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.Not again.He fought back, kicking, punching the air.He was bigger now.Stronger now.He could fight back.“Listen to my voice.” Kane was at his ear, whispering to him.“Listen to me.Stay with me.”Syren couldn’t, not when those images in his head remained.Not when they prevented him from having a normal life.“We’re making new memories,” Kane said patiently.He pressed his front to Syren’s back and his cock nestled in the cleft of Syren’s ass.“Feel me.I’m touching you and nothing about this is wrong, nothing about it is bad.”Syren’s cries dipped to whimpers.“I want you.” Kane kissed his neck.“I want to make love to you, take you, fuck you when you’re ready.” He rocked into Syren, his shaft sliding up and down his cleft.Jesus.Chapter Eight“You get me so fucking hard.Your skin and your eyes and those sexy panties,” Kane growled.“You make me forget I’m not supposed to care about anyone else.” His voice caught on the last word, emotion heavy in his tone.“We’re both making new memories, so stay with me,” Kane begged as he rocked his cock in the oily valley of Syren’s crack.“Don’t let them win, don’t let the bad memories win.”Syren lifted his head.“Kane.”“Yes, it’s me.” Kane grabbed him by the jaw and kissed him, deep and thorough.“New memories.” He smiled down at Syren with red-rimmed eyes.“Let’s make some more.” He rolled off Syren and sat at the edge of the bed.“Come here.” He patted his lap.Syren crawled over to him, not to look alluring, but because he didn’t think he’d be able to stand.Kane held up a condom.“Take control.Ride me.”“What?” Syren gaped at him.“I don’t want to take control.I’m always in control.”“No, you’re not.” Kane pulled him onto his lap and positioned Syren until Kane’s cock was teasing at his entrance.“You’re not in control sexually and you need to be, even if it’s this once.” He tore open the condom and rolled it on as Syren watched in fascination.He had so much to learn.“Here.” Kane held out a tube of lube and Syren took it.He squeezed a generous amount onto Kane then dropped the lube onto the bed and grasped Kane’s shaft firmly, massaging the lube into the condom.His eyes were on his task but Kane’s breath was loud and ragged as he pushed into Syren’s touch.“Okay.” Kane held him aloof as he positioned his cock to Syren’s entrance.“Look at me.”Syren did with his lip between his teeth.“See who’s inside you, who’s loving you,” Kane murmured.His cock pressed into Syren who pushed down.Kane’s lashes fluttered.“Goddamn.”The burn brought the sting of tears to Syren’s eyes, but he held Kane’s gaze as he sank down even more.“You feel—fuck—you feel like heaven.”A tear slid down Syren’s cheek.It was happening and he hadn’t lost his mind or jumped out of his skin.The pain was immense, the stretch and burn unavoidable, but he sank down on Kane until his ass met the top of his lover’s thighs.A smile wobbled on his lips.“You’re inside me.” No small amount of wonder colored those words.Kane sank his fingers into Syren’s hair and leaned forward.“I’m inside you and you’re still in control.” His pupils were dilated, cheekbones flushed bright, but he smiled sweetly.“You set the pace, you take what you need.”“You.” Syren wrapped his legs around Kane, hooking his ankles behind him on the bed.“I need you.”Kane’s lips hovered over his.“Then take me.” He mashed their mouths together.Syren clung to him and rocked back and forth, testing.His movements sent zings of heat and pleasure to his groin and lower belly.He did it again and faster, rocking back and forth and up and down as Kane sucked on his mouth like a man in need of sustenance.Between their writhing bodies Syren’s cock rubbed on the satin hardness of Kane’s stomach, drooling pre-cum, painting him with it and sticking them together.Maybe later he’d be able to process what Kane did, claiming him and controlling him by giving Syren the power, but now, right now, the thick cock inside him was hitting secret places, making him see stars.He moaned into Kane’s mouth, fingers twisting into his hair.There was no pace to set, just the flow of their joined bodies straining together, doing what came naturally.Kane thrust up into him, the jolts of electricity making him pant and his chest heave.Nothing had prepared him for pleasure like he was experiencing, nothing prepared him for experiencing it with Kane.Syren was glad.He’d never shared this with anyone before and he knew as Kane reached between them and stroked him firmly he’d never share this moment with anyone else.This was all about him and Kane.About him once again daring to dream of a future beyond the life he led at the moment.A sob caught in his throat and he also made note to be embarrassed about crying like a fucking teenage girl.But later.Like when Kane wasn’t trying to fuck him through his slit with a very determined pinky.“Ugh.” Syren threw his head back.“God.”“Not so much.” Kane chuckled at his throat.“I want you to come on me.” He cupped Syren’s balls and squeezed.“Right now.” He bit down on Syren’s throat, hard.“Oh fuck!” Syren’s ass clenched.Kane growled and bucked up, nailing that place inside him.The pleasure reached its fever pitch and spilled over, Syren’s release splashing all over Kane’s ripped front.“Yeah.” Kane growled against his throat.“Fucking gorgeous watching you come.” He anchored his hand in Syren’s hair and thrust up once, twice then his entire body shuddered, the muscles in his arms and neck straining, bulging as he reached his own climax.He dropped his head on Syren’s shoulder with a deep sigh.Both held each other tight as their bodies worked through the aftershocks.Syren clenched around Kane still nestled inside him.The other man growled and nipped his neck and shoulder.They were sweaty and sticky and Syren already felt the effects of having Kane inside him, but damn, he loved that moment.Nobody speaking, just labored breaths and clamoring heartbeats breaking the silence, the mingled scents of sex and lube and sweat perfuming the air.Simple and messy and amazing [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]