck is that smell?”“Oh my God, that’s so gross.The fumes can’t be good for the baby.We need to get in and get out.What the…Matt, get in here,” she shouts.“Where are you?” Matt yells.“Stop yelling,” I shout as I hold my hands over my ears.“In the hallway across from the kitchen.”“What’s going on babe?”“Is that pepperoni on that pizza or is it…?”“Fuck if I know what it is.”“Make sure you don’t step on anything.” She says.“If I’d known it was this bad I would have gotten us some of those bootie thingies.”“Bootie thingies?”“Those blue thingies you slide over your shoes.”“Oh.”“Oh.My.Hell! Al, get in here.”“What’s wrong?”“Come look in the fridge.The motherfucker is growing penicillin!”“Ew.That’s disgusting.Why are you looking in the fridge anyway?”“I was looking for a beer.”Allie slaps the side of my head.“Get the hell up, Romano.”“Leave me alone.” I place my pillow over my head, wishing Allie away, wishing all of them away.Why can’t they all just leave me the fuck alone? This is America, isn’t it? The land of the free, and brave, and leave the poor motherfucker Canadian alone in his Trump Tower apartment.What’s the world coming to when a guy can’t wallow in his own misery, in his own place? Okay, so technically I don’t own it, but still…“Not going to happen, Romano.”She pulls the pillow off my face.“Hey, give that back.” I grab it from her and put it back where it’s been for days.“Go away, Allie,” I say through the pillow.“Did you find him?” Matt calls from the kitchen area.“He’s in here.”“Oh, my God.I didn’t even see him under all that… What the hell is that?”“I think it was once his laundry.”“It’s my tent.Stop pulling at it [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]